Evidence Indicates COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES

winn dixie's Avatar
Trust in "R"! Donate now to save grey matter!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s fooling you and you don’t like it!


(Seriously guys, please piss in the punch bowl for another year. Hell, make it 10! Eventually, you or a loved one will die, but you’ll have made your point.)
Can stop reading at Gateway Pundit
  • Tiny
  • 12-09-2021, 07:44 PM
I don't know if COVID-19 arose in a wet market, went directly from bats to humans, leaked from a lab, or was a product of gain of function research. But I'm sure as hell going to but more credence in what Michael Worobey has to say about this than some joker on Gateway Pundit. And Worobey in a recent paper published in the prestigious journal Science says this may have arisen from a seafood market in Wuhan.

Billions upon billions of doses administered , zero to scant adverse outcomes, yet 4 million dead of covid. among the ignorant unvacccinated
DARPA grant application? That is retarded, No such thing. A 100 percent federally funded entity applying for federal assistance? Such ignorance.
Billions upon billions of doses administered , zero to scant adverse outcomes, yet 4 million dead of covid. among the ignorant unvacccinated Originally Posted by tobias1988

Not really, the ignorant unvaccinated are the majority of the ones that have died in the US in the past 10 or so months.

In other parts of the world they would be happy to take the vaccine if it was available, they haven't died from listening to MTG or Gaetz, but because they didn't have the option to protect themselves and their families.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't even let people in my house unless they are vaccinated. It's not because of me because I really don't care, but I have more people than just me when I have friends and family over.

If someone doesn't have enough fucking sense to listen to medical experts, I am not going to subject others in my house to them just because I am willing to put up with their illogical and stupid ass reasons to be anti vaxx.

I was anti vaxx and anti-mask too, but as more information/data became more readily available, I have to be smart enough to adapt and realize I was wrong and not remain stubborn just because I didn't want to be told what to do... oh, and it also helped that I was not allowed into most stores when I wasn't wearing a mask. They don't play that shit where I live.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I don't know if COVID-19 arose in a wet market, went directly from bats to humans, leaked from a lab, or was a product of gain of function research. But I'm sure as hell going to but more credence in what Michael Worobey has to say about this than some joker on Gateway Pundit. And Worobey in a recent paper published in the prestigious journal Science says this may have arisen from a seafood market in Wuhan.

https://eeb.arizona.edu/person/michael-worobey Originally Posted by Tiny
So now you are quoting an evolutionary biologist on this issue. That's interesting.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
using common sense and geometric logic i have determined i am simply too unhealthy to be "cured".

LexusLover's Avatar
Billions of doses of all of covid vaccines have been given, essentially zero adverse effects. Originally Posted by tobias1988
You must stay glued to CNN.

#1, and primarily #1, the "adverse effects" of "vaccines" are generally not surfacing until decades after their distribution...like a lot of chemical compositions and equipment that is marketed around this country.

When the screening agencies in our governments are politically driven by an agenda the negatives rarely surface until an administration arrives which is concerned about the welfare of the people living in the U.S. and using or consuming the untested and offensive pharmaceuticals and products.

These alleged vaccines (the ones your candidates said they would not take, because Trump had the produced ... so you voted for those self-proclaimed "medical-scientists") were inadequately tested for mandatory distribution to all people ... and are not necessary for millions of people in this country. Just one example: Thalidomide. The medical reporting history was BURIED in FDA documents for years.
  • Tiny
  • 12-12-2021, 06:14 AM
So now you are quoting an evolutionary biologist on this issue. That's interesting. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Like I already told you, I didn’t know what I was talking about when I slammed Bret Weinstein. Worobey’s expertise is in the origins and emergence and control of viruses. I don’t think Weinstein’s is, but you’d know better than me.

Ducbutter's Avatar
Like I already told you, I didn’t know what I was talking about when I slammed Bret Weinstein. Worobey’s expertise is in the origins and emergence and control of viruses. I don’t think Weinstein’s is, but you’d know better than me.

https://eeb.arizona.edu/person/michael-worobey Originally Posted by Tiny
Just teasing old boy .I don't know anything about Worobey but I'll investigate. I do know, and this will sound pat, that Science isn't the publication it used to be. I will however, go back and give it a thorough read. And I can guarantee you that I know less about this than you seem to think I do. Maybe I'm wrong though and you really don't think I know much. Ha! All good.