What did you do when you were new?

you may be able to get provider status by 'vouch' and not review. talk the mods in your area. i know that from another place and time that was how you got it. i am sure they would have to be registered members.

also, the best advice ever...network, network, network. by reading and pay attention you can tell who is reputable and screens and can be trusted. those are the ladies you want to contact and ask for help when screening, they are the most likely to answer and help as they are usually the most concerned with the safety of others as well as themselves.

atlcomedy's Avatar
Well in fairness to Lily, she is looking at a different segment of the market and is well known and established -- so deposits are probably less of an issue for her suitors. Although I'm sure deposits at any level do run off some business.

However, for a newbie, particularly in the "hourly" market, enderwiggin is exactly right -- deposits are a non-starter for most guys. Originally Posted by pjorourke

& in most markets, even for well established providers, brief (2 hours or less), local appointments usually don't require deposits.
I guess one of the things that I love about being an escort is there really is no right , or wrong way to do this. As long as you are good to your clients the other details are just a matter of what you feel comfortable with, and what works the best for you.

Reviews can be a good way to gain some business without a lot of advetising, but if the idea of being reviewed makes you feel uncomfortable you can still be just as successful without them. As long as you know where to advertise, and make an effort to give people a good idea of who you are , and what you have to offer there will be plenty of men who will want to meet you regardless of how many reviews you have if any at all.

When I first started online I put an ad up on eros guide using photos that I took with a self timer, and text that was waaay too long.It was obvious that I was new , so I did not have any problems with clients wanting to see reviews.Eros guide does seem to attract the men who are a little less review obsessed ,so that could be a place that you may want to consider placing your ad.

As far as photos go I do not think that most clients expect a woman who is new to this to already have exspensive glam photos taken.If you can get a friend to take some nice candid photos of you that give people a good idea of how you look that should be enough to start with.Especially if you are working within a limited budget you can always save the fancy photos , and web sites for a time when you have more money to spend.

I think that we all get nervous when meeting a person for the first time,but a few getting to know each other emails , or phone calls will help to make you feel a lot more comfortable when you do meet. Once you have attracted some regular clients things will feel much less scary , and far more secure.
I forgot to mention that now is a great time to take advantage of FREE ADVERTISING on Eros (www.eros-usa.com). You can post Basic Ads on all the following cities for free: Nashville, Caribbean, Utah, Albuquerque, Memphis, Pittsburgh and Louisville.

I have taken the time to put profiles up on all these cities and have made lots of new contacts as well as bookings.

Also, start listing yourself on as many websites as you can find that offer mutual banner exchanges. If you want to travel and do overnighters, branching out as much as possible is the key. I don't advertise at all in Los Angeles where I live simply because I love to travel and it's working very well for me.
I posted this in the Dallas board without much response.

I don't have reviews, so I can't get preferred 411 or into any of the other screening sights.

What is a good way to screen people if you are new?

I'm also afraid to put pictures online incase someone I know sees them.

Have any of you been busted by friends/relatives when your face is blurred?

Is there a website that is strictly for providers? If there is one, do you have to be well known?

This is very hard and dangerous for a female newbie, especially since it seems that you are excluded from everything until you've been reviewed, which is understandable, but still hard for the new person, and I'm not sure that I want a whole lot of "reviews" anyway.

I've been reading alot, and trying to get a good understanding of things before I make a stupid mistake, but the beginning and being new is pretty scary.

Also if any ladies are reading this, how long does this fear of the unknown last?

Also, I know I need a better website/pictures and so on, I'll be doing that as soon as I can.
http://suzelrich.escort-site.com/ Originally Posted by Suzel
Research your area.

Find a local "mentor" provider(s). Someone who knows your area and is respected. You should soon notice you are being given the same name/names as references. These ladies are probably the ones closest to you in looks/ attitude. Reach out to them. Mail them & introduce yourself. Real pros are willing to help keep you safe since it keeps their client base safe.

Once respected local providers start saying that they think you are legit, it will all fall into place.