Hillary has to testify UNDER OATH

  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 10:51 AM
9500 turkeys -" Subpoenas are just in invitations, that's why."

DPST's are free to ignore the Invitations all they want.

LexusLover's Avatar
9500 turkeys -" Subpoenas are just in invitations, that's why."

DPST's are free to ignore the Invitations all they want.

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
It's been transparently obvious from the beginning of the Scam/Sham Investigation to determine whether articles of impeachment against Trump would be "viable" .... as to why a subpoena wasn't "served" and "enforced" ....

The fundamental question in the issuance of a subpoena is whether or the person or body issuing the subpoena has the authority to do so and secondly is the event/activity for which the persons or documents are sought is a legitimate event/activity and the persons or documents are sought for a legitimate purpose (relevant facts regarding the focus of the event/activity).

The issuer has ultimate the burden of proof on all those queries. The Loons didn't want their legitimacy and/or authority to be reviewed "in court"!

As LAWLESS advocates they wouldn't!

The House Loons led by PussLousy have fallen into the same trap that HillariousNoMore and Obaminable did .... they have been so consumed with their own alleged "political prowess" that they actually believe their bullshit .... all they have to do is DO IT (their little swam rat episodes and excursions) and their "political allies" will cover up the turds in their litter box.

Go back to the FBI retards texting and emailing each other .... "insurance policy"?

What is the purpose of an "insurance policy"? In layperson's lingo: To recover or cover losses that resulted from fucking up and creating those losses by making errors in judgment while engaged activities that are "covered" by the policy.

All of them underestimated the abilities of Trump! They still are!

#1: Thinking there was now way he could win in 2016.
#2: Thinking he was stupid and couldn't figure it out.
#3: Thinking he couldn't grow the economy like it is.
#4: Thinking foreign leaders wouldn't like/respect him.

Who is having joint military operations in the Indian Ocean?
HedonistForever's Avatar
So what, she can walk in and plead the fifth, or she can tell the court to go to hell and ignore the orders

Their case will have to get in line behind the fat lying bastards and his associates like Rudy. Get over it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Thanks for proving once again that you do not understand the law or what and who is allowed executive privilege and who isn't. Hint, Hillary isn't.

like the fat lying bastard ignores court decisions.
And what court decisions would those be?

The President can appeal a court order but he can not ignore it. He can get a stay from a higher court but he can not ignore it or a judge can have anybody arrested who might be following an order from a President to ignore a court order.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Was there someone on the current White House staff who got a "subpoena" to testify before the House Scam Investigation Committee and who declined the "invitation"? If so, please name the person(s). And a legitimate source would be nice of your FACTS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The current administration staff is a revolving and devolving door. I suppose current is the key word, right?
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 11:07 AM
Wishful thinking - 9500.
Note - all administrations are current only for a four year term of office.

Try reading the Constitution.

Not that it would make a difference.
So what, she can walk in and plead the fifth, or she can tell the court to go to hell and ignore the orders like the fat lying bastard ignores court decisions.

Their case will have to get in line behind the fat lying bastards and his associates like Rudy. Get over it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Alas, If only she were POTUS.
LexusLover's Avatar
The current administration staff is a revolving and devolving door. I suppose current is the key word, right? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No, not right. As usual you are wrong again!!!!

Past administrative staff (as well as department heads and their former staff members who are under "executive privilege" while employed with the administration) have to maintain the confidentiality.

Liken it to a "legal secretary" who departs a law office: they are prohibited from talking about your disclosed information to their boss while they were employed.

Or do you think otherwise just because the LameStreamSocialist media spouts off otherwise ... unless of course if it's their shit!!!!

If you are concerned about that concept, just look at the Loons pretending to be someone on here while they post .... they are the ones toying with outing the others!!!! SocialistLiberalLoons feel free to out and disclose others' personal/private information, but scream bloody murder when it's their privacy being invaded and disclosed ...

