We saw this coming a mile away

  • oeb11
  • 01-10-2020, 02:54 PM
9500- and the WSJ are being apologists for the terrorist the murdere hundreds of Americans and thousands of others - directly and indirectly.

As has been written - from a DPST point of view -" right decision - wrong CIC."

Just wait-nasty Pelosi will add war crimes to the Articles of Impeachment.

Won't that warm One's heart - just like playing nukes with Eric Swalwell.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trumps will add the war crimes to be menu himself, oebsy.

You’re a terrorism apologists.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumps will add the war crimes to be menu himself, oebsy.

You’re a terrorism apologists. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if yous say so.

winn dixie's Avatar
Trumps will add the war crimes to be menu himself, oebsy.

You’re a terrorism apologists. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
you're spare interchangeable partsy
lustylad's Avatar
Bandy Lee?

Isn't she the shrink who claimed Liberace wasn't gay?

Didn't see that one coming!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
How To Avoid Swallowing War Propaganda


This is why I keep a little imaginary Noam Chomsky sitting on my shoulder at all times. Chomsky helps keep me sane, by cutting through lies and euphemisms and showing things as they really are. I recommend reading his books, especially during times of war. He never swallowed Johnson’s nonsense about Vietnam or Bush’s nonsense about Iraq. And of course they called him insane, anti-American, terrorist-loving, anti-Semitic, blah blah blah.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I recall a couple of years ago the head of the American Psychological Association said that no professional should make a mental diagnosis from a distance. Not admissible in court and wholly unprofessional.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I recall a couple of years ago the head of the American Psychological Association said that no professional should make a mental diagnosis from a distance. Not admissible in court and wholly unprofessional. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's just a suggestion. An opinion. When the patient refuses analysis, there is some leeway.

www.treatmentadvocacycenter.or g

Mental health courts are courts set up specifically to adjudicate only those cases in which a person with a mental illness has been charged with a crime. Some mental health courts take both misdemeanors and felonies, others only the former. Mental health courts are a form of jail diversion for mentally ill individuals charged with crimes. In most cases, the judge gives the defendant the choice of going to jail or cooperating with an outpatient treatment program, including medication. If the person refuses to follow the treatment plan, he/she can be sent to jail. Mental health courts have been shown to be very effective in keeping people on medication, and in reducing rehospitalizations, incarcerations, and violent behavior. The main limitation of such courts is that a mentally ill person has to have committed a crime in order to be eligible.

Hiday VA, Ray B. Arrests two years after exiting a well-established mental health court. Psychiatric Services 2010;61:463–468.

Lamb HR, Weinberger LE. Mental health courts as a way to provide treatment to violent persons with severe mental illness. Journal of the American Medical Association 2008;300:722–724.

Moore ME, Hiday VA. Mental health court outcomes: a comparison of re-arrest and re-arrest severity between mental health court and traditional court participants. Law and Human Behavior 2006:30:659–674.

McNiel DE, Binder RL. Effectiveness of a mental health court in reducing criminal recidivism and violence.
American Journal of Psychiatry 2007;164:1395-403.

Steadman HJ, Redlich A, Callahan L, et al. Effect of mental health courts on arrests and jail days: a multisite
study. Archives of General Psychiatry 2011;68:167-72.

Goodale G, Callahan L, Steadman HJ. Law & Psychiatry: What can we say about mental health courts today? Psychiatric Services 2013;64:298-300.

When Someone Refuses Treatment


When someone you love refuses to get professional treatment for their mental health disorder—such as depression, bipolar disorder, or substance abuse—this can put you, as a family member, in a very uncomfortable and difficult position. You care for the person and can see that he or she needs help, but feel powerless and unable to just stand by.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Still unprofessional and the diagnosis would like credibility.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I assume you meant "lack" credibility. And unprofessional. Just like the prez.

The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control


First, author Steven Hassan is not a psychiatrist and this ethical principle applies only to psychiatrists who are members of the APA. Secondly, and subtitle aside, the focus is on cults and how people become attached to them, with President Trump as a crucially considered example.
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 04:46 PM
Fine - according to the DPST "experts" - Pelosi has a "right" to force Trump into involuntary diagnosis and therapy for not adhering to the DPST marxist narrative.

along that line - Trump, Mcconnell, and Mccarthy have the right to force Pelosi and Schumer into involuntary diagnosis and therapy for their dangerous TDS.

Look it up in the Constitution the DPST's plan to write for 2020. Drafts are on the DNC web site.

Now - 9500- go play with Iran and Swalwell at nukes (oops - we made a mistake and did not really mean to nuke Israel and NYC.)

eccieuser9500's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 05:04 PM
Couple of elderly communists

Trying to scare little children with faux "Halloween"?????
Couple of elderly communists

Trying to scare little children with faux "Halloween"????? Originally Posted by oeb11
Yeah, funny old "white" men. Yang and Booker have not been impressed coming from people of "color".
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 05:09 PM
Yang and Booker - people of "color"????
What Crayola set are they playing with????