The inevitable bad mood.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
SNL I think 110% is subpar for you Originally Posted by Logan135
welcome back Logan!
MsElena... Oh but what do you do about the guy that really wants you to want to be Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
My bad mood usually disappears once the true fun begins. But, that also depends on if he truly knows what he's doing.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
My bad mood usually disappears once the true fun begins. But, that also depends on if he truly knows what he's doing.

Originally Posted by MsElena
so true Ms Eleana

Music can alter my mood dramatically , so I just crank it up and start dancing. That helps me
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-06-2011, 07:10 AM
A more complex question than it first appears.

It all depends upon how well I know the lady. Waking up in a bad mood (or having the events of the day put me in a bad mood) works both ways.

For someone I have not met, or only know a little, I have occasionally rescheduled a date because I know I will be in no mood to make it mutually enjoyable. If we can reschedule, that is the first choice. If no, and I am the one cancelling a couple hours before, I offer an inconvenience fee--sometimes accepted, sometimes not.

For a few of my long term friends I will call and let them know. I will then see them, only the mood of the session changes. Less sex, more friendship--but valued just as much. I've discussed this with some of these ladies and I believe it is directly connected to the kind of ladies I usually choose to see--more mature in spirit (somewhat independent of age), more a geisha/courtesan type. After all, the purpose of spending time with a lovely young lady is to improve one's mood/feeling--and the good ones, once they know me, can push the buttons appropriate to my needs that day.

Turning back to the original question, I would expect the same from a lady having a bad day: if she is someone new, please let me know and we'll try to reschedule--I don't see anything magnanimous in that at all, just astute awareness of how people interact. But if it is a longtime friend, I'd hope she would let me do what I can to brighten her mood.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I almost always wake in a good mood. Something may try to kill it during the course of a day, but why let it? Simply remember that life is short, shake it off and don't waste time allowing a "bad mood" to take over. I know my attitude is not very typical, but I believe most people can control "moods" better than they think. It's a matter of keeping a positive attitude, despite the things in life that can bring ya down. You can see things every day that affect your attitude negatively, but if ya have any self control, you can then look for the things that have a more positive affect on your attitude.

I am talking about normal bad moods, not hormonal, (for some this can be an issue) traumatic or hurtful situations that occur and take time to get over. So....Think Positive and before ya know it you'll forget you were in an other than awesome frame of mind!
I only have one person that I will see if I am in a bad mood and ONLY because if I see him I know I will end up in a great mood. But my threshold for a bad mood is pretty high. If my day is so shitty I am in tears (not a normal occurrence by any means) I will cancel and reschedule and try to make it up in some way. But if I wake up cranky and feeling like.........."god if I have to see one more dick today" that is passing. Any time I have stood in the shower and felt like I really wanted to cancel because I just didn't care ended up being one of the best appointments ever.
My regulars understand when I tell them I'm have an off day and we reschedule. But some guys plan ahead and our visit is the highlight of their week. They either don't understand how women work, lol, or they don't care. I'm lucky that I'm in a position where I don't need to take every client that calls, so I include that as a criteria in my screening - that they be a little more mature and realistic. I feel bad when I have to cancel, but I feel even worse when I gave them a less than 100% session.
burkalini's Avatar
Personally I would prefer that the provider be honest and offer to reschedule. The reality is that the reason given on rescheduling is usually a line of bullshit. You guys have heard these before. The car broke or a relative is sick. Kinda like the dog ate my homework excuse you used in 5th grade. If I think I'm getting a line I cross the provider off the list. Now if she says it's just a bad day and I'm not at my best then I know I have an honest person and will gladly reschedule. I guess I'm saying I can't stand bullshit. It looks like a few of the providers on this thread would choose to be honest and let the hobbyist know. My hat's off to you