When people are allowed to say idiotic things unchallenged

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2011, 01:11 PM
If we preferred politeness then a thread like this would not exist. If we preferred truth we would know that a thread like this is unlikely to get us to that either. Originally Posted by discreetgent
You are half right...Let's see if we can get this linear.

-If we preferred politeness then a thread like this would not exist. If we preferred truth then there would be no reason for a thread like this to exist-

Correction: Everyone but WTF should be allowed to have opinions.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2011, 01:40 PM
Correction: Everyone but WTF should be allowed to have opinions. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Damn right , I'm happy with me some facts!

I'll leave the opinions to the Gods and Goddesses of the forum!

Correction: Everyone but WTF should be allowed to have opinions. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Poor WTF....lol

I wub you! At least you know someone does on these forums!
discreetgent's Avatar
If we preferred the truth we would know that the truth is that a thread like this would inevitably devolve into barbs and jabs and come no closer to answering the proposed question for debate.
London Rayne's Avatar
I won't mention any names, but it cracks me up when I tell the truth on this forum and get told I'm a jerk or an ass or I lack civility,but the truth is

(in my best Jack voice)

"(Some people) CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Originally Posted by atlcomedy

You guys do realize that every time someone uses that freedom of speech act, I almost vomit. It's a double edged sword as far as I am concerned...it allows those idiots WTF speaks of to act as if they actually know what they're talking about. Then if someone dare call them on their bs, we are being judgemental...uh no we are being honest so deal with it lol.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Should people be able to have opinions? Absolutely, but should they be able to charade them as facts? Or hide behind the completely shallow cover of ''Prove me wrong" Prove that a cow can not jump over the moon.

The problem with this kinda of protectionism for idiotic statements is that it leads to folks like Jenny McCarthy making misleading statements under the guise of , "That is my BELIEF!" Politeness towards ignorance in this case leads to more and more parents not getting their kids childhood shots and viruses that were almost eradicated are now making a come back. All because people like Oprah (who had McCarthy on her show) were to lazy to check facts or to polite to tell Jenny she was being an idiot.

So my question , do we prefer the truth or politeness? Originally Posted by WTF
LMAO, you should check out newsbusters.org, the legacy media does this every single day, day in, day out.
discreetgent's Avatar
it allows those idiots WTF speaks of to act as if they actually know what they're talking about. Then if someone dare call them on their bs, we are being judgemental...uh no we are being honest so deal with it lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
All this time I thought this thread was started to elicit some intellectual debate on the topic and not to go after specific individuals. Thank you, London, for clarifying it for me; much obliged.
Should people be able to have opinions? Absolutely, but should they be able to charade them as facts? Or hide behind the completely shallow cover of ''Prove me wrong" Prove that a cow can not jump over the moon.

The problem with this kinda of protectionism for idiotic statements is that it leads to folks like Jenny McCarthy making misleading statements under the guise of , "That is my BELIEF!" Politeness towards ignorance in this case leads to more and more parents not getting their kids childhood shots and viruses that were almost eradicated are now making a come back. All because people like Oprah (who had McCarthy on her show) were to lazy to check facts or to polite to tell Jenny she was being an idiot.

So my question , do we prefer the truth or politeness? Originally Posted by WTF
i prefer truth , because pretending to know something when in fact you don`t is in my opinion more rude than anything.
Plus, there is nothing wrong with beliefs either, but when people have beliefs you can`t argue with them.
beliefs is the essence of dogma. i think ignorance hidden with behind nice words does not make them less ignorant. "he who does not know must belief" that is something i learned very early in my childhood.

Plus, discussions are heated, even in politics or amongst philosophers, and what is regarded civil for one person can be blatantly rude for another person. the truth usually has many faces towards it. I have done many seminars on speaking and discussions (because my job required so) and a very clever coach has once told me that the people who are always polite and wait til the other has spoken to an end are just the ones who will be overrun by the ones who don`t do such things . because REAL LIFE does not play by such rúles and someone who can`t handle when things go a little rough will never be really really successful or challenging. People don`t get on top of things or finish educations because they always wait until everyone else had its takes.

