I am really bugleboy

1-smart providers, and clients, should generally not even give out their correct first names. Would have been better if even the "real" name was a fake. Providers should avoid giving anything legit, too much chance that even the nicest guys might be stalkers or quasi-stalkers. From guys perspective, even the most reliable providers might have hidden problems n demons that might re-emerge down the line with potential for bad situations.

2-bugle, if you looking for companionship or a gf or just a buddy, go to match.com or similar sites. You will do much better there if you take it slow. Escorts generally not looking for friends nor any more guys obsessing over them. It is a transaction for a certain amount of time for them to make you feel good n satisfy your needs at the moment. Originally Posted by Tomb8871
Look I have tried match and other dating sites and gotten no where
Dating sites are a joke. Most of the women on dating sites never respond or
are very rude. The rudest responses being to fuck off cuz I am white and they only want black guys. That’s one thing I don’t get, what’s with all these girls going for black guys, it’s like a trophy to them. I’m not a racist but I don’t understand why it’s like that more and more these days.

But bottom line, I’m angry for being cursed with having autism. I feel denied dating so I handle it by seeing these providers and bragging about it to everyone. I think it’s cool in my mind to be known as the male slut of Schenectady as payback for the injustices I have faced in my life. Oh and also as payback to those pesky Christians who annoy me the most (I was raised in that environment which fucked me up even more) and to God who created me disabled, I’m rebelling back against God out of anger by purposely violating the Bible and Ten Commandments mocking it by whoring around (non religious folks wouldn’t get my point)
Go see a therapist
Go see a therapist Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
That’s not going to help
I just everyone to know I’m a proud male slut and have that reputation. That’s my goal with all this.
Oh and I like to pick on male virgins thinking I’m better than them.
My main point was that you shouldn’t share a providers personal information on this board. Most providers (and hobbyists) do not want their personal info shared.

If you are happy seeing Jessica then by all means keep seeing her! It seems that you are looking for more than just an escort though, in which case I would urge caution so that you don’t get hurt again. I think seeing a therapist would be a great idea if you’re feeling depressed about being single or your autism. Not trying to come down on you, just trying to be constructive. Hope things improve for you.
Still wondering why this thread isn't in a different section? Let's get back to encounters and have fun
Still wondering why this thread isn't in a different section? Let's get back to encounters and have fun Originally Posted by Scoot642
This thread belongs in the sandbox..
Admins: Can you PLEASE move this thread??
You guys don’t understand
I’m obsessed on having to have a girl with me on my birthday (since Saratoga sky stood me up, oh we are talking again but my birthday is not going to work out, we are on and off when it comes to our relationship, now we’re sorta back on again -stupid drama none of you want to hear).
But I’m looking for a provider to be my girlfriend for a few hours and go places in Public with me etc. just for my birthday
I’m willing to pay up to $500 for that and not care about credit card debt, putting this first. I don’t give a fuck about my credit score and care about having money for these providers than anything else.

At this point I want to even get her to make out with me in selfies and hold hands in public so I can show her off as my girlfriend. And cant relax worries about having to have this on my birthday
You can see how mind operates etc.

I’m obsessed over this and all I care about
Amber Does's Avatar
I just seriously got the chills reading this guys responses about himself. People like this make me scared to even provide anymore and definitely more hesitant to see new people. I really would prefer to not end up cut into little pieces after an appointment. Wow.
I just seriously got the chills reading this guys responses about himself. People like this make me scared to even provide anymore and definitely more hesitant to see new people. I really would prefer to not end up cut into little pieces after an appointment. Wow. Originally Posted by Amber Does
Words to live by...My priority (and yours, I'm sure) is always "not to end up cut into little pieces". I tend to set the bar a little higher than that and take the necessary steps to raise my expectation level...slightly.
Amber Does's Avatar
Well sadly no matter how much we screen we don't know someone's mental state of mind. Someone can have a great track record with providers and then just... ya know snap? Lol
Next Best Thing's Avatar
You guys don’t understand
I’m obsessed on having to have a girl with me on my birthday (since Saratoga sky stood me up, oh we are talking again but my birthday is not going to work out, we are on and off when it comes to our relationship, now we’re sorta back on again -stupid drama none of you want to hear).
But I’m looking for a provider to be my girlfriend for a few hours and go places in Public with me etc. just for my birthday
I’m willing to pay up to $500 for that and not care about credit card debt, putting this first. I don’t give a fuck about my credit score and care about having money for these providers than anything else.

At this point I want to even get her to make out with me in selfies and hold hands in public so I can show her off as my girlfriend. And cant relax worries about having to have this on my birthday
You can see how mind operates etc.

I’m obsessed over this and all I care about Originally Posted by Handyandy1800
Every single one of your posts on this thread is excellent. Thank you.
Naughty.Nikki's Avatar
I also like his posts
Thanks babe whats your number