Liberal Dilemma and a Solution

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How about some historical prospective? The first african slave arrived in the English colony of Virginia in 1637. It was England at the time. The United States came into being in 1781 but only some states had slavery. The confederacy came into being in 1861 and was gone by 1865 along with slavery. So some of the United States had slavery for 84 years. So let's knock off the falsehood, promoted by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, of hundreds of years of slavery. It was only 84 years of US slavery in some states. Some states like Kansas, Nebraska, California, etc. never had slavery so they are blameless.

Trading places was a movie. I suppose you can take a Harvard trained commodities analyst and exchange him with a con-man with street smarts but I wouldn't bet on it. Who is oppressing whom. Who accuses a black student of acting white if they speak without an urban dialect? Do you know that test scores of black students were much higher in the 1920s through the 1960s and on par with white students. In New York going to to Harlem was not about buying drugs in the 1930s. It was about going to a middle class area with good music, fun, and food. The same was said about Washington DC before the Great Society. In Oklahoma there were black cities with schools, churches, streets, and middle class citizens. In some parts of the country black Americans were doing pretty good except maybe in the deep south. The democrats holding the power preventing voting, promoted lynching, and used the chain gang to get free labor. If someone had said how do we hurt the black American, someone else might say that they had to devalue human life with abortion, break up the black family with welfare programs, destroy the culture with violence and sexually insulting music and images, and we will finish by putting many black fathers in prison and withholding jobs. We will also downgrade the school system and enslave young black students to failing school systems. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think this is a good post, and shows a side of the issue rarely discussed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Indeed I do - a Jewish person was lynched 100 years ago in Georgia:

Staff Writer
Published: 08 September 2013 11:09 PM
Updated: 09 September 2013 05:40 PM

A case of misguided justice that happened 100 years ago in Georgia comes alive in a new exhibit opening Monday at the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance.
The exhibit “Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited” tells the story of Frank, a superintendent in a pencil factory in Atlanta. In 1913, Frank, who was Jewish, was convicted of the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan, a worker at the factory.
Evidence was sketchy, yet appeals were denied. When the governor of Georgia commuted Frank’s death sentence to life in prison, reaction was swift. Riots erupted in Atlanta. Vigilantes took Frank from prison, drove him to Marietta and lynched him.
Museum president and chief executive officer Mary Pat Higgins said the exhibit is timely because hate groups, and in particular anti-Semitism, are on the rise.....

read full story here: Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

How disingenuous! When did you ever stand up for the oppressed? When did you open your heart to the downtrodden. When on this board have you ever displayed any real Tzedakah .... Or said anything that wasnt a gesture of greed and selfishness?

More evidence that you are NOT who you claim to be.

I'll be fasting and praying for you this weekend, because I damned sure know you won't be.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2013, 08:38 AM

I'll be fasting and praying for you this weekend, because I damned sure know you won't be. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The only thing JL will be praying for is more Asian hooker to prey on...
Indeed I do - a Jewish person was lynched 100 years ago in Georgia:

Staff Writer
Published: 08 September 2013 11:09 PM
Updated: 09 September 2013 05:40 PM

A case of misguided justice that happened 100 years ago in Georgia comes alive in a new exhibit opening Monday at the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance.
The exhibit “Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited” tells the story of Frank, a superintendent in a pencil factory in Atlanta. In 1913, Frank, who was Jewish, was convicted of the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan, a worker at the factory.
Evidence was sketchy, yet appeals were denied. When the governor of Georgia commuted Frank’s death sentence to life in prison, reaction was swift. Riots erupted in Atlanta. Vigilantes took Frank from prison, drove him to Marietta and lynched him.
Museum president and chief executive officer Mary Pat Higgins said the exhibit is timely because hate groups, and in particular anti-Semitism, are on the rise.....

read full story here: Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well there were 100 blacks were lynched in Georgia before and after slavery.
First get your dates right. First slaves got here in 1619 to Jamestown, and didnt something happen in 1776. I'm not an idiot. I know not all states had slaves, thus Crisis Attucks, the first not only black person but person do die for this country. He wasn't a slave. I don't need a history lesson from your non empathetic self. You don't know the first thing about what it's like to be black. They went thru the same if not worse horrifying than Jew and everyone oppressed society. Then they get the foot off their necks, not all the way, and they are expected to just make a successful society happen with no real help. Just accept, suck it up and move on and be glad you ain't still in chains. That's crazy.
And Mr Lawyer, please don't back this man up with all his wrong facts. But him a history book instead. And while you're at it, try to steal his white good from him please.. :-)
Buy him. Sorry auto spell makes me seen like I can write english. Lol
And that side of the issue is rarely discussed because it's a bunch of right wing bullshit. And yes I an aware the democrats were mostly responsible back then, but once blacks could get into office, that all changed and the former democrats and their views turned republican. Lol
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The colonies declared their independence in 1776 but the country was formed in the SECOND try in 1781. Get your facts straight. We can argue when the first African slave arrived in the new world but I have seen 1637 as the more cited year. Of course you could go back earlier to when the Spanish brought slaves to Haiti but you make my case for me. US slave ownership, in any way, shape, or form, did not occur until the US became a country (1781) and since each state was considered to be individual you must understand that not all states had slavery. Yes, there all sorts of things that were reprehensible (I'm suprised that you didn't quote Brown vs the Topeka Board of Education) were practiced in many states.

