Should we see the ladies with fake pics?

burkalini's Avatar
Aww shucks Mr.Bull--thankyou!! You are pretty awesome yourself!! Originally Posted by kendra kayy

Kendra looks a little bigger upfront. lol
I'll say this about the two ladies who've posted in this thread! No hobbyist could ever complain about getting bad advice from either of them.
You two are greeeeaaaaaat!! Originally Posted by John Bull

Thank you JB, you make me blush.
kendra kayy's Avatar
LOL Burk I told you I was gonna do it!!
Rider68's Avatar
WOW! I haven't had the pleasure of seeing you Kendra Kayy, yet that is I think I might have to make with some me time and call you.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Well Rider I think that's a great idea!