Follow the money....

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'll take my profits over a fucking delusional mission any day of the week and you can bet that shit....
.... It's all about the money to me too....
.... I only did it for the money and I'm not going to apologize for that.... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The only people that complain about others getting rich are fools that can’t make money.

Y’all can miss us with that “mission” bullshit.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The only people that complain about others getting rich are fools that can’t make money.

Y’all can miss us with that “mission” bullshit. Originally Posted by NoirMan
The OP is saying I want people to die and suffer so I can make money. What in the fuck is he even talking about? All I do is say to all of these anti vaxx clowns is to get vaccinated for your own sake and for the sake of others you're around.

When did I say I want people to die? I just basically said if you don't want to get vaccinated, I don't give a fuck if you die because that was your choice to be a knucklehead and you won't pass it along to others who don't want it. Big difference but that doesn't fit his narrative, so he decided to twist my words to try to shine me in a bad light. Or maybe his reading comprehension skills just suck.
Spoken like a true progressive; spend, spend, spend...
As for the Elf on the Shelf, Fauci's track record as a "infectious disease professional" is one of failure after failure and now we hear lie after lie. He failed on HIV. He failed on SARS. He is failing now and people are dying.

I did notice that all of you got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. I didn't know you guys were like that. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You have nothing to back up Fauci being a failure.
... Fauci's own results make him a FAILURE!

He's lost in space and lookin' for his "parachute"
- he'll be gone soon.

#### Salty
[QUOTE=NoirMan;1062695384]The only people that complain about others getting rich are fools that can’t make money.

That's your whole Democrat Party!

"TAX the rich!" .... "TAX the rich!" ... "TAX the rich!"

### Salty
NM, you're wasting your time posting facts with these old stuck in their ways Trumpsters. It's just going to fall on deaf ears. You might as well just go talk to yourself because they're not going to listen. They don't care about facts. You have to be on Fox for that to them. Their minds are already made up so they may hear you, but they are certainly not listening to you if you don't share and agree with their distorted political views. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... Hee Hee! You should change your name to JOHN McCain.

### Salty
[QUOTE=Salty Again;1062695438]
The only people that complain about others getting rich are fools that can’t make money.

That's your whole Democrat Party!

"TAX the rich!" .... "TAX the rich!" ... "TAX the rich!"

### Salty Originally Posted by NoirMan
I know you can read. I said nothing about taxes. I did say I love making money. And I do it very well. Now some people on this board wrote stupid shit like “I think the mission is important.” Yeah whatever. Those of us that make plenty will keep doing it. Those that scrape by, God bless ‘em. I’ve also said I don’t care about paying more taxes, never dissuaded me from making more money and never will. Mainly because I’ll just find more shelters to reduce my tax liability since “tax avoidance” is illegal.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
NVM. I fucked up a quote so as a punishment to myself, I'm not allowed to redo it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
NM, you're wasting your time posting facts with these old stuck in their ways Trumpsters. It's just going to fall on deaf ears. You might as well just go talk to yourself because they're not going to listen. They don't care about facts. You have to be on Fox for that to them. Their minds are already made up so they may hear you, but they are certainly not listening to you if you don't share and agree with their distorted political views. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Thankfully, your mind isn't already made up, right?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sometimes the stupid is strong with ECCIE Economists.

Pfizer’s revenue since 2010 averages about 50 billion a year. 2021 will be about 70 so banner year but not surprising since they are producing one very needed drug for a lot of the world. The conspiratists believe all this is designed to make Pfizer 20B more dollars in revenue. Which by the way doesn’t translate to 20B in profit. Considering they are a 330B company, this is all chump change in the big scheme of things. .

2021 will likely be 70 so
2020 revenue was 46B
2019 revenue 48
2018 51
2017 50
2016 52B Originally Posted by NoirMan

Can't even get through a post without insulting people, huh?
HedonistForever's Avatar

I know you can read. I said nothing about taxes. I did say I love making money. And I do it very well. Now some people on this board wrote stupid shit like “I think the mission is important.” Yeah whatever. Those of us that make plenty will keep doing it. Those that scrape by, God bless ‘em. I’ve also said I don’t care about paying more taxes, never dissuaded me from making more money and never will. Mainly because I’ll just find more shelters to reduce my tax liability since “tax avoidance” is illegal. Originally Posted by Salty Again

Apparently you can't write a post without insults, huh?

HedonistForever's Avatar
The OP has no perspective at all. Just another Trump lover. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Says the Biden lover with no perspective. Too funny for words.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I’ve also said I don’t care about paying more taxes, never dissuaded me from making more money and never will. Mainly because I’ll just find more shelters to reduce my tax liability since “tax avoidance” is illegal. Originally Posted by Salty Again
The rich get away with so much...from carried interest, to 1031 exchanges, to stepped up basis, to Qualified small business stock schemes with relatives. Not to mention Rollover Roth IRA abuse. Who needs Swiss Bank Accounts?
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't give a shit about Biden. You made it up, and lied about a lot of other stuff.

Russians are dying in record numbers. Maybe that is part of the overall plan too.