Does anyone else miss the private socials? I do! fun times..

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-18-2023, 06:44 PM
They were great untill the one at Lizard Lounge. Some jealous misfits were across the street vidoing people coming and going. Posted pictures and license plates of many of the attendies. That was the end of Socials for me and many others. At least any big ones. Still went to a few after that but they were strictly word of mouth, direct from the host invites Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
I was at that social. Remember the comotion. They were a blast. Met a lot of cool people at them.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-18-2023, 06:45 PM
I miss them. Met a lot of very nice people there. Shep's parties were set in a bar. A lot of fun. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Those were great. Had fun at those as well.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Never went to a Social, I think they were basically done even 10 years ago, when I joined.

Of course it could be I was blackballed. If you asked me if I would want Chung Tran at my Social, I couldn't unequivocally say ''yes''.
playerplano's Avatar
I’d still go to a social now if someone had one. I went to a few small ones that were in Addison a few years ago.
mellobugler's Avatar
Never went to a Social, I think they were basically done even 10 years ago, when I joined.

Of course it could be I was blackballed. If you asked me if I would want Chung Tran at my Social, I couldn't unequivocally say ''yes''. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Chung, were you really black balled??? Or was it blue balled???

I remember some wild socials back when it was ASPD.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung, were you really black balled??? Or was it blue balled???

Originally Posted by mellobugler
Blue-balled on account of being blackballed.
Too much technology these days, you may end up on a live being a hooker and a trick Originally Posted by BLM69
I think you'd just have to say "it's a prank, bro!" and all is forgiven.
Those must have been fun. I can only dream about swimming naked with so many providers. ������
Never went to a Social, I think they were basically done even 10 years ago, when I joined.

Of course it could be I was blackballed. If you asked me if I would want Chung Tran at my Social, I couldn't unequivocally say ''yes''. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I remember those times. When I went it was with ASPD. I think that was the old Hobbie site. Had some great times. One of the ladies had an apartment that had a party room. It was a blast. We also had auctions and raffles to see the ladies. I miss those.
Amaya Vergara's Avatar
Personally I don't show my face. So it was nice going and meeting everyone. Having them be surprised I was not just a hot bod. (sorry, tooting my own horn)

Meeting the person or people you had been interacting on the internet with... I made many friends, both male and female and for that I am forever grateful.

lol I'm writing this like it's an obituary.

Good ol' days!
Back in 2007, I was dating a very popular provider from here. She got me invited to my first social at some Mexican restaurant in Dallas. Forgot who the 2 ladies hosting were, Kendal, maybe? Anyway, she wore a radio controller vibratior and I had the control. The game was she could not tell anyone. She would be talking to some guy and I would turn it on. I bet some of those guys thought she was really into them. Had a lot of fun at those.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have been to a few socials. I will never forget one guy who trolled me for a long time I met at a social and he shook my hand and would follow me around like a lost puppy just about all night. I met many girls who I saw for sessions afterwards, a couple which I saw for a BCD session many times.

The last social that I ever attended was done by the Pacepro owner, it was very small and to be totally honest, looking at the providers who attended the social I kind of threw up in my mouth a little bit!
Pangolier's Avatar
I remember the Halloween meet ups dressing up...I guess those days are long gone for sure!😭 Originally Posted by Brandee69

They are still held occasionally, but it seems like it's by invite only. Same still as swinger parties. I know one that was held as recently as 2019, and that was right before Covid. There was talk of another one last year in 2022, but I did not attend.