pleasant surprise

ck1942's Avatar
... yearned to get into ladies' lacy panties ...
.keep going
while the ladies were wearing them, of course.


Just hadta do that!
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol ck

I have a visual in my mind of you wearing sexy pink lacey panties...and Im sitting on your lap

Just sayin lol
sue_nami's Avatar
It's a big diverse world, everyone likes what they like. there is no accounting for taste. no need to shame and bully those who like stuff different than you do. I enjoy allowing someone to let their inner freak flag fly and be their real self with no fear of shaming or ridicule just because they know what they like and are brave enough to act on it. I think it is refreshing and exciting when someone has a harmless intimate secret and they are willing to share that with me. Tolerance for those who are different from you is a good thing, tolerance and diversity is what makes the world interesting and safe for all. if it is not your deal, that is cool, just be tolerant of those who like something different than you and celebrate diversity in all it's forms. no one is forcing you to wear ladies panties or even asking you to enjoy seeing a man doing it. we just ask for all to be safe and free from abuse just because they like it. live and let live and love everyone. my arms and my heart are open to those brave enough to be their true self and live outside the tiny prescribed box of what is considered normal by a small minority of close minded judgemental folks. it takes a lot to be brave and explore that is considered weird or out of step with the mainstream. power to the freaks, and the bold explorers marching to their own drummers.
sue_nami's Avatar
and Ellen you are wrong, it is not for shock value and Kid you are wrong, it does not lead to any one certain type of play like anal. they do it because they crave it and want to and it makes them feel good and sexy. Ellen your shock is not what turns them on. I would say my acceptance and sharing of their joy is what turns them on. and Kid the guys who like panties on are not the same guys who like pegging at all. 2 entirely different fetishes and desires without much if any overlap. it is interesting how your mind goes straight there tho. things that make u go HMMMMM.
My mind goes there because you specialize in corn holes.
sue_nami's Avatar
no i specialize in pleasure, joy and tolerance. if they are into it, then I can help. it is not what most guys come to me for. see my 145+ yes reviews and see how few actually go for anal play. you are wrong again and it is just one of many options and not the most popular or in demand pleasure option. most guys just want to be accepted, loved for who they are and allowed to explore their intimate desires in a judgement free zone. the fact that you are obsessed with it is why u continually bring it up.
No obsession. Look at the multiple threads you've posted over the years that discuss stuffing a dudes ass.

No worries. My last post for a few weeks. Going to Europe in the morning. Unless I get bored that is.
Dev Null's Avatar
So just to get this straight, we have a thread about frilly panties, and one person keeps bringing up butt play.

How is that not an obsession?
casa-nova's Avatar
Cross Dressing has been around for a long time!
Little Monster's Avatar
me too Moneykavegas, I just want folks to feel free to let their inner freak flag fly and not be ashamed. You know, a huge step in the right direction is the new attention to the eccie rules enforcing the ban on bullying. in the past, any guy or woman who dared mention enjoying something like this would get serious troll attention and flamed in coed. there are way more freaks out there who now may feel free to express their inner desires and pleasures here without fear of ridicule and abuse. why judge what gets another person horny if it is harmless like this? I feel that what goes on between 2 consenting adults is really no one's business to judge. Originally Posted by sue_nami
It seems to me that a discussion of shit is off topic when I am talking of men in ladies panties. Originally Posted by sue_nami
If a guy gets off on wearing women's panties so be it. It is his business as well as his right. Live and let live is what I say.

I myself know all about being ridiculed for being into different things. I've gotten it for loving to rub & kiss women's feet. I've gotten it for loving to have a woman piss all over my face. I've gotten it for being turned on by women who don't shave their vag & armpits.

Sue whether you realize it or not it was you who derailed your own thread. All of the replies in this thread were supportive and on topic until YOU brought up the subject of bullying and trolling for no reason. The "days of ECCIE past" were every bit as off topic as the subject of "shit" was. Why you felt the need to bring that up says a lot about you.

Anywho. I'm glad you had fun with the client who wore women's panties to y'alls session. More power to you. Let the days of ECCIE past go and just have fun. I think those bullies and trolls you speak of really did get to you. Hobby on Chic!
So if a man gets an erection after seeing my look of shock then you are saying that does NOT get him off? You need to talk to a sexual expert - perhaps then you will appreciate different view points. Right now - you are not open minded.
And btw - I don't care what others do - just don't push shit on me that I don't like. Always remember - all people do not like the same things as you do. You need to respect that Sue.

and Ellen you are wrong, it is not for shock value and Kid you are wrong, it does not lead to any one certain type of play like anal. they do it because they crave it and want to and it makes them feel good and sexy. Ellen your shock is not what turns them on. I would say my acceptance and sharing of their joy is what turns them on. and Kid the guys who like panties on are not the same guys who like pegging at all. 2 entirely different fetishes and desires without much if any overlap. it is interesting how your mind goes straight there tho. things that make u go HMMMMM. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Dev Null's Avatar
So if a man gets an erection after seeing my look of shock then you are saying that does NOT get him off? You need to talk to a sexual expert - perhaps then you will appreciate different view points. Right now - you are not open minded.
And btw - I don't care what others do - just don't push shit on me that I don't like. Always remember - all people do not like the same things as you do. You need to respect that Sue. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Did you ask him if he did it to get off on the shock value, or are you just assuming that was the reason?

I mean obviously there is some shock value in wearing women's sexy underwear under men's clothing, but maybe he thought the expression on your face was just pleasant surprise. People don't always interpret facial expressions accurately.

And maybe the rocket in his pocket was just because he was glad to see you.

So far we have 3 providers approving and only one disapproving. Presumably the response from providers is usually more positive, and he might not have known that you wouldn't like it.

Did you tell him that you didn't like it, or did you just play along as if you did?

Any other providers care to weigh in? We don't have a whole lot of data points just yet.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have couple pics on the other site of some of my gents in ladies panties/lingerie
No Dev, I don't disapprove. What people want to do is their business. I do not care. It's just not for me. If he would of told me before hand I would of gently said I was not the provider for him.

Did you ask him if he did it to get off on the shock value, or are you just assuming that was the reason?

I mean obviously there is some shock value in wearing women's sexy underwear under men's clothing, but maybe he thought the expression on your face was just pleasant surprise. People don't always interpret facial expressions accurately.

And maybe the rocket in his pocket was just because he was glad to see you.

So far we have 3 providers approving and only one disapproving. Presumably the response from providers is usually more positive, and he might not have known that you wouldn't like it.

Did you tell him that you didn't like it, or did you just play along as if you did?

Any other providers care to weigh in? We don't have a whole lot of data points just yet. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Whatever happened to the good ol' days of discretion and keeping private matters private? Nowadays, folks go on and blab about this and yap about that. Not my thing. But if a dude wants to wear women's drawers, more power to him. I just think that if'n he does, he shouldn't have to concern himself with reading about it by a provider he chose to visit. The hobby always seems to work best when folks keep their own counsel. Just my opinion, mind you.