When will I.B. quit being a liar?

I B Hankering's Avatar

24.5% X 9,818,700 = 2,405,582 (too young to vote), leaving 7,462,212 of age eligible to vote.
22.2% X 10,137,915 = 2,250,617 (too young to vote), leaving 7,887,298 of age eligible to vote.

I insist on using the correct numbers, not the ones that look best.
Which brings us to your 144%. The number all of your calculations spring from. A number supplied by JW. A number they won't explain what data backs up that claim or explain how they arrived at it. They won't explain to the officials in LA county or any other county in California.
The funniest thing you said as you sucked 144% of their dick was they trust their numbers enough to file suit with them. What a joke.
An intelligent researcher challenges unsupported data and questions why they would not release their methods.
Does that bother you? Of course not. You believe Kelly instead of the video. You suck 144% and demand more.
Come back when you can prove your source info and you aren't repeating the same old debunked shit.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

FTFYour retarded ass, masterdickmuncher, since you insist on putting your own ass on the proverbial silver platter, masterdickmuncher.

Which number is larger, masterdickmuncher: 7,462,212 from the 2010 census or 7,887,298 from the 2016 estimate?

Furthermore, masterdickmuncher:

144% of 7,462,212 (2010 census) is 10,745,585 -- which is 3,283,373 more than 100% of the eligible number of voters, masterdickmuncher.

144% of 7,887,298 (2016 estimate) is 11,357,709 -- which is 3,470,411 more than 100% of the eligible number of voters, masterdickmuncher.

Which number is larger, masterdickmuncher: 3,283,373 based on the 2010 census or 3,470,411 based on the 2016 estimate?

So, masterdickmuncher, your insistence showed you to be a greater jackass for insisting on the 2016 estimates rather than relying on the reported 2010 census, masterdickmuncher ... since your number exceeds by an even greater margin the 2.8 million popular votes you lib-retarded snowflakes keep whining about, masterdickmuncher.

BTW, masterdickmuncher, it seems that you and M T Brain Socket would be the only stupidly illiterate jackasses not understanding what Judicial Watch reported in its article.

In Los Angeles, 144 Voters for Every 100 Voting-Age Citizens

There are 144 registered voters in Los Angeles for every 100 citizens of voting age, according to a report released by Judicial Watch on Aug. 4.

The discrepancy is widespread in California, with 11 other counties carrying rolls with more registered voters than actual citizens old enough to vote. The staggering discrepancy has prompted Judicial Watch to threaten to sue unless the state cleans up its voter registration data....

The Judicial Watch numbers are based on public records from the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey. Judicial Watch also received verbal accounts from various county agencies.

(The Epoch Times)
And as mentioned before, masterdickmuncher, Judicial Watch dared to put their numbers before the court.
LexusLover's Avatar
So let me see where you got your numbers. .... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Where did you get yours?
When will MT's and DickMuncher's Pussies stop hurting?
LexusLover's Avatar
When will MT's and DickMuncher's Pussies stop hurting? Originally Posted by gnadfly
When they switch back to Greek for awhile.
They have a job waiting on them down at assup's 'holes as fudge pack-ees !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What? No dingleberries?
What? No dingleberries? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You sound disappointed...
MT Pockets's Avatar
Where did you get yours? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I got mine from a weird place called reality. You got yours from "I-bae" I assume LOL!
MT Pockets's Avatar
When will MT's and DickMuncher's Pussies stop hurting? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I am fine. But if you support his numbers you have more than a sore pussy to worry about.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Every one of you Dotards are blending numbers together like a bunch of fucking morons. Besides using mismatched numbers they are mostly speculations anyway. Or exaggerations from a nutty rightwing web site. Look at the actually population and the amount of people who are registered or voted and it shows a completely different picture. You guys will fall for anything.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Every one of you Dotards are blending numbers together like a bunch of fucking morons. Besides using mismatched numbers they are mostly speculations anyway. Or exaggerations from a nutty rightwing web site. Look at the actually population and the amount of people who are registered or voted and it shows a completely different picture. You guys will fall for anything. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

You're just a cock-sucking, lib-retard jackass that rejects anybody and everybody that isn't ideologically to the left of Lenin, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
So Iffy, LL and Waco walk into a Glory hole and ask for a room. The manager ( Yssup) says $30. They each pay $10.
So while they go up to the room and start massaging each other, IB walks in and says that those guys were his friends
and since he was an emplyee( clean-up crew) they should get his discount. Yssup tells Gey Rey( the fluffer) to take them $5 .
So he asked IB how to divide 5 into 3. Since IB has no math skills he said fuck them you keep $1 and give me $1 and them$3.
So he does. The question is so now they paid $9 each right? that is $27.
Well $27 and the $2 the fluffer and the clean up guy has makes $29. Where is the other dollar?

When you figure that out, you will know how IB got his numbers
I B Hankering's Avatar
So Iffy, LL and Waco walk into a Glory hole and ask for a room. The manager ( Yssup) says $30. They each pay $10.
So while they go up to the room and start massaging each other, IB walks in and says that those guys were his friends
and since he was an emplyee( clean-up crew) they should get his discount. Yssup tells Gey Rey( the fluffer) to take them $5 .
So he asked IB how to divide 5 into 3. Since IB has no math skills he said fuck them you keep $1 and give me $1 and them$3.
So he does. The question is so now they paid $9 each right? that is $27.
Well $27 and the $2 the fluffer and the clean up guy has makes $29. Where is the other dollar?

When you figure that out, you will know how IB got his numbers
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You just admitted that you're too damn stupid to understand the numbers from the 2010 census -- the cited source, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You just admitted that you're too damn stupid to understand the numbers from the 2010 census -- the cited source, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not even close I B A Knucklehead. You have taken numbers from different sources and some that were not true and concocted a bullshit story.
Is there a prize for being the biggest liar you are trying to win, cause I think you have the field covered. LOL!
A mere 83% of the eligible voters even registered dip shit. You keep sucking that Judicial dick all you want.

You have no reliable proof of your numbers. You think we all believe everything we see. Even your own Conservatives cohorts here think you are a buffoon. They just go along with you because you irritate a few folks they dislike.

There was 3,421,533 votes total. Your numbers are a fucking joke.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not even close I B A Knucklehead. You have taken numbers from different sources and some that were not true and concocted a bullshit story.
Is there a prize for being the biggest liar you are trying to win, cause I think you have the field covered. LOL!
A mere 83% of the eligible voters even registered dip shit. You keep sucking that Judicial dick all you want.

You have no reliable proof of your numbers. You think we all believe everything we see. Even your own Conservatives cohorts here think you are a buffoon. They just go along with you because you irritate a few folks they dislike.

There was 3,421,533 votes total. Your numbers are a fucking joke.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You'd be the ignorant jackass that doesn't understand the numbers that the Census published, M T Brain Socket. You'd also be the ignorant jackass that doesn't understand that Judicial Watch merely reported the fucked up mess dim-retards have created in the Los Angeles voter rolls, M T Brain Socket.