The debt ceiling and Biden lies

And the Republicans have set a they will scream when the shoe is on the other foot. I think the odds are pretty good (which is a real stretch given the slots up for reelection ) that they have given the Democrats both houses in 2024. That's won't go well if a Republican wins the presidency.
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2023, 10:10 PM
Tiny you know better. You say otherwise, but you know better. You actually have to because your continued argument about the benefits of the Trump tax cuts for wealthy and big business is bordering on Bambi and Saltyish.

Now as for the rest. The Republicans get massive changes as a result of their hostage taking of the threat of default. We’ve fundamentally changed how we move forward financially as a county. The Democratic president negotiated away every liberal win from Obama forward. Just terrible.

But we ain’t defaulting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I just can't figure you out Blackman. The good Lord gave you plenty of brains when he created you. How you come up with something like this is beyond me. It must be the Stockholm Syndrome.

Bambino and Salty have good judgement on economic policy, certainly better than the bozo in the White House.

We've been over and over the Republicans' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The cuts in individual tax rates made the tax system MORE progressive. The changes in corporate taxation were long overdue. They took us from having the highest corporate rate in the developed world to the middle of the pack. That along with the new GILTI tax and favorable provisions for repatriation of cash caused American corporations to bring money home and invest more in America. Corporate tax revenues in FY 2022 were, by the way, the third highest of any year in American history.

You may have a point as to the Qualified Business Income deduction, which gave preferential treatment to businesses with lots of employees and depreciation expense. But overall the TCJA was good for America. It would have been better if the Republicans had cut spending when they had the chance, before Democrats and Nancy Pelosi controlled the House.

The second part of your post is straight from La La Land. The New York Times in an article this morning estimated the Republicans only managed to pry about $650 billion in spending cuts out of Biden, over 10 years. Everything that's getting cut is reasonable in my opinion, with possibly one exception: if a single mother isn't either working or looking for work so she can stay home with her kids, I'd cut her some slack, with food stamps.

So, Biden and the Democrats pass legislation in 2021 and 2022 that will result in about $5 trillion in additional spending over the following 10 years. Then Republicans get them to cut by $650 billion. That's like taking 8 steps forward, on the way to a nightmarish hell created by excessive debt. And then one step backwards, away from that hell. Your characterization, "The Democratic president negotiated away every liberal win from Obama forward," is ridiculous.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I just can't figure you out Blackman. The good Lord gave you plenty of brains when he created you. How you come up with something like this is beyond me. It must be the Stockholm Syndrome.

Bambino and Salty have good judgement on economic policy, certainly better than the bozo in the White House.

We've been over and over the Republicans' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The cuts in individual tax rates made the tax system MORE progressive. The changes in corporate taxation were long overdue. They took us from having the highest corporate rate in the developed world to the middle of the pack. That along with the new GILTI tax and favorable provisions for repatriation of cash caused American corporations to bring money home and invest more in America. Corporate tax revenues in FY 2022 were, by the way, the third highest of any year in American history.

You may have a point as to the Qualified Business Income deduction, which gave preferential treatment to businesses with lots of employees and depreciation expense. But overall the TCJA was good for America. It would have been better if the Republicans had cut spending when they had the chance, before Democrats and Nancy Pelosi controlled the House.

The second part of your post is straight from La La Land. The New York Times in an article this morning estimated the Republicans only managed to pry about $650 billion in spending cuts out of Biden, over 10 years. Everything that's getting cut is reasonable in my opinion, with possibly one exception: if a single mother isn't either working or looking for work so she can stay home with her kids, I'd cut her some slack, with food stamps.

So, Biden and the Democrats pass legislation in 2021 and 2022 that will result in about $5 trillion in additional spending over the following 10 years. Then Republicans get them to cut by $650 billion. That's like taking 8 steps forward, on the way to a nightmarish hell created by excessive debt. And then one step backwards, away from that hell. Your characterization, "The Democratic president negotiated away every liberal win from Obama forward," is ridiculous. Originally Posted by Tiny

you know you can't reason with 1b1. he sees only the "evil" of the right while defending the "sins" of the left.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Let's call a spade a spade and not call things what they are not actually. Stop gap much? Is a balanced budget no longer even a theory anymore? Anyone recollect 2008-2016? Bueller...

