To RubyRed: I Don't Take To Being Threatened, So Consider This Game On

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
So you felt threatened over a slew of texts over a phone? Originally Posted by mr666
HE claims she was threatening to put whatever info of his she has out there. Reread his first post.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You raise a good point. Edited for brevity Originally Posted by citizen44
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ight.....
Ruby, I got your "one warning" about never posting anything about you again, and obviously, there are some things about guys you don't quite understand. All humans have a flight or fight instinct. The thing to understand about guys is that 90% of the time, we will choose to fight when threatened, even if we think we might take a beating during the course of it. Originally Posted by citizen44

Let' catch our viewing audience up to date first.

I've always liked redheads, and Ruby made the bucket list early on. Back in March though, someone posted a No DATY ? thread in ML about Ruby. It was confirmed she was no DATY, but 2 or 3 YMMV comments were posted by some of the guys. While saddened, I kept a little hope up. Jump forward in time to last Tuesday and I decide to see if Ruby has any time slots available.

A couple side notes here:

1). I love DATY. I see a good looking kitty, and my mouth starts watering like a Saint Bernard. I don't know why, it just is what it is. So needless to say, DATY is a major part of the experience for me, along with DFK and CFS. Not only do I enjoy it, but I view it as my way of trying to give back some pleasure to the provider. Even if the lady doesn't "O", she gets a chance to take a break and relax and hopefully enjoy a nice little kitty tongue bath.

2). If you look at Ruby's p411 site, you will see several things. She says she is very bi, encourages guys to bring along women, loves greek, and her menu lists bi/couples/greek and 41 other activities. Missing is DATY and YMMV.

3). I'm a huge believer in providers rights to decline certain activities or to be YMMV on some of them. I totally support this no matter what the ladies reasons are. All I ask for is honesty and transparency. Don't wait until a client gets to your incall to inform him of these limitations. If you tell me before I get to the incall that you only let about half the guys kiss you, I can make an informed decision whether to see you. If I go for it and then you want nothing to do with kissing me, that was my risk and I have no right to get bent out of shape.

Back to the appointment request on Tuesday.

Ruby indicates she has an opening, and I then proceed to mention that I saw DATY was missing from her menu. Was this intentional, and was it a potential YMMV issue? She lets me know it is intentional and never YMMV. She proceeds to let me know the reason for no DATY is to keep her healthy. I mention I would never want a lady to to do anything she wasn't totally enthusiastic about. I let her know this is a big item for me and say I need to think about, and will text her back that evening.

On my way home I come to the conclusion that its crazy for me to pay any amount of money and not get one of the main three things that I want in this hobby. So when I get home, I text her back that I decided DATY was to important to me and that I was going to pass on the appointment. I then say I'm sorry if I've wasted her time, have a good evening and stay safe. Total time spent is probably five minutes, and not once was I impolite. Ruby quickly responds that I did waste her time and that I should delete her number. I responded by saying that I apologized if I said something to offend her, and that I was not trying to tick her off. Never got a response.

Jump forward to Monday, when someone posts a review on Ruby. ed

One of the guys posts the question of whether or not Ruby is MSOG. I respond back that it is listed on her p411 menu. It is while doing this that I remember her comment about loving greek and the fact that it is listed on her menu. The funny thing was, having looked at 8 - 10 of her reviews, I couldn't remember a single account of someone saying they had done it. With the amount of rabid butt pirates on this site, I found that odd, so I mention it in hopes one of the guys will provide some info. The other thing I noticed about this review was the complete lack of any mention of DATY.

Now here's the thing to not loose sight of ladies (and I don't believe hardly any of you do), this is a male oriented review site about our time spent with ladies. It is supposed to be the complete and unvarnished truth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys on here who try to curry favor and don't give honest reviews. You then end up with situations like I had last week where I saw a lady from here whose showcase displays a 25 yo at 105 lbs, and I walked into a room with a 30 yo at 140lbs. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy with either the bait n switch provider or the 4 suck up reviewers who said nothing.

Unfortunately for Ruby, I'm not a suck up. As I was already posting in the thread, i added a short NO DATY notice and a quick waring about how she responds to being turned down.

Jump forward to 5:00 AM this morning when I find my hobby phone was blowing up last night for five minutes straight due to one Rubyred proving that yes, redheads do have fiery tempers. Names like pathetic, ignorant, disrespectful, distasteful and rude go flying. Unfortunately, she ends it with a warning never to post about her again, and threatens to post my info to all the providers.

Now here's the part you're not going to like Ruby, I've got some advice for you:

1). Quit acting like you have one up on us guys because you always know what we are writing. 90% of providers on here either have an alternate account with direct access, or some pussy whipped WK who forwards every post like a little bitch. The only reason any of us post in private tags is to watch certain providers try to dance around the truth that they have multiple accounts.

