
In Venezuela? How many amendments in their Bill of Rights, kehaar?

This actually looks like that group "Bikers for Trump." Bad dudes. When they get in the middle of things, very bad things happen. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

So now you are saying Trump is like Maduro. They are polar opposites. It is the left that is using all the power of the federal government to threaten and intimidate their opponents. It is the left who is morphing constitutional law into "do good" law, where the left defines what "Good" is.

The left's positions, both on here, and in public, are fundamentally disgusting. Maduro's policy positions are fully supported by the main stream Democratic Party, and their antifa jack booted thugs.

Can you give me an example of a Trump/Republican organized group threatening violence, intimidation, and mayhem on their enemies. There are hundreds of instances of leftwing organizations funded by the core of the Democratic funders instigating intimidation and violence. As stated in other places, the fact you the leftist here and elsewhere cheer them on, and excuse their behavior as being necessary for the greater good makes you all fascist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So now you are saying Trump is like Maduro. They are polar opposites. It is the left that is using all the power of the federal government to threaten and intimidate their opponents. It is the left who is morphing constitutional law into "do good" law, where the left defines what "Good" is.

The left's positions, both on here, and in public, are fundamentally disgusting. Maduro's policy positions are fully supported by the main stream Democratic Party, and their antifa jack booted thugs.

Can you give me an example of a Trump/Republican organized group threatening violence, intimidation, and mayhem on their enemies. There are hundreds of instances of leftwing organizations funded by the core of the Democratic funders instigating intimidation and violence. As stated in other places, the fact you the leftist here and elsewhere cheer them on, and excuse their behavior as being necessary for the greater good makes you all fascist. Originally Posted by kehaar
Did I say that, kehaar?


You did.

Rest of your post is a series of lies.

Come back when you've got more than bullshit.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Did I say that, kehaar?


You did.

Rest of your post is a series of lies.

Come back when you've got more than bullshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
the king of bullshit and lie's has spoken
themystic's Avatar

the king of bullshit and lie's has spoken Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Go ahead King Liar, Speak Pajama Boy
Hotrod511's Avatar
sorry mystic you're on

  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2019, 06:52 AM
Did I say that, kehaar?


You did.

Rest of your post is a series of lies.

Come back when you've got more than bullshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Wave paper in left hand - Mccarthy - SomeOne's denials fall on sterile ground .
SomeOne Loves Maduro - Just as AOC, Omar, and Tlaib - Just as the recently passed BS ant-hate DPST bill.

SomeOne is in Love with the Wallaby to this Day@!
Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Free Shit for Everyone
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Free shit for Everyone

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: The constitution is what I say it is
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: The constitution is what I say it is

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Successful businessmen are evil
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Successful businessmen are evil

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Nationalize businesses so the intelligencia can rule
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Nationalize businesses so the intelligencia can rule

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Use the mob to impose our will
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Use the mob to impose our will

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Those who oppose giving us their money are enemies off the people
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Those who oppose giving us their money are enemies off the people

Maduro/Chavez/Communists: Children must be taught values by the socialist state
Clinton/Obama/Democrats: Children must be taught values by the socialist state

In all seriousness, there is but a froghairs difference between their platforms. The only difference is the time that they are in power. These are truly fucking scary times.

This isn't a comparison of Cortez and Maduro/Chavez. This is a comparison of the bulk of the Democratic Party and Maduro/Chavez.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Kehaar -Agree 100% sadly most people don't understand that's why the 2 AD was written .
Venezula is the example for the world as to why socialism don't work,,,
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In Venezuela? How many amendments in their Bill of Rights, kehaar?

This actually looks like that group "Bikers for Trump." Bad dudes. When they get in the middle of things, very bad things happen. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"Bad dudes" ....


like ... Voter registration drives!!! yep .. that's a bad thing .. for Democrats.



  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2019, 03:15 PM
lustylad's Avatar
I don't subscribe to WSJ. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Poor yssup can't afford a WSJ subscription.

Plus if he had one, he knows he would be forced to retreat on substance instead of pleading that he can't read the damn article.

That's why I always help out poor yssup by cutting and pasting the WSJ so it's right IN HIS FACE!!



Socialists of the World, Unite

Sanders and AOC show their support for Venezuela’s dictator.

By The Editorial Board
Jan. 28, 2019 7:42 p.m. ET

Socialism is again going mainstream in the U.S., or at least in the Democratic Party, and apparently the 21st-century version includes the international socialist solidarity that marked the 20th. As Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro hunts for allies amid a revolt of his desperate people, he is finding rare support among America’s Democratic socialists.

Bernie Sanders, the once and future U.S. presidential candidate, issued this balm for the comrades in Caracas late last week:

“The United States should support the rule of law, fair elections and self-determination for the Venezuelan people. We must condemn the use of violence against unarmed protesters and the suppression of dissent. However, we must learn the lessons of the past and not be in the business of regime change or supporting coups - as we have in Chile, Guatemala, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. The United States has a long history of inappropriately intervening in Latin American countries; we must not go down that road again.”

Mr. Maduro stole the last election and his National Guard are killing protesters, but Mr. Sanders is most worried about U.S. support for “regime change.” Regime change is exactly what the people of Venezuela want. Bernie is siding with the dictator, who survives in power only because of the military and Cuban intelligence.

