Nunes Memo Already Proven To Be Garbage! Lock Him Up!

StandinStraight's Avatar

The same clowns who are whining about "national security issues" being revealed didn't have a problem with hildebeest's private server with 30,000+ emails, many bearing this nation's most classified rating, ending up on a pedophile's computer or with the pardon and release of a transgender spy who was convicted of releasing classified intel to Wikileaks.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your so out of touch, the people talking about the Nunes fantasy memo being a threat to national security are democrats and republicans, anyone who has any allegiance to his country would be on the side of protecting this memo from being made public. Those that want it to be public are traitors and should be removed from office and jailed.
lustylad's Avatar
Those who disagree with me on any subject are traitors and should be removed from office and jailed. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
FTFY, twatwaffle.

This is your go-to "argument" in every post you make. You never bother trying to make a rational case, persuasive or otherwise, for anything. You just toss out your inflammatory claptrap, wait for a response, and then go straight into "you're a (racist, sexist, deplorable) traitor" mode.
lustylad's Avatar
What's wrong with waiting for that to happen before releasing the memo?

The new director, who had no part of creating or presenting false information, if that did happen, is concerned about the release of the memo.

If abuses occurred, we should absolutely hold accountable those responsible.

Let's hold judgment until we know more. Originally Posted by grean
Damn greanie, you are sounding downright reasonable today! I especially liked the way you gave Professor Tinydick a lesson in 5th-grade social studies.

Here's what I seem to be hearing in between the shouting back and forth between Nunes and Schiff:

The dems claim the Nunes memo is misleading because the FISA warrant was approved based on multiple sources of evidence, not just the dossier. I don't see how that would make any difference. The inclusion of the dossier, and its provenance as having been funded by the hildebeest campaign, would still taint any FISA application. If there was other compelling evidence, why did the FBI include the dossier at all? What the fuck were they thinking? I don't think the FISA judge understood where the dossier came from. Any FISA court would immediately reject an application that was even partly supported by scurrilous "opposition research" collected by smear merchants working on behalf of a domestic political campaign. No judge would knowingly walk into an obvious mine field like that.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Yes everyone should be able to read the fantasy memo soon, a few days later after it’s trashed you will only hear about it on Fox News! Everyone else in the world will put it in the same trash can as the Benghazi , Fusion GPS and the Hillary’s Email Server reports. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

You’re such a tough guy, turdfly. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Maybe we can listen in on the Secret Society too! Originally Posted by WTF

Nunes will be indicted for Obstruction once Dems take back the House..that pasty looking prick will pay soon Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

ECCIE Clowns
LexusLover's Avatar
Your so out of touch, .... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Typical Liberal bullshit ... why bother posting stupid shit like that? ... I suspect the only thing you "touch" is yourself as you dream of another fantasy grab by a coworker!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Damn greanie, you are sounding downright reasonable today! I especially liked the way you gave Professor Tinydick a lesson in 5th-grade social studies.

Here's what I seem to be hearing in between the shouting back and forth between Nunes and Schiff:

The dems claim the Nunes memo is misleading because the FISA warrant was approved based on multiple sources of evidence, not just the dossier. I don't see how that would make any difference. The inclusion of the dossier, and its provenance as having been funded by the hildebeest campaign, would still taint any FISA application. If there was other compelling evidence, why did the FBI include the dossier at all? What the fuck were they thinking? I don't think the FISA judge understood where the dossier came from. Any FISA court would immediately reject an application that was even partly supported by scurrilous "opposition research" collected by smear merchants working on behalf of a domestic political campaign. No judge would knowingly walk into an obvious mine field like that. Originally Posted by lustylad

The dim-retards are liars. The dossier was included because the "other evidence" couldn't stand on its own; hence, the Steele Dossier was fundamentally required to secure a FISA Warrant: "fruit of the poison tree." Flynn and Papadopolous will be absolved of any crimes, because the charges against them stem from bogus charges dependent on illegally gained wire taps.

