The President That Told The Truth:

You didn't list any secrets. Originally Posted by acp5762
Really? Does that mean you think the coup against Ngo Din Diem was public knowledge?

Do you think JFK publicly announced the assassination attempts on Castro?

Do you think that JFK's approval of the wiretapping of Martin Luther King was a secret or public knowledge?

Now that I have listed a small sample of JFK secrets, will your opinion of JFK change? Or is the Camelot mindset impenetrable to facts?

First off not to be a puppet. Since Kennedy that's all we've had is puppets. Originally Posted by acp5762
Puppet? That's nice and vague. Whose puppet was LBJ? Nixon? Reagan?

Regardless of your opinion of the politics of any of those men, they clearly weren't the type to be manipulated or controlled by anyone else - for better or for worse.
Really? Does that mean you think the coup against Ngo Din Diem was public knowledge?

Do you think JFK publicly announced the assassination attempts on Castro?

Do you think that JFK's approval of the wiretapping of Martin Luther King was a secret or public knowledge?

Now that I have listed a small sample of JFK secrets, will your opinion of JFK change? Or is the Camelot mindset impenetrable to facts?

Puppet? That's nice and vague. Whose puppet was LBJ? Nixon? Reagan?

Regardless of your opinion of the politics of any of those men, they clearly weren't the type to be manipulated or controlled by anyone else - for better or for worse. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No president makes perfect decisions all the time but what makes you think Kennedy specifically orchestrated any of these events. If he had then why wouldn't he go through with Operation Northwoods.
No president makes perfect decisions all the time but what makes you think Kennedy specifically orchestrated any of these events. If he had then why wouldn't he go through with Operation Northwoods. Originally Posted by acp5762
He was too busy with the Bay of Pigs operation.
He was too busy with the Bay of Pigs operation. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No he wasn't to busy with the Bay of Pigs. The Bay of Pigs and Operation Northwoods occurred a year apart. The Bay of Pigs was a CIA screw up which Kennedy took full responsibility for. His popularity and public confidence suffered from it which he was well aware of. He was also well aware of he had enemies amongst him mainly within the CIA.The reason he didn't approve of Op Northwoods was simply it wasn't consistant with what he felt was in the best interest of the country and also he didn't trust the competence of the CIA to even pull it off.
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The affair with Marilyn Monroe was benign. The affair with Judith Exner was insanity.

It might have been instrumental in getting him killed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I am with you on this one

the Mafia lost how many billions in Cuba?

I have stated this years ago but Henry Wade's daughter was a good friend of me and my ex and had many a dinner with him and he swore Oswald was a the single shooter but another friend of mine who's father was with Patton says there was no way the rifle could shoot that many acruate rounds

as to MM more power to him but, I would do her again, again a wall, again a table etc

remember he came to Texas to fix fences because he won the closest election, at that time, thanks to LBJ's lock box 64?

when was the last time a Republican president cheated on their wife?

as to Camelot, totally Hollywood