Then there’s the newest socialist star, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC for short), who retweeted this response from left-wing California Democrat Ro Khanna to Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin’s support for the Venezuelan uprising: “With respect Senator Durbin, the US should not anoint the leader of the opposition in Venezuela during an internal, polarized conflict. Let us support Uruguay, Mexico, & the Vatican’s efforts for a negotiated settlement & end sanctions that are making the hyperinflation worse.”

Sorry, Mr. Khanna and AOC, the U.S. didn’t “anoint” anyone. The elected Venezuelan National Assembly named Juan Guaidó its interim president, as it is allowed to do under the Venezuelan constitution. The U.S. merely recognized him as the legitimate president of the country.

As for a negotiated settlement, where has Mr. Khanna been? Apparently not anywhere near Venezuela, unlike Mr. Durbin, who says that last year he “found a country on the verge of political, economic and humanitarian collapse. I told then-President Maduro that if he went ahead with a sham election under absurdly rigged conditions he would find his regime even further isolated and in question.”

Impoverished and malnourished, Venezuelans are now resorting to the streets because they know the regime will not cede power on its own. Most of the free world has rallied to their side. The nations supporting Mr. Maduro include such notable democracies as Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Turkey, Nicaragua and Hezbollah.

Incredibly enough, this is the socialist solidarity that America’s premier Democratic socialists are joining. Remember that when they say America needs socialism too.

Appeared in the January 29, 2019, print edition.
In the words of YR - Holy Chit!!!!!!!!
Can someone clue Speedracer in on this. He thinks I'm making this shit up.
Jeeze, you just can't make this shit up.! Bernie - talk baby,talk. And A.O.C. - let's keep that bat shit crazy bitch front and center! We gonna win in 2020!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahsha!!

Poor yssup can't afford a WSJ subscription.

Plus if he had one, he knows he would be forced to retreat on substance instead of pleading that he can't read the damn article.

That's why I always help out poor yssup by cutting and pasting the WSJ so it's right IN HIS FACE!!



Socialists of the World, Unite

Sanders and AOC show their support for Venezuela’s dictator.

By The Editorial Board
Jan. 28, 2019 7:42 p.m. ET

Socialism is again going mainstream in the U.S., or at least in the Democratic Party, and apparently the 21st-century version includes the international socialist solidarity that marked the 20th. As Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro hunts for allies amid a revolt of his desperate people, he is finding rare support among America’s Democratic socialists.

Bernie Sanders, the once and future U.S. presidential candidate, issued this balm for the comrades in Caracas late last week:

“The United States should support the rule of law, fair elections and self-determination for the Venezuelan people. We must condemn the use of violence against unarmed protesters and the suppression of dissent. However, we must learn the lessons of the past and not be in the business of regime change or supporting coups - as we have in Chile, Guatemala, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. The United States has a long history of inappropriately intervening in Latin American countries; we must not go down that road again.”

Mr. Maduro stole the last election and his National Guard are killing protesters, but Mr. Sanders is most worried about U.S. support for “regime change.” Regime change is exactly what the people of Venezuela want. Bernie is siding with the dictator, who survives in power only because of the military and Cuban intelligence.

Then there’s the newest socialist star, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC for short), who retweeted this response from left-wing California Democrat Ro Khanna to Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin’s support for the Venezuelan uprising: “With respect Senator Durbin, the US should not anoint the leader of the opposition in Venezuela during an internal, polarized conflict. Let us support Uruguay, Mexico, & the Vatican’s efforts for a negotiated settlement & end sanctions that are making the hyperinflation worse.”

Sorry, Mr. Khanna and AOC, the U.S. didn’t “anoint” anyone. The elected Venezuelan National Assembly named Juan Guaidó its interim president, as it is allowed to do under the Venezuelan constitution. The U.S. merely recognized him as the legitimate president of the country.

As for a negotiated settlement, where has Mr. Khanna been? Apparently not anywhere near Venezuela, unlike Mr. Durbin, who says that last year he “found a country on the verge of political, economic and humanitarian collapse. I told then-President Maduro that if he went ahead with a sham election under absurdly rigged conditions he would find his regime even further isolated and in question.”

Impoverished and malnourished, Venezuelans are now resorting to the streets because they know the regime will not cede power on its own. Most of the free world has rallied to their side. The nations supporting Mr. Maduro include such notable democracies as Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Turkey, Nicaragua and Hezbollah.

Incredibly enough, this is the socialist solidarity that America’s premier Democratic socialists are joining. Remember that when they say America needs socialism too.

Appeared in the January 29, 2019, print edition. Originally Posted by lustylad
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2019, 04:23 PM
SomeOne will stick to Idiotology and label the WSJ article as nazi fake news.

DPST socialism is their Religion and disease.

See - Al Green - congressperson.

One thing I do agree about - We should not at this time intervene militarily in Venezuela. However, keep an option open to pressure and panic Maduro and his totalitarian allies.

LL - Thank for a good post.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
thanx waco

was going to post the wsj article, but my anti-paywall was not working for wsj. they changed algorithm.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
thanx waco

was going to post the wsj article, but my anti-paywall was not working for wsj. they changed algorithm. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

finally got an updated paywall. so now can read & post WSJ articles.