COVID-19 Vaccine Guinea Pigs

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hope you don't get any complications from that vaccine. one things for sure, you'll get sick in 2 weeks of taking it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Vaccinations are given intramusclular. Originally Posted by oeb11

exactly. where does the phrase "a shot in the arm" come from? this ..

hope you don't get any complications from that vaccine. one things for sure, you'll get sick in 2 weeks of taking it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

if this is like a flu shot then that is exactly what will happen. they will both be exposed to a "low grade" dose of COVID

good luck. i'll pass.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
exactly. where does the phrase "a shot in the arm" come from? this ..

if this is like a flu shot then that is exactly what will happen. they will both be exposed to a "low grade" dose of COVID

good luck. i'll pass. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

and yet the OP gets compensated for a measley $130.

$130 for an untested vaccine? they should be paying testors way more than that, like $1,000.

SR, were there any stipulations if it goes wrong? bet you had to sign that you won't sue if it goes wrong.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
and yet the OP gets compensated for a measley $130.

$130 for an untested vaccine? they should be paying testors way more than that, like $1,000.

SR, were there any stipulations if it goes wrong? bet you had to sign that you won't sue if it goes wrong. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

that's probably $130 per visit. how many visits? don't know.

i will say it's unlikely speedy is doing this for money.

he thinks he's saving humanity. we shall see about that
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Vaccinations are given intramusclular. Originally Posted by oeb11
It’s called a figure of speech. Point is, you gotta be crazy to want injected with some rushed to market concoction, imo.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
and yet the OP gets compensated for a measley $130.

$130 for an untested vaccine? they should be paying testors way more than that, like $1,000.

SR, were there any stipulations if it goes wrong? bet you had to sign that you won't sue if it goes wrong. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't have answers at this time. I'm sure at our meeting next Monday we will be filled in on all the details. 50% will receive the real vaccine and 50% will receive a placebo. I agree with you that we will probably be required to sign some sort of waiver.

For those of you who talk about a "risk factor", certainly there is one. We will receive $130 each per visit and there will be an unknown number of visits. And as speculated, we are not doing it for the money, nor do I look at myself as a great "humanitarian".

We enjoy travel, especially travel around the world. We had a cruise cancelled in March due to the virus and I expect our cruise in December to be cancelled in the near future due to the ports being visited, many of which are closed to travel. The sooner that we get a viable vaccine available to all the sooner we will return to the lives we used to enjoy. It's as simple as that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Damn dude one things for sure, you'll get sick in 2 weeks of taking , I have taken the reg flu shot and every time I have gotten sick I stopped and not sick. I suggest you read PLAGUE just me
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Damn dude one things for sure, you'll get sick in 2 weeks of taking , I have taken the reg flu shot and every time I have gotten sick I stopped and not sick. I suggest you read PLAGUE just me Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I don't remember ever getting sick from a flu shot and I get one each year.

One further fact -- the COVID-19 vaccine we receive will not be a live vaccine.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 07:45 AM
I don't have answers at this time. I'm sure at our meeting next Monday we will be filled in on all the details. 50% will receive the real vaccine and 50% will receive a placebo. I agree with you that we will probably be required to sign some sort of waiver.

For those of you who talk about a "risk factor", certainly there is one. We will receive $130 each per visit and there will be an unknown number of visits. And as speculated, we are not doing it for the money, nor do I look at myself as a great "humanitarian".

We enjoy travel, especially travel around the world. We had a cruise cancelled in March due to the virus and I expect our cruise in December to be cancelled in the near future due to the ports being visited, many of which are closed to travel. The sooner that we get a viable vaccine available to all the sooner we will return to the lives we used to enjoy. It's as simple as that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

SR - You will be required to sign an "Informed Consent" - after informed consent is given and explained - and questions answered.

This would be a phase 3 trial - after other extensive testing required by the FDA.

Informed Consent - stems from the Nuremberg trials in germany post WW2 - and must be stringently observed in all US human trials.
Listen and read carefully - You will be given copies for your records.
Yes - I am familiar - I have coordinated and carried out such trials.

any questions - write them down and ask the study coordinator - or send me PM.

Good question about the vaccine - is it killed or 'attenuated" live. ask them to clarify for You.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Good that you're aware that some folks in the study will be getting the placebo.
Yes, a pile of paper to sign.
Yes, you'll be waiving rights to sue, if...
There should be a mediation clause, and there should also be something where they'll cover some medical services if....
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 10:22 AM
human study participants are closely monitored - and any medical complications should be treated by the Study out of their funding by qualified physicians.

Check that - you should not have to pay for medical care due to a condition caused by/related to the study.

Placebo - it is sometimes difficult to keep the placebo cohort blinded from study manages - local effects like injection swelling or discomfort can occur - which won't with a placebo.

be sure it is spelled out in writing what happens if a complication occurs, and how complications are defined. Check to be sure a valid IRB (Institutional Review Board) reviewed and approved, and it is usually required to have human studies associated with a medical school.
I think I will receive $130 per visit. At the time I submitted my application I was unaware of that. Thanks to all for you concerns. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ask them for a printout of what they are injecting in you first before you sign anything.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 10:27 AM
At no time is permission for a human study binding on participants.

Participants are legally entitled to withdraw from a study for any reason - or no reason - they choose, and to receive any necessary/indicated medical care for conditions related to the study.

Part of the Informed Consent forms.
At no time is permission for a human study binding on participants.

Participants are legally entitled to withdraw from a study for any reason - or no reason - they choose, and to receive any necessary/indicated medical care for conditions related to the study.

Part of the Informed Consent forms. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yeah, in other words "Hey we don't know, we aren't making you do this".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR - You will be required to sign an "Informed Consent" - after informed consent is given and explained - and questions answered.

This would be a phase 3 trial - after other extensive testing required by the FDA.

Informed Consent - stems from the Nuremberg trials in germany post WW2 - and must be stringently observed in all US human trials.
Listen and read carefully - You will be given copies for your records.
Yes - I am familiar - I have coordinated and carried out such trials.

any questions - write them down and ask the study coordinator - or send me PM.

Good question about the vaccine - is it killed or 'attenuated" live. ask them to clarify for You. Originally Posted by oeb11
Thank you for the input. Much appreciated.