Dear Tattoo,
I enjoy driving a car with either a stick shift or an automatic shift, doesn't matter to me. However, I know some guys and girls with a Ph.D. who can not, or will not, drive a car with a stick shift. A long time ago I used to be a decent car mechanic, but not now; there have been a lot of changes made. I could disassemble and fix a transmission from a car built in the 40's or 50's. I would not think about it now. But, then I don't have to know how to fix an automatic transmission to enjoy having one in the car for my wife. It's the same thing with the Mac, my wife doesn't need to know, or want to know how to fix it. She just wants to use it without a lot of problems.
Basic computer problems are platform dependent, if the platform is Microsoft. True, you can work around them. But my wife doesn't want to bother. I just gave her something to use, and forget. That is why the Mac was selling all of the computers they could make, during the years you cited.
Been there, done that goes back a long way with computers. That includes being on the net in 1977! That was a long time before the idiot Al Gore ever knew the net existed.
If you have half a brain, you now know who I was working for in 1977.
In 1979 I went to work for an international firm who had a few other goodies.
When MS came out; I bought Microsoft stock big time, and sold it about 20 years latter. I also bought Apple, and Intel early. I immediately saw the good things and the problems with MS, and the beauty of the marketing plan. Sell the idiot public a little stripped down system that has to be added to, and added to. Thus, the customer is hooked on a cheap system. Like a drug user, he has to have more, and more. Tie the system to an army of pushers (computer consultants and programers for the MS system) and you have a hooked group of users, and an army of idiots who are only interested in what they can make off of the system and the system dependent programs.
Mac is not the only good system, but it is an easy system for most people, that is cheap to use in the long run (except for the need for expanded programs, storage, and speed).
I use Microsoft, but I know the limits. I have 14 microsoft systems running 24/7; however, they are all one program only machines (not the same programs). MS is a cheap way to go for one program use only, in stand alone applications.
I do not allow the use of Microsoft Word on any machine, including the Mac's, except my own, and then the thing comes on when least expected. I more than don't like Microsoft Word, I hate it. I do not allow anyone else to use it at all, and I have fired two employees who did. To insure this, I translate all MS documents myself, and then pass them on to the individuals who need the documents.
I am not going to change the mind of a fool. Answering your letter is not to change you. Rather, it is to allow other readers to understand that your opinion is just that, it is your opinion and belief. Like any "true believer" you are not going to be changed by the facts because you manufacture your own with each entry you make.
Been there, done that!