Harris has emerged as casino bookmakers favorite

TechPapi's Avatar
Here we go. Queue the qultists saying it was all rigged by Vegas odds makers. Impossible that they see the writing on the wall regarding the retarded cheeto.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Now guys, remember, the bookmakers strive to break even after taking a service percentage. So isn't the real question who is doing the betting? And, is it possible that whoever is betting is trying to rig the ball game? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Here we go. Queue the qultists saying it was all rigged by Vegas odds makers. Impossible that they see the writing on the wall regarding the retarded cheeto. Originally Posted by TechPapi
The Carpenter is not completely incorrect. Bookmakers make their money by evening out the bets that they take. Rigging the election by making bets is a bit of a stretch however. But I’m honestly not surprised that people are betting on Harris.

Democrats know a good bet when they see one.
Precious_b's Avatar
Now guys, remember, the bookmakers strive to break even after taking a service percentage.

So isn't the real question who is doing the betting?

And, is it possible that whoever is betting is trying to rig the ball game? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Than why they abandoning the Big Cheato?
Are you saying they rigging it as another one of his scams? Saltys insiders want to know.

Here we go. Queue the qultists saying it was all rigged by Vegas odds makers. Impossible that they see the writing on the wall regarding the retarded cheeto. Originally Posted by TechPapi
If you can't win fair-n-square, queue the loudest naysayers.
i hope to god harris doesn't get elected. Sorry if it's pissed some folks off in here, but I truly belive she's be doing no good if elected.
txdot-guy's Avatar
i hope to god harris doesn't get elected. Sorry if it's pissed some folks off in here, but I truly belive she's be doing no good if elected. Originally Posted by Henderson
No need to apologize. "Opinions are like assholes: everybody's got one, and everybody thinks theirs smells nicer than everyone else's"
i hope to god harris doesn't get elected. Sorry if it's pissed some folks off in here, but I truly belive she's be doing no good if elected. Originally Posted by Henderson
Hey! No fair telling us your opinion and being polite about it!