... you think Cortez would like her stinky pussy problem being publicly discussed on Hannity's show?
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks for proving once again that you do not understand the law .... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The Captain sucking on the taxpayers' hind tit doesn't need to know.

His "intellectual prowess" increased with each promotion!

He hasn't figured out yet that he can't demote someone for disagreeing with him on here .... although he tries....

... like all Loons.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No, not right. As usual you are wrong again!!!!

Past administrative staff (as well as department heads and their former staff members who are under "executive privilege" while employed with the administration) have to maintain the confidentiality.

Liken it to a "legal secretary" who departs a law office: they are prohibited from talking about your disclosed information to their boss while they were employed.

Or do you think otherwise just because the LameStreamSocialist media spouts off otherwise ... unless of course if it's their shit!!!!

If you are concerned about that concept, just look at the Loons pretending to be someone on here while they post .... they are the ones toying with outing the others!!!! SocialistLiberalLoons feel free to out and disclose others' personal/private information, but scream bloody murder when it's their privacy being invaded and disclosed ...

... you think Cortez would like her stinky pussy problem being publicly discussed on Hannity's show? Originally Posted by LexusLover
As before, you use lots of words to say little. Point was regarding John Bolton. Nobody can compel him to testify. It's just an invitation. Freedom of speech and right to remain silent, you know.

That's why I thought "current" was the key word in your challenge.

  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 01:48 PM
9500 - a subpoena may be contested in court - and a court does have the authority to order a subpoena enforced.

The Right to Freedom of speech is just fine as long as it is Liberal DPST speech to the DPST's - but anathema and suppressed if anything else. DPST Hypocrisy.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[3]

Right to remain silent

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The 5th Amendment gives One the right to not testify against oneself - to avoid self-incrimination. Testimony under immunity may be compelled, and testimony not placing One at risk of self-incrimination may also be compelled by the courts under penalty of contempt of Court or Congress.

Exception - Executive Privilege.

9500 does have a talent for denying the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Foolish DPST.

"I want it that way, there fore it is a narrative DPST Truth!!"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Since hoehummer is concealing his true identity I have decided to put him on ignore.
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 01:57 PM
I am surprised that considering the behavior on Forum, that YR-HH has not been "Band" long previously.
LexusLover's Avatar
As before, you use lots of words to say little. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I keep forgetting. You're used to Big Chief tablets, still. One syllable words with a dotted line down the middle to keep them orderly. Carry on with your self-delusion. Do I need to shorten that down for you?
LexusLover's Avatar
9500 - a subpoena may be contested in court - and a court does have the authority to order a subpoena enforced. Originally Posted by oeb11
It's a challenge for the LameStreamMedia as well ... when to call it a criminal proceeding and when it's a civil one (as opposed to "civilized one"). PussLousy and her sorry band of public servants have been failing at that task as well.

The recent "maneuvering" by the AntiTrumpLoons have PROVEN:

1. They don't have the facts!
2. They lied about the urgency of the matter!
3. They didn't realize the Senate gets to vote on their shit pile.

A fourth FACT they haven't yet realized ....

4. Shooting oneself in both feet is not a good strategy right before a race.

Thank you PussLousy and ShitFace!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Since hoehummer is concealing his true identity I have decided to put him on ignore. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Don't gives yourself too much credit, barleysoup. Your identity is as open as a greek goddesses arse. I am flattereds that yous had to announce your momentous decisions with us all.

Yous are truly 10-ply soft, barleysoup. Or is that barleywine?


I am surprised that considering the behavior on Forum, that YR-HH has not been "Band" long previously. Originally Posted by oeb11
Not for lacks of trying, eh oebsy???


Meanwhile, nobodys has posted the proof of this ridiculous outrages, just a link to a fakes news aggregator. I can tells yous that the Canadian Free Press isn't Canadian. It isn't Free. And the only Press, is the pressing you're doing to your horns!

Maybes yous should post on the topics rather than alls the jerkings off, eh!