And coming from people that sleep with married men all the time and find whatever excuse to do so - i find it a little strange to discuss what is rude and what is civil. because as a matter of fact - we - as escorts and clients - should know better that being rude or being civil is a little more than just a POV. what is civil for one person is rude for another. Me including.

love that thread. I am currently very busy so i will not be able to catch up a week from now and post more ... intellectual stuff.....(or such)
All this time I thought this thread was started to elicit some intellectual debate on the topic and not to go after specific individuals. Thank you, London, for clarifying it for me; much obliged. Originally Posted by discreetgent
intellectual debate? when and where? you scare me...... and so you think its ok when one person cries wolf but the other person is not allowed to do so? some people are attention seekers for attention`s purposes and some have discussions for the matter of the essence of it and the topic. And some people just can`t admit to be the first one, while i`ll admit to be mostly the latter but also sometimes the first.......
I honestly don`t really care who says what on this board as long as it is interesting and challenging (or so blatantly ignorant that i can`t hold myself content - but i try in the future) ..lol..

argh.. i have some other problem... but i don`t know if i should post it here or not....argh argh arghhh....its very annoying actually..... can i post a poll whether i should post it or not? (lol)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2011, 06:02 PM
All this time I thought this thread was started to elicit some intellectual debate on the topic and not to go after specific individuals. . Originally Posted by discreetgent

It was started to address the issues of (in)politeness. From my POV, the (in)politeness in stating something with no basis in fact. Or stating something about science so obviously wrong , yet not having the backbone to admit your lack of understanding on the subject when pointed out to you. There is nothing wrong with admitting you are less than skilled in a subject matter. But to not do so and then hide behind the shield of it being one's opinion further compounds matters, especially when you claim people are being rude for pointing out the obvious. It is just throwing up a straw man to hide one's initial failure in fully comprehending a subject.

I do not want to make this about any one person but there are things people can have opinions on, such as your favorite color , but there can be no opinion on what constitutes say primary colors you can't let go unchallenged someone claiming yellow is a primary color.

If you debate their idea's and all they do is cry that you are attacking them, how do you get accross to them that you are not attacking them personally..... all you are doing is shooting down rubbish? People like that feel attacked if they are questioned. That is their modus operandi.

Originally Posted by WTF

I agree with you that disagreeing with a persons views no matter how many times it is done is not attacking them on a personal level, and never will be, but do feel that calling them ignorant, or other derogatory names is.We can all read the posts, and responses written on a subject , and think for ourselves to decide if what we read has some merit to it.We really do not need the truth police to hunt anyone down, and shoot them for the protection of our minds.
I can think of plenty of times when I have made stupid comments on this forum, and no one has ever responded in a way where I felt attacked...disagreed with plenty of times, but never attacked.It would be nice to see everyone treated with the same respect. I really think it does say a lot about a group of people when they can debate about something they feel passionate about while rarely sinking down to personal insults.

Lately I have noticed a lot more posts that do get into name calling, and obvious attacks.Fortunately I believe this is just a temporary phase D&T is in right now

discreetgent's Avatar
I do not want to make this about any one person Originally Posted by WTF
Then why on earth mention any names anywhere? http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=985671&postcount=7 and yes I saw the there. (and it could have been anyone, would have been just as contrary to your statement above)
It was started to address the issues of (in)politeness. From my POV, the (in)politeness in stating something with no basis in fact. Or stating something about science so obviously wrong , yet not having the backbone to admit your lack of understanding on the subject when pointed out to you. There is nothing wrong with admitting you are less than skilled in a subject matter. But to not do so and then hide behind the shield of it being one's opinion further compounds matters, especially when you claim people are being rude for pointing out the obvious. It is just throwing up a straw man to hide one's initial failure in fully comprehending a subject.

I do not want to make this about any one person but there are things people can have opinions on, such as your favorite color , but there can be no opinion on what constitutes say primary colors you can't let go unchallenged someone claiming yellow is a primary color. Originally Posted by WTF
i agree politely and respectfully i agree