FYI, a Jewish man was also the Secretary of War for the Confederacy 150 years ago. There was a very large enclave of Jewish people in Charleston, South Carolina that came from Bermuda. The name you're looking for is Judah Benjamin.

I wonder which idiot Ladylove is.....sometimes sounds like FuckZup (irrational and stupid).

Most democrats stayed democrats after "blacks" could get into office and then they died. Some took a long time to do it but they did it as democrats (Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Al Gore). I use the word black as a discriptive word, you know black people, black politicians, black soldier, you use it as a noun racist (hey, look there boys, a black!). Go home!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2013, 03:48 PM
The colonies declared their independence in 1776 but the country was formed in the SECOND try in 1781. Get your facts straight. We can argue when the first African slave arrived in the new world but I have seen 1637 as the more cited year. Of course you could go back earlier to when the Spanish brought slaves to Haiti but you make my case for me. US slave ownership, in any way, shape, or form, did not occur until the US became a country (1781) and since each state was considered to be individual you must understand that not all states had slavery. Yes, there all sorts of things that were reprehensible (I'm suprised that you didn't quote Brown vs the Topeka Board of Education) were practiced in many states.

FYI, a Jewish man was also the Secretary of War for the Confederacy 150 years ago. There was a very large enclave of Jewish people in Charleston, South Carolina that came from Bermuda. The name you're looking for is Judah Benjamin.

I wonder which idiot Ladylove is.....sometimes sounds like FuckZup (irrational and stupid).

Most democrats stayed democrats after "blacks" could get into office and then they died. Some took a long time to do it but they did it as democrats (Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Al Gore). I use the word black as a discriptive word, you know black people, black politicians, black soldier, you use it as a noun racist (hey, look there boys, a black!). Go home! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

and you call yourself a teacher?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How disingenuous! When did you ever stand up for the oppressed? When did you open your heart to the downtrodden. When on this board have you ever displayed any real Tzedakah .... Or said anything that wasnt a gesture of greed and selfishness?

More evidence that you are NOT who you claim to be.

I'll be fasting and praying for you this weekend, because I damned sure know you won't be. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As I have said before, I give more money each year to Holocaust Museums than you probably even make at your miserable job. I didn't even collect my winnings from WTF, but asked him to make a donation in your name to a Holocaust Memorial.
My fucking tax bill each year supports several families. But thanks for the prayer and fasting.
He's a teacher of idiots. That makes him smart. Until he opens his mouth.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2013, 04:46 PM
He's a teacher of idiots. That makes him smart. Until he opens his mouth. Originally Posted by ladylove12

he's a fukn janitor
The colonies declared their independence in 1776 but the country was formed in the SECOND try in 1781. Get your facts straight. We can argue when the first African slave arrived in the new world but I have seen 1637 as the more cited year. Of course you could go back earlier to when the Spanish brought slaves to Haiti but you make my case for me. US slave ownership, in any way, shape, or form, did not occur until the US became a country (1781) and since each state was considered to be individual you must understand that not all states had slavery. Yes, there all sorts of things that were reprehensible (I'm suprised that you didn't quote Brown vs the Topeka Board of Education) were practiced in many states.

FYI, a Jewish man was also the Secretary of War for the Confederacy 150 years ago. There was a very large enclave of Jewish people in Charleston, South Carolina that came from Bermuda. The name you're looking for is Judah Benjamin.

I wonder which idiot Ladylove is.....sometimes sounds like FuckZup (irrational and stupid).

Most democrats stayed democrats after "blacks" could get into office and then they died. Some took a long time to do it but they did it as democrats (Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Al Gore). I use the word black as a discriptive word, you know black people, black politicians, black soldier, you use it as a noun racist (hey, look there boys, a black!). Go home! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I only referenced the Jews, I wasn't trying to take anything away from their struggles. I was just comparing them to the struggle of the black man for similarity sale. So you talking about the Jewish enclave does nothing but give a brief history lesson Thanks for it cause I didnt know that. About to read about it right now. I have to learn about it myself because with how you have painted history to fit your thinking, I think I want to get all fully accurate facts about it. Can't trust your versions.. Lol
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well there were 100 blacks were lynched in Georgia before and after slavery. Originally Posted by ladylove12
6 million Jewish people died in the Holocaust