TAKE NOTICE - Hobbyist Creedo

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 11-21-2010, 02:30 PM
I don't have any respect for the provider who was a bait & switch, and then stole cash from my wallet while I was in the shower. So, Dogger, would you respect her?

That being said, I give everyone a degree of respect initially. Some get more based on their actions and others get less.
Whispers's Avatar
I can't roll with this one. And let me put my short philosophy out there:
Common courtesy should always be extended and expected.
Respect is earned, not given.
Don't confuse my act of common courtesy with respect.
Most of the people who have earned respect rarely have to demand it.
Earned respect is recognized.
People who demand respect usually have not done anything to earn it.
Assholes respect nothing. Originally Posted by vtxghost

Much better stated than I could ever do.
austinkboy's Avatar
What if we try reversing the poll to "I respect men of every age...every circumstance." Agree/Disagree? Would you see a provider that agreed with that statement?
TheDogger's Avatar
I'll chime in at some point on the reasoning for the poll...sorry for the ambiguity but I felt that to be more specific would create too much specificity. Bottom line, how do you proceed in life on a day by day basis. That is the spirit of the poll.

Each city as well as National has its own perspective. Fun to watch.

Many thanks to all who've express in this thread.
austinkboy's Avatar
I think the discussion is more telling than the results, since the actual poll itself is fundamentally bipolar on a ambiguous question. It does not allow for that "grey" which everything is.
I think it's a matter of definition.

Respect is a feeling
Respect is a behavior - showing deference
Disrespect generally means being an asshole.

Those are actually 3 completely different things based on the same word.

I bet 80% here would say that the feeling of respect and the behavior of deference is to be earned. I also think 80% would say it is better to just avoid and ignore those we don't respect than be assholes to them.

I also think a vocal frequently posting 20% would argue that they want to "keep it real" and that when someone disrespects them or they think someone is not worthy of respect for some "valid" reason generally equating to behavior or positions they disagree with, they are entitled and even obligated by a moral code to be an (disrespectful) asshole to them.
Slotgoop's Avatar
When I first clicked "View Poll Results", it showed the responders handles under each option letting me know who voted for what. I've never noticed that feature in previous polls.
harkontume's Avatar
When I first clicked "View Poll Results", it showed the responders handles under each option letting me know who voted for what. I've never noticed that feature in previous polls. Originally Posted by Slotgoop

That is interesting.

And I so I must explain.
1. Since polls do not respect anonymity. I wont be responding to any polls from hence forth.
2. Respect is not something that is due ANYONE. It is earned. I am respectful to ALL strangers giving the benefit of the doubt. But there are a few women (and men) in the world I do not respect. Ergo.. the answer.

As for "clarifying" your intent days after posting. That is ridiculous. Your intent needs to be clear at the onset and worded to reflect your intent.
See how it works? Now I and many others do not "respect" your postings and you come across as a silly superficial suckup.

Not good.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Many have already stated this, but you seem to make no distinction between civility and respect. Those are different things. I won't repeat the differences, dead horse and all.

This poll, as stated, is sexist at best. Women should feel insulted that they are "owed" respect by virtue of their genitalia, and they are excluded from being able to earn respect by who they are, what they do, and their behavior.
hey...even assholes can be respectful when it is EARNED
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I won't be judging anyone by their response to this poll as I don't really understand it. But I'm also thinking you guys should stop picking on the guy. He did generate an interesting conversation, even if the poll was ambiguous and confusing.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I won't be judging anyone by their response to this poll as I don't really understand it. But I'm also thinking you guys should stop picking on the guy. He did generate an interesting conversation, even if the poll was ambiguous and confusing. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Sophia, while I enjoy your posts and perspective, I have to disagree with this one.

The wording on this "poll" is not an accident. It is intentional, and very targeted. It is a divisive poll, designed to pit one side against the other. While you have enough insight into the responses given, you still saw the need to state that you would not be judging anyone by their answers here. That tells me that those who disagreed with this poll are automatically seen as those who tend to "disrespect" women.

This is a soundbite - no explanation, easy to rally for, until you think about what it really says.
I can't roll with this one. And let me put my short philosophy out there:
Common courtesy should always be extended and expected.
Respect is earned, not given.
Don't confuse my act of common courtesy with respect.
Most of the people who have earned respect rarely have to demand it.
Earned respect is recognized.
People who demand respect usually have not done anything to earn it.
Assholes respect nothing. Originally Posted by vtxghost


Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
austinkboy's Avatar
Yes, this poll is fundamentally flawed. If you compare the comments and the voting, there seems to be somewhat of consensus that it is not in every circumstance that respect is due. Yet the same people agreeing are voting "agree" as well as "disagree". I think that is because people fundamentally "agree" philosophically, but because the the way the question is stated, mathematically (logically) if you can think of even one woman that you don't respect, OR one circumstance in which the answer is "not agree" (notice I didn't use the word "disagree" but used the word "not agree" by which I want to emphasize lack of agreement as compared to opposition to agreement.), then the answer given the choice of "agree" or "disagree" is "disagree". The question is not a "most of the time" but all or none.
Budman's Avatar
I'm curious about those of you who voted "agree". His question was absolute with zero room for the exception. Can you honestly say that no matter what, you would respect a woman? I could list numerous real life scenarios where I believe it would be impossible to have anything but contempt for a particular woman. Did you vote based on what you wanted the poll to mean: "Respect for the women that have made your lives more enjoyable and have shown no behavior that would warrant disrespect" or was it the polically correct vote?