Covering your tracks (paranoid behavior)

aznlvr11's Avatar
Just because you are paranoid does not mean someone is not out to get you. Originally Posted by pyramider
that's for damn sure! LMFAO!
There is some fairly cheap drive wiping tools out there.. my company users "WipeDrive 6" you can get it at office depot for about 40 bucks.. you boot the CD, put in the activate code, choose all hard drives, (or the one you wanna wipe) choose DOD 3 pass wipe and let it run..

down side is on a 160 gig hd it took about 4 hours.. so speedy it is not..
But on the other hand if you have laptops you use for the hobby.. large capacity hd's are not needed.. heck a 32 gig ssd for a linux distro would be fine.. that might take 1 hour to wipe.
Married men are the best! They get the hobby thing, Single ones think they can marry an independent an take her out the industry. Just my .2 Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
Not all single guys would even consider that much less try it. Some of the single guys have been lied to so much, just like the married guys, that they learned if her lips are moving, she is lying. As far as covering ones tracks, like Spirit noted, there is sw out there that will clear your free space on your hd using DOD Milspec standards and that will be unrecoverable by even a clean room.
If you really ARE that paranoid.. I would do this for your laptop..
1st install Linux. (ubuntu is the best flavor I think) from it you can use Firefox or Chrome for a browser, Evolution email if you need a mail client, and Pigeon for an IM client.

you can encrypt the home directory (where all your stuff is stored) at install.

And if you are REALLY paranoid.. create a boot thumb drive.. laptop boots off it, runs etc.. has all your info on it.. basically its the drive for the laptop.. but should you have to "ditch" the unit, you take out the thumb drive and toss it in the bayou and keep the laptop - you can even keep the laptop without an actual HD in it, and this will work

When not in use. the thumby is hidden or is with you.