So the Question remains.....

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Originally Posted by texassapper
Can you provide a link to the article?

Yes, the 6-foot distancing was probably not scientifically supported at the time it was implemented but distancing makes total sense. The further you are from someone with a communicable disease, the less likely you are to becoming infected.

"Covid-19: Lockdowns and masks helped reduce transmission, expert group finds"

"Social distancing worked best

The authors found that social distancing and lockdowns were the most effective NPIs. They wrote, “Stay-at-home orders, physical distancing, and restrictions on gathering size were repeatedly found to be associated with significant reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, with more stringent measures having greater effects.”"
Originally Posted by texassapper
Man...that really does suck. Six feet wasn't nearly far enough away from some of those MAGA, Q'anon, antivax, weeping little shit heads. lol

I still don't get the hoopla. Did these folks want to get close enough to hug everyone? Was there some awful thing about standing a few feet apart that I'm missing? Did someone hold people down and force them to be vaccinated? I seem to remember it being up to me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Drugmakers’ Secret Royalty Payments to Fauci’s NIAID Exploded After Pandemic: Originally Posted by texassapper
Fake news.

Why do you insist on posting stuff you know to be bullshit?

Is that why you won’t post the text of the article and only the link?

Intellectually dishonest stuff man, but you’re fooling nobody with it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still not a good link there, WYID

In fact, without Fake News, y'all wouldn't have no news at all.

Epoch Times? Give us a break already!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I still don't get the hoopla. Did these folks want to get close enough to hug everyone?... Originally Posted by Diligaf
Board rules prevent us from posting hours long video's and innumerable pictures of the Resident Sniffer in Chief in close-up action.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Saw Dr Ben Carson respond to a question of widely available, but suddenly disappeared hydroxycloroquolin and ivermectin during early covid time. Appears the way the EUA law reads is that they could not grant an EUA, when there are other treatments available. So the "fix" was to make them scarce or disappeared altogether.

No need for detractors to try quoting CYA studies done this year or last. Codswallop! They literally took drugs off the market, censored professional Doctors and flat out lied to push concoctions for their Big Pharma cohorts.

Recall Dr Birx is now a member of one.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You OK bruh? Need someone to call 911 for ya? I have no earthly idea what you are yammering on about. What link to what? Do you need a break from yourself? Maybe try yoga or deep breathing with green background noise in perhaps the 450 Hrz range.
Still not a good link there, WYID

In fact, without Fake News, y'all wouldn't have no news at all.

Epoch Times? Give us a break already! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Still not a good link there, WYID

In fact, without Fake News, y'all wouldn't have no news at all.

Epoch Times? Give us a break already! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so
Well, here is something that’s not Fake News.

For the past 4 to 5 months, I have had a nagging upper respiratory problem. Dry cough, kind of a tightness .

I went through a complete battery of test, my heart is fine, no lung tissue issues.

The Doctor I went to after the cardiologist, a pumanologist, was one who specializes in things like COPD, Asthma, and the like.

Everything checked out. He asked me if I took the Covid shot. I told him yes, and one booster.

He said he has seen several seniors like me who are having a very similar problem. All took the shot.

He is thinking it is a lingering immune response, since I took the shot after I had Covid.

In layman’s terms, it fucked my immune system up to where I am producing antibodies to fight an infection that is not there.

I have volunteered for a study to see exactly how this artificial immune kick starter is messing with me.

By the way, I feel fine. The lingering dry cough is just annoying.

I will be contacted at a future date to see when the study begins.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, here is something that’s not Fake News.

For the past 4 to 5 months, I have had a nagging upper respiratory problem. Dry cough, kind of a tightness .

I went through a complete battery of test, my heart is fine, no lung tissue issues.

The Doctor I went to after the cardiologist, a pumanologist, was one who specializes in things like COPD, Asthma, and the like.

Everything checked out. He asked me if I took the Covid shot. I told him yes, and one booster.

He said he has seen several seniors like me who are having a very similar problem. All took the shot.

He is thinking it is a lingering immune response, since I took the shot after I had Covid.

In layman’s terms, it fucked my immune system up to where I am producing antibodies to fight an infection that is not there.

I have volunteered for a study to see exactly how this artificial immune kick starter is messing with me.

By the way, I feel fine. The lingering dry cough is just annoying.

I will be contacted at a future date to see when the study begins. Originally Posted by Jackie S

good luck jackie feel better soon
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2024, 08:53 PM
good luck jackie feel better soon Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope you get over it. Good luck.