2). Own up to your NO DATY clause and clearly put it in your bio. By throwing out the "very bi, bring your SO" statements and putting up 44 menu items, all you are trying to do is hide that you don't do DATY. Seriously, I had two bi girlfriends in my 20's, and they would have ripped you a new one if they showed up for a "very bi" experience only to find out there would be no kitty for dinner. You have very valid reasons for not offering, but quit trying to give false impressions and be truthful and transparent.

3). Put YMMV in your menu, and then own up about the truth of your greek service being YMMV in your bio. You shouldn't put in your bio that you love greek, than admit you don't offer it to many people. Trust me, the lack of greek in your reviews tells the truth. I totally support your right not to offer it, charge a lot for it, or be YMMV about it. Just be truthful and transparent.

4). Quit thinking that your lack of DATY is causing a lack of business. You are one of only three cute redheaded providers in the city. You are whats called a rare commodity. There aren't that many people like me who would turn down a cute redhead for a lack of DATY. Just look at Ember Simmers. No kissing, no BJ, no DATY and I guarantee she has to beat the clients off with a stick when she comes to town.

5). Just because you can text 120 wpm doesn't mean that you should. Give your brain a chance to filter that redheaded temper. Your pissy response after I very politely turned you down was the Genesis of this situation your in. Flying off at the handle about a truthful remark made on an escort review site isn't helping yourself. Either don't give someone a reason to write something, or grow a thicker skin.

6). Most importantly, don't ever freakin threaten me again. I'm definitely not a person you want to travel down that rabbit hole with. Originally Posted by citizen44
Once it's on the interwebs, it's there FOREVER.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
"You can catch more flies with honey."

& +1 Dorian, lol.
you girls...... make me giggle all the time....
Sarunga's Avatar
IMO, this should have ended here:
......Ruby quickly responds that I did waste her time and that I should delete her number. Originally Posted by citizen44
Game on. She threatens to out you, so you counter with...

A long, boring post!
Guest010115-3's Avatar
Never give a provider info that would put u at risk if revealed. Trust is something rare in this hobby. I guess it is still rare in real life too but hobbying carries the risk of loss that is higher than the norm.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trust is something rare in this hobby. I guess it is still rare in real life too but hobbying carries the risk of loss that is higher than the norm. Originally Posted by chess9718cb
Any time anyone obtains private, personal, and potentially damaging or embarrassing information about another person through their work or play, it SHOULD NOT be used as leverage or retaliation regardless of the "justification."

That is why this board (or at least I thought) uses screen names and passwords.

That is also why there are rules on here for "outing" (I thought).

As far as I am concerned a threat to disclose personal information (on or off this board) is an "alert" on the person threatening whether it be a hobbyist or a provider doing the threatening....UNLESS an assault or some offense related to an assault has been committed and the disclosure is to LE for the purpose of protection and prosecution.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Was this verbal or thru email / pm?

Edit: Nevermind I decided to read. Guess it was in a text. Out of curiosity what type of info does she have from you that she could post?

Since it doesn't appear you even met her I'm assuming she has a phone number, eccie handle and possibly a p411 ID. Is that the info she is able to post about you?
citizen44's Avatar

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Thanks. I never can figure out how to undo back spacing on an iphone and that part about greek is actually pertinent for the guys to know and wasn't meant be be deleted.
nightdiver's Avatar
Not including an activity in P411 means, to me, that she doesn't provide it. I'm cool with that. Including an activity and then not providing it is a different matter. I'm not cool with that and I don't think Gina is either. That's false advertisement. It happens.
Wakeup's Avatar
Heh heh heh

That's what you get for adding her to a list...oh wait...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not including an activity in P411 means, to me, that she doesn't provide it. I'm cool with that. Including an activity and then not providing it is a different matter. I'm not cool with that and I don't think Gina is either. That's false advertisement. It happens. Originally Posted by nightdiver
Guess she changed it cause it isn't on there now. For as long as I can remember ruby has not been a fan of daty.

Wonder if Gina would enforce chicks to not advertise bisexual if they are really bisexual.
citizen44's Avatar
Was this verbal or thru email / pm?

Edit: Nevermind I decided to read. Guess it was in a text. Out of curiosity what type of info does she have from you that she could post?

Since it doesn't appear you even met her I'm assuming she has a phone number, eccie handle and possibly a p411 ID. Is that the info she is able to post about you? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
At the end of the day for the guys on here, are you better off knowing that one of the providers has such a temper that she is willing to post whatever info on she has of yours to the other providers and conduct a behind the scenes smear campaign because you posted the truth in one of her reviews?

Even the WK's, who are actually more likely to give away personal info, should pay attention. This board has numerous examples of provider/client relationships that went tits up.
I never was attracted to red heads, actually turned off by them. I've determined it's because my older sister is a red head. ;-)