Syrian Unrest...Bush Lied?...2012 Elections

You can like Superman or you can not like him. You can agree with Superman or not agree with him. But as long as he's Superman?...tugging on his cape is just plain foolish. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
thank you for the advice, but I've never been a person who goes through life expecting it to be fair.......
Maybe thread starts should be limited to the length of tweets...
Maybe thread starts should be limited to the length of tweets... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
see avatar thread start
discreetgent's Avatar
As for the 2012 elections. I'm not overly excited about any of the contenders. It's hard to say which GOP wanna be can beat Hillary, even harder to say if any of them are a nickles worth better than her. I seriously doubt the Clintons will let the man child run again. But hey, a supreme court spot might be enough life insurance for him, who knows? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Barring an assassination or a Watergate type event Obama will be the Democrats nominee for 2012. As for contenders?

Presidential nominees have sometimes come from unexpected places ... although mostly on the Democrat side. McGovern, Carter, Bill Clinton were all long shots for the nomination 19+ months before the general election.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Barring an assassination or a Watergate type event Obama will be the Democrats nominee for 2012. As for contenders?

Presidential nominees have sometimes come from unexpected places ... although mostly on the Democrat side. McGovern, Carter, Bill Clinton were all long shots for the nomination 19+ months before the general election. Originally Posted by discreetgent
As I said, there is doubt in my mind the Clintons will let him run, or do much of anything actually.
As I said, there is doubt in my mind the Clintons will let him run, or do much of anything actually. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
If the Clintons want it, they'll go for it........they are vivious people.....Ted Kennedy opposed Carter....

on Drudge this morning, article on Obama's poll numbers are the lowest yet and article on Hillary's poll numbers the highest ever.....

It seems everybody has some sort of complaint about Obama regardless of your political do the dums expect to get enthusiasm and voter turn out? Hillary could infuse enthusiasm.....

Hillary probably has a better chance of winning....polls will show that.....dums will wanna throw Obama under the bus [like he did his grandma, Reverend Wright, Alice Palmer, etc etc].....

Repubs should be afraid of Hillary, partly because they regularly nominate boobs........Hillary flunked her bar examination the first time, so she's no bright bulb like Bill, but Bill is the bigger shark of the 2 and wants to get back in the White, the Clintons want pay back for the way dums and Obama treated them last time around........
Rudyard K's Avatar
thank you for the advice, but I've never been a person who goes through life expecting it to be fair....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Who said anything about fair? I didn't offer an opinion whether I thought the system was fair...or not. I was alluding to "common sense"...and reminding you to use it.

Perhaps you've never been one to go through life expecting to use that either. Either way, as Mazo says...Cheers.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Barring an assassination or a Watergate type event Obama will be the Democrats nominee for 2012. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Yep, I tend to agree. But curiously...has there ever (and I know ever is a long time) been an incumbent...who ran for a second term...who did not gain the nomination of his party?

I can't remember one, but I'm too lazy to go look. And I know some of you folks have that kind of sh*t tucked away for some reason.
Who said anything about fair? I didn't offer an opinion whether I thought the system was fair...or not. I was alluding to "common sense"...and reminding you to use it.

Perhaps you've never been one to go through life expecting to use that either. Either way, as Mazo says...Cheers. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I have just enough common sense to know you'd show up and try and provoke me, and you did.........
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yep, I tend to agree. But curiously...has there ever (and I know ever is a long time) been an incumbent...who ran for a second term...who did not gain the nomination of his party?

I can't remember one, but I'm too lazy to go look. And I know some of you folks have that kind of sh*t tucked away for some reason. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Chester Arthur comes to mind.
I can't remember one, but I'm too lazy to go look. And I know some of you folks have that kind of sh*t tucked away for some reason. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
talking about me?...again?....people will think you are cyber-stalking me if you follow me around the boards longer than 2 weeks.......
talking about me?...again?....people will think you are cyber-stalking me if you follow me around the boards longer than 2 weeks....... Originally Posted by Marshall
It seems your ego could use some checking. There are plenty of people in this forum that have all kinds of political stuff stashed away in their computer.
It seems your ego could use some checking. There are plenty of people in this forum that have all kinds of political stuff stashed away in their computer. Originally Posted by Ansley
Sorry, you're probably right....I'd believe him if he said he wasn't referring to me.....
discreetgent's Avatar
Yep, I tend to agree. But curiously...has there ever (and I know ever is a long time) been an incumbent...who ran for a second term...who did not gain the nomination of his party?

I can't remember one, but I'm too lazy to go look. And I know some of you folks have that kind of sh*t tucked away for some reason. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I'll check my ego, even though I think I'm included in that last comment lol

Depends how you count 1952 and 1968.

In 1952 Estes Kefauver defeated President Truman in the New Hampshire primary and Truman then stopped his campaign for a third term. Similarly in 1968
President Johnson (who was a write-in candidate) defeated Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire primary by 7 points and won fewer delegates and withdrew from the race.
Boltfan's Avatar
Now this is funny. The new guy attempts to wander into D&T, posts 329 times in two weeks and accuses others of stalking.

While I am following Ansley I am also not fighting anyone else's fight but you might choose to pick your battles with someone who knows you are wanting to fight them.