OJ Simpson dead

Oh man, what a reach. “Strung up” is a figure of speech, used here to describe an imaginary harsh punishment given to an imaginary person in an imaginary state. I’ll assume you already knew that and are just being obtuse.

I’d certainly agree that being able to afford a gaggle of lawyers is helpful, although it wouldn’t typically matter with a client so obviously guilty.
adav8s28's Avatar
“Strung up” is a figure of speech, used here to describe an imaginary harsh punishment given to an imaginary person in an imaginary state.
Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
Oh, I thought "strung up" meant the defendant would be hanged. Of the states that still have the death penalty, i don't know if any still use hanging as the procedure.
adav8s28's Avatar

I’d certainly agree that being able to afford a gaggle of lawyers is helpful, although it wouldn’t typically matter with a client so obviously guilty. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
Here is your chance to be Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden. What made Simpson so obviously guilty? There were prior incidents of domestic violence. That does not prove guilt. The weapon was never found. There was no eye witness. I guess you forget about the job attorney Barry Scheck did against the crime lab of the L.A. police department with contamination problems.
Simpson did not testify. So how could you tell he was acting? Originally Posted by adav8s28
... You must have missed the clip of when O.J was
trying-on the gloves.

... And the clip of him when the verdict was read.

... But don't let those FACTS cloud yer judgement...

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... You must have missed the clip of when O.J was
trying-on the gloves.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Attorney Johnnie Cochran knew that the gloves would not fit OJ's hands. Cochran tried on the gloves himself before he let OJ try them on. The gloves did not fit Cochran hands. OJ had larger hands than Cochran. Simpson did not have to act. Simpson had really good attorneys (They were nicknamed the Dream Team). There was no need for Simpson to act. (No pun attended). In this case the defense team out lawyered the prosecution team. It's as simple as that.
adav8s28's Avatar
... You must have missed the clip of when O.J was

... And the clip of him when the verdict was read.

... But don't let those FACTS cloud yer judgement...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I did not see it live. I saw a replay. Simpson showed relief. It didn't look like any acting was going on. Attorney Cochran was pretty pumped that he had won. What FACTS are you talking about?
... The facts that YOU were trying to imply that I was
lying, when you told the world that O.J. didn't testify.

... I never claimed that he did... Just that it surely looked like
he was acting in the video clips.

Maybe you should have saw it live - or view more clips.
That-way nobody will call into question yer-own "facts"...

... Just tryin' to help yer understandin' of things, mate.
No need to thank me... Virtue is its-own reward...

#### Salty
What made Simpson so obviously guilty? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Occam’s razor.
Ripmany's Avatar
No know who he is other some there claim to famous who was falsely accuse of murder with planted evidence.
Ripmany's Avatar
I sell baseball cards style cards on eBay there run $10 for a thousand and I pay shipping I get them in house clean outs. Other than the very famous basketball t-shirts like Michael Jordan people do not want the stuff because they don't know who the people even now or even care.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Attorney Johnnie Cochran knew that the gloves would not fit OJ's hands. Cochran tried on the gloves himself before he let OJ try them on. The gloves did not fit Cochran hands. OJ had larger hands than Cochran. Simpson did not have to act. Simpson had really good attorneys (They were nicknamed the Dream Team). There was no need for Simpson to act. (No pun attended). In this case the defense team out lawyered the prosecution team. It's as simple as that. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Cochran supposedly had Simpson stop taking some med for his hands that made them swell up from arthritis then pulled some Perry Mason like drama with his "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit" argument

Occam’s razor. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

exactly. there wasn't even signs of robbery so it was nothing but a cold murder. Simpson's known history of spouse abuse, this was his second marriage after all, makes the Juice suspect number one.

only Simpson had the raw rage and motivation to murder Brown and Goldman because Simpson convinced himself they were having an affair. or he was just in the way.
VitaMan's Avatar
When someone gets in a Ford Bronco in the back seat, with a gun, and is driven down the freeway, isn't that a pretty good indication he did something ?
Ripmany's Avatar
When someone gets in a Ford Bronco in the back seat, with a gun, and is driven down the freeway, isn't that a pretty good indication he did something ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Police and DA lies some time you best chance is to RUN. Can't win with crazy he did but with and millions of dollars in legal fees. How sad.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
When someone gets in a Ford Bronco in the back seat, with a gun, and is driven down the freeway, isn't that a pretty good indication he did something ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
A Big Yes...
mrrobot1994's Avatar
Either that or flaming leftist Garcetti did everything he could to insure defeat, including getting the trial moved so the jury would have the preferred skin tone. Everyone knows the guy did it. A juror even admitted they all knew too but wanted payback.
Like it or don’t, OJ got off because he was black and the victims were white https://twitter.com/wayotworld/statu...ob41ujZWjlYysQihEnTai
Actually I’m pretty sure the OJ Simpson bronco chase was one of my first memories. Might’ve been a previous recording but I think the timeline matches up.

Regardless, he totally, like, did it right? The most likely theories that would seem to exonerate him all seem predicated on him willingly taking the fall for someone he knew who actually did do it instead. Certainly never did find the real killer down in Florida.