Your so out of touch, the people talking about the Nunes fantasy memo being a threat to national security are democrats and republicans, anyone who has any allegiance to his country would be on the side of protecting this memo from being made public. Those that want it to be public are traitors and should be removed from office and jailed. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If your lib-retard ass claimed hildebeest didn't threaten national security with her illegal server, then you are a fucking hypocrite, Standing Stupid. Exposing government corruption isn't a threat to national security, Standing Stupid. It's a measure to protect national security, you hypocritical piece of shit.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Typical Liberal bullshit ... why bother posting stupid shit like that? ... I suspect the only thing you "touch" is yourself as you dream of another fantasy grab by a coworker! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You deplorables don’t realize I am assuming , that the Nunes memo is just his opinion on what he thinks could of happened, it’s based on nothing but his imagination. It is a useless piece of paper. Try turning on something other than Fox News and you will learn how unimportant this memo is, it’s a bad publicity stunt.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You deplorables don’t realize I am assuming , that the Nunes memo is just his opinion on what he thinks could of happened, it’s based on nothing but his imagination. It is a useless piece of paper. Try turning on something other than Fox News and you will learn how unimportant this memo is, it’s a bad publicity stunt. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

you mean like every post you make is nothing more than "your opinion" making it equally speculative?


Nunes has access to info way way above your pay grade, Professor Sparky.
The Nunes fantasy memo is a clear case of obstruction of justice as it was created to slow down and discredit bob mueller. Soon it will be proven that the White House was involved with this fabrication! Mueller is a great investigator but even the keystone cops could convict these blatant crimes!

Mueller and his team must be laughing at all the crimes being commited daily by trump and the republicans as they try to discredit the investigation and cover up the long list of previous crimes. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
What would be the charges dumbass? Your delusional uneducated ass doesn't know the difference between right and wrong that's why you post such crap.

StandinStraight's Avatar
I thought it would take a week for nobody to care about the Nunes memo once it was realeased but it only took a hour. All anyone talks about now is how stupid it is. FBI should march down to Nunes and place him under arrest for being a traitor.
lustylad's Avatar
I thought it would take a week for nobody to care about the Nunes memo once it was realeased (sic) but it only took a hour. All anyone talks about now is how stupid it is. FBI should march down to Nunes and place him under arrest for being a traitor. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yawn. If the memo was a big non-event then the only thing you might "arrest" Nunes for is false advertising, you ignorant twatwaffle.

Why don't we arrest the dim-retards for falsely screaming the memo's release would hurt national security?

At least we all agree on one thing - YOU should be locked up for falsely impersonating a college professor. What was your dissertation topic again, Professor Fuckface?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Yawn. If the memo was a big non-event then the only thing you might "arrest" Nunes for is false advertising, you ignorant twatwaffle.

Why don't we arrest the dim-retards for falsely screaming the memo's release would hurt national security?

At least we all agree on one thing - YOU should be locked up for falsely impersonating a college professor. What was your dissertation topic again, Professor Fuckface? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes the nunes memo was total garbage, everyone knows that, what does that mean? It means this is another blatant trump lie to his deplorables, he tried to sucker you again and this time hopefully his dishonesty was exposed enough to save deplorables from being fools again. I feel sorry for deplorables when they are abused over and over and a lack of education allows them to be played.

Wake up! Pay Attention! Learn!

We won’t be fooled again !
Perhaps you should pull your head out of WTF's posterior perfesser sitsinhisownshit. McCabe already admitted that there was no way that FISA warrant gets granted without that dossier. Also that the FBI (including little Jimmy Comey) failed to tell the judge that this was opposition research. All this bluster about the memo from idiots like you and you can't point out one thing in it that isn't true.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Perhaps you should pull your head out of WTF's posterior perfesser sitsinhisownshit. McCabe already admitted that there was no way that FISA warrant gets granted without that dossier. Also that the FBI (including little Jimmy Comey) failed to tell the judge that this was opposition research. All this bluster about the memo from idiots like you and you can't point out one thing in it that isn't true. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Turn on the news, even Fox News is bashing the garbage memo and Nunes. The memo is just another obstruction of justice charge against trump, he makes Muellers work very easy.