House Democrats Create Another ‘Deem as Passed’ Stopgap Spending Omnibus Construct – Chip Roy Calls It Out loudly
December 14, 2022 | sundance

House Democrats have returned to their old ‘deem as passed’ playbook to provide a vehicle for the Senate to construct another stopgap omnibus spending bill despite the legally required non-origination from the House.
WASHINGTON DC – The House is expected to pass a stopgap spending bill Wednesday night that would give negotiators an extra week to finish a $1.7 trillion year-end spending package, setting up an all-out legislative sprint before lawmakers leave for the holidays...
...Yup, it’s Deja vu all over again.

Did you know the last regular order congressional budget was passed in September of 2007 for fiscal year 2008. That’s it. Every single year from 2008 to now has been a series of baseline budgeting, continuous resolutions and omnibus spending bills...
I just can't figure you out Blackman. The good Lord gave you plenty of brains when he created you. How you come up with something like this is beyond me. It must be the Stockholm Syndrome.

Bambino and Salty have good judgement on economic policy, certainly better than the bozo in the White House.

We've been over and over the Republicans' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The cuts in individual tax rates made the tax system MORE progressive. The changes in corporate taxation were long overdue. They took us from having the highest corporate rate in the developed world to the middle of the pack. That along with the new GILTI tax and favorable provisions for repatriation of cash caused American corporations to bring money home and invest more in America. Corporate tax revenues in FY 2022 were, by the way, the third highest of any year in American history.

You may have a point as to the Qualified Business Income deduction, which gave preferential treatment to businesses with lots of employees and depreciation expense. But overall the TCJA was good for America. It would have been better if the Republicans had cut spending when they had the chance, before Democrats and Nancy Pelosi controlled the House.

The second part of your post is straight from La La Land. The New York Times in an article this morning estimated the Republicans only managed to pry about $650 billion in spending cuts out of Biden, over 10 years. Everything that's getting cut is reasonable in my opinion, with possibly one exception: if a single mother isn't either working or looking for work so she can stay home with her kids, I'd cut her some slack, with food stamps.

So, Biden and the Democrats pass legislation in 2021 and 2022 that will result in about $5 trillion in additional spending over the following 10 years. Then Republicans get them to cut by $650 billion. That's like taking 8 steps forward, on the way to a nightmarish hell created by excessive debt. And then one step backwards, away from that hell. Your characterization, "The Democratic president negotiated away every liberal win from Obama forward," is ridiculous. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sarcasm evidently missed.

McCarthy and the Republican negotiators claimed there’d be no deals without fundamental changes and McCarthy said there was nothing at all for the Democrats.

From the start I said “this will work out like every other debt ceiling fight, the Dems will give away a couple of crumbs so the Republicans can save face”. Exactly what occurred.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sarcasm evidently missed.

McCarthy and the Republican negotiators claimed there’d be no deals without fundamental changes and McCarthy said there was nothing at all for the Democrats.

From the start I said “this will work out like every other debt ceiling fight, the Dems will give away a couple of crumbs so the Republicans can save face”. Exactly what occurred. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Exactly what occured. Both sides can say they won the battle.
Silliness. Republicans always lose in these debt ceiling negotiations but fail each time to learn their lesson. Everyone is gonna blame the Republicans for a default. It’ll be their legacy forever. Hell they lose at budget negotiations as well. Shutdowns always hurt republicans worse.

Democrats will play along with this farce and at the last minute they’ll toss a crumb to McCarthy and he can save face. This is way it’s been for decades and how it’ll remain. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
A reminder of what was said at the start of this silliness.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2023, 03:42 PM
Now as for the rest. The Republicans get massive changes as a result of their hostage taking of the threat of default. We’ve fundamentally changed how we move forward financially as a county. The Democratic president negotiated away every liberal win from Obama forward. Just terrible. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The second part of your post is straight from La La Land. Originally Posted by Tiny
you know you can't reason with 1b1. he sees only the "evil" of the right while defending the "sins" of the left.

bahhahhaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sarcasm evidently missed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Dagnabit, He got us Waco Kid! We should have known he was setting us up when he said something bad about Biden (bold text above). Blackman NEVER says anything bad about Biden.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dagnabit, He got us Waco Kid! We should have known he was setting us up when he said something bad about Biden (bold text above). Blackman NEVER says anything bad about Biden. Originally Posted by Tiny

well he's clearly an Obama acolyte so Biden is merely a second stringer to him
