Price Increase

KenMonk's Avatar
Are you making an example of 50 to 100 or did the rate double? For example a lady who normally charges 200 for an hour now charges 400? Thats a big jump.

Regardless you either pay the rate or move on but I guess I am just trying to understand the question better.
Since my rates have always remained the same, grandfathering isn't an issue. But if I were to raise the rate, then yes, the old rate would apply for past clients.
ForumPoster's Avatar
What about ladies that change her rate structure by having a minimum date of 90 minutes or 2hrs to be able to charge more? Originally Posted by shorty

Unless she hiked up her 2h rate, she is not charging more, she is booking longer appointments.

I personally have 1h rate on my site, but in practicality, may be 1 out of 10 appointments is 1 h .. absolute majority are min 2h and longer.

As a full-time career lady, my time is valuable to hobby. When I first started, my rates were competitive, got my name out there, and now my hands are full. A lot of guys try and quote the lowest rate they can find in a review, but truth is= you get what you pay for and if you are always trying to get a discount or be cheap, I will just always tell you I am too busy, with guys who appreciate my worth and take GREAT care of me!
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Would you see someone that you have already seen, if she raised her price $50 or $100? Do you think you should be grandfathered in at the old rate? What about ladies that change her rate structure by having a minimum date of 90 minutes or 2hrs to be able to charge more? Originally Posted by shorty
Every lady I've seen who has bumped their rates or changed their hourly rates has always grandfathered me in. If she didn't I don't know if I'd pay the new rate, but I wouldn't think any less of her. I also don't think I'm entitled, I just think it's good business practice to take care of those who have taken care of you!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Perfectly said BBB
Treat others the way you would want to be treated and you cant go wrong