Texas Basketball

derek303's Avatar
I read today we were 1st in the country in and defensive FG% (2 pt not 3) How can you lose with that? You figure even an average offense would of done much better. I was aware of the blocks but not being the BEST in the country at holding teams (GOOD TEAMS IN THE BIG 12) to the lowest FG%. You watch KY and think we are better than them defensively? Barnes might save his job by hiring a GOOD assistant that is much better offensively minded. He's like a defensive coordinator with no offensive coordinator. But he said today he isn't looking to make any changes in his staff. Mack Brown bought a few years doing that and with Barnes under contract 4 more years if I was Patterson I might insist on it if I was to keep him.
sixxbach's Avatar
Off the top of my head and I have been debating him personally, but Chaka Smart. I don't know his contract specifics, etc.

What about going after a Baylor assistant? I don't know their exact national offensive stats, but they are clearly doing something right.

What about Oregon or Butler? You can't argue Butler's NCAA tourney success the last few years.

derek303's Avatar
Well Barnes is gone. Can't wait to hear the top candidates. I wonder if racists comments come out with a black coach like a few did with Strong.