I will be leaving......

SaintPat's Avatar
I just wanted to add my hopes and prayers in regards to your family situation
steverino50's Avatar
Let me add my voice to the others. Prayers and best wishes!
St.Mateo's Avatar
Fawn prayers are with you Be safe
If you need anything, call me. I'll be sending lots of love and light.
Love you girl. If you need me, give me a call.
bkat6049's Avatar
Hugs and prayers sweet girl...It's not fun when these things happen...
Best wishes to you and yours.
always thinkin about you fawn!
Fawn , my heart goes out to you, may everything work out for the best and if I can help in any way you have my numberxoxo chelsea
rakuguy's Avatar
we all have to deal with these things from time to time. can be a very tough time but it also tends to bring the family closer together. reminds us of what is really important. hang in there Fawn and take care.
Good luck Fawn.

I am in the 'neighborhood' if you need anything...
shooter6.5's Avatar
as I know you do. If there is anything I can do in your absence drop me a note.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 05-23-2010, 01:32 PM
...and remember to take care of YOURSELF during this time too......

fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar

Please take care. T&P with you and your family during this time.

berkleigh's Avatar
I hope everything is okay. I am down the road from you now if you need anything......