JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh? Add it up and what you get is:

Liberal Media: 49%

Fox News: 35%

Just sayin'. Originally Posted by Doove
You do understand what you just wrote right? That one station has over 1/3 of the news viewing audience against how many? Seven different networks....better get that foot wound looked at.

And for some idiots, every state is technically in play until the results of the election come in. Some are closer than others. Trying to make a case out of this is.......well something CJ would do.
matchingmole's Avatar
Fox News is Comedy Central
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-31-2014, 04:17 AM
You do understand what you just wrote right? That one station has over 1/3 of the news viewing audience against how many? Seven different networks. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, at least you tried, i'll give ya that.

Now, about your U6 unemployment claims.....
fox news fair and balanced.

a year ago in October
cnn,msnbc, nbc, pbs, comedy central, kindergarten kids across America had Obama up by 4-5 points and had him winning all the close states he needed to win the election

fox news had Romney up by 8 pts and had Romney trending ahead or tied in all close states but were said to lean Romney .
Yep fox news fair and balanced
sure@!! Originally Posted by bjwstw
Voter fraud !!! That why the Democrats fight so hard to keep from showing an ID while voting. Look up the precincts in Florida that had 140% of the voters show. There was an area in one of the northern states where Obama got 100% of the votes and Romney got zero. Nothing will tell me that there were not some outside forces at work to make this happen. After all the NSA can back your phone, email , a voting machine is probably child's play

BTW, polls indicate the leading 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee is Bill O'Reilly.
LexusLover's Avatar

BTW, polls indicate the leading 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee is Bill O'Reilly. Originally Posted by gnadfly

That would be an interesting 2016 "Debate" ..... O'Reilly vs. Hillarious*!!!!

*50% of the time she'd be asking what "that word" means.
Fox news the most trusted? I didn't know there were that many idiots out there.
"A survey released Monday by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press is accurate, at any given moment there are more Democrats watching Fox News than MSNBC or CNN.

According to Pew, 53 percent of MSNBC's viewers identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 47 percent at CNN and 21 percent at Fox News. Applying those percentages to the August Nielsen ratings, it means that the average number of Democrats watching Fox News is 214,200. MSNBC has 199,810 Democrats, and CNN 179,070.*

The other interesting thing in the Pew numbers is the way the audience of politically independent viewers breaks down. Predictably, higher percentages of Democrats watch CNN and MSNBc; higher percentages of Republicans watch Fox News. But all three networks have similar percentages of independents: 31 for CNN, 30 for MSNBC and 28 for Fox News.

Oh, one more thing (journalism professors who consider cable news the scourge of the profession should sit down before reading): The cable news channels are more trusted than their broadcast network counterparts -- and, for that matter, more than the New York Times. Pew's survey found that 29 percent of the people responding say they "believe all or most" of what they see on CNN, with 27 percent saying the same for Fox News. MSNBC lagged a little bit behind at 22 percent, but still ahead of ABC and CBS (21 percent), NBC and the New York Times (20 percent)..."
Read more here:

Fox news the most trusted? I didn't know there were that many idiots out there. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I thought liberals were forbidden from mentioning Wisconsin now that Scott Walker has that state functioning again.

WISCONSIN & AMERICA ARE "TRENDING" ROMNEY! Originally Posted by bigtex
BigTits is a one trick pony...................

I thought liberals were forbidden from mentioning Wisconsin now that Scott Walker has that state functioning again. Originally Posted by filbone
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2014, 07:56 AM
"A survey released Monday by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press is accurate, at any given moment there are more Democrats watching Fox News than MSNBC or CNN.

According to Pew, 53 percent of MSNBC's viewers identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 47 percent at CNN and 21 percent at Fox News. Applying those percentages to the August Nielsen ratings, it means that the average number of Democrats watching Fox News is 214,200. MSNBC has 199,810 Democrats, and CNN 179,070.*

The other interesting thing in the Pew numbers is the way the audience of politically independent viewers breaks down. Predictably, higher percentages of Democrats watch CNN and MSNBc; higher percentages of Republicans watch Fox News. But all three networks have similar percentages of independents: 31 for CNN, 30 for MSNBC and 28 for Fox News.

Oh, one more thing (journalism professors who consider cable news the scourge of the profession should sit down before reading): The cable news channels are more trusted than their broadcast network counterparts -- and, for that matter, more than the New York Times. Pew's survey found that 29 percent of the people responding say they "believe all or most" of what they see on CNN, with 27 percent saying the same for Fox News. MSNBC lagged a little bit behind at 22 percent, but still ahead of ABC and CBS (21 percent), NBC and the New York Times (20 percent)..."
Read more here: Originally Posted by Whirlaway

None of this changes the fact that Fox News does not have any competition from the right. Do you not understand that of course they would have the majority of viewers that would trust them?

But what you do not understand is that the majority of viewers still trust those so called liberal news sources.

Until you figure that out , you and Fox viewers are still going to believe that Mitt Romney is winning.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-31-2014, 02:23 PM
What's your favorite dessert?

Pie: 35%
Chocolate Ice Cream: 14%
Vanilla Ice Cream: 11%
Pistachio Ice Cream: 9%
Butter Pecan Ice Cream: 6%
Strawberry Ice Cream: 3%
Neapolitan Ice Cream : 3%
Cookie Dough Ice Cream: 3%

In dummy world, more people like pie than ice cream.
BigTits is a one trick pony................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Which is one more trick than the empty suit 'jockey' riding Trendy Trendaway's "trick pony." The same pony that lamely hobbled across the finish line. For those who may have forgotten, Trendy "The Empty Suit 'Jockey' Buffoon" Trendaway regularly shared with us a variation of the same 'weAkly' updates during the days, weeks, months, and seemingly years leading up to election day 2012.

His countless updates were all a close variation of the same worn out theme, which was:


Hey Trendy, how did your 2012 "trends" work out for you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

BTW -- so, Whirlyturd? What's your point? Is there any evidence that Fox News has had ANY influence over the American people? If the answer is yes, then how can you call them a news source?

Just another cheerleading post for the White side!
What's your favorite dessert?

Pie: 35%
Chocolate Ice Cream: 14%
Vanilla Ice Cream: 11%
Pistachio Ice Cream: 9%
Butter Pecan Ice Cream: 6%
Strawberry Ice Cream: 3%
Neapolitan Ice Cream : 3%
Cookie Dough Ice Cream: 3%

In dummy world, more people like pie than ice cream. Originally Posted by Doove
Excellent analogy. But I suspect it will fly wayyyyyyyyy over Trendy Trendaway's (and JD Idiot's) head!

Hey Trendy, can you hear me now?

Trendy, the Devil is always in the details and those tedious details seem to escape your feeble mind! Originally Posted by bigtex