Damn business must just be fantastic for all you ladies.

DFK Hunter's Avatar
Kayla: Long time no see... The good news on this is word tends to get around. Just on the Indi reviews we have multiple NCNS posts... While some of the guys may be dicks some of the ladies are not doing so well either. The sad news is many of the ladies will change names and all the old items will be "lost"

On the First two pages of reviews ad several others in the locker room (no names or links on those)





On a Side note I also have been having a hard time getting appointments.. While many of mine are attempts at the same day booking in the last few months I have had a VERY hard time seeing anyone
pmdelites's Avatar
well, i must be on the right side of the bell curve.
either that or i'm one hell of an irrestible handsome hunk. :^) :^)
more than likely it's how i relate and interact w/ my women friends here. i treat them well and they treat me well.

wrt scheduling consulting sessions - i've been pretty successful, maybe only a few have not returned my msgs. so i just move down my gcho or gvha list.
since i have a limited timeframe in which to play, i usually start about 1-2 wks before that time w/ a very nice email and follow it up w/ a note from p411 or here so they have that context. only a few times have i called the day of or a day earlier.

wrt consulting sessions that i've scheduled, i havent been no showed at all this year. only one rescheduled.

wrt consulting sessions that i attended, 2/3rd were w/ women i've visited before [my gvha list; some for 6 yrs] and 1/3rd were with women i've never visited [my gcho list]. of that 1/3rd, i moved 47% to the gvha list. the others are history in my books.

yeah, i know, a number geek if ever you saw one.

now, if i could just get my damn computer to let me save files to the 2nd data partition, i'd be a fucking happy camper.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I sent my screening info. to three highly rated ladies on here last month. Lady #1 never returned my call, until past the appointment time and I still haven't been able to reschedule because I'm busy with work. Lady # 2, told me to send her a pm also from the board. She never opened it and I have since deleted it. Lady #3 after several days of having received my screening info. posted and ad where she was going out of town, a "come see me now" sort of deal.She also never acknowledged my request.
Are we talking Kellog's Corn Flakes here, or what? I'm on to different waters now. The only problem I have is that two of the ladies have stellar reviews and were highly recommended by different board members.
Whodda thunka, right?
They must be making a shitload of $$$ as we speak. Great to hear providers enjoy a different economy than us working stiffs.
Wow, this is appalling and my heart goes out to all the good guys who have to deal with this utter nonsense!

I come and go as the years go by, but I keep my name because I am proud of my reputation. Kudos to all the lovely ladies who can claim the same! And to the habitual NCNSers, I just wanna know why you think this is OK?
yaddayadda's Avatar
Its been a strange summer. I have never been NC/NS as much as the last couple of months. I used to think that the odds were 90% in my favor, but lately its about 50/50. Guess there is a lot more to do in the summer.....I don't have an answer for it.
Dudes, she does want to make money, but she sees you as a bad risk, or her time is full. Writing paragraphs of whining stories will not help you.

ECCIE should create a whining or complaining section. This could be the corner stone.

Waaa, nobody loves me and I am a great person.... Now you want a provider’s pity to get you in to see her? I do not get it... No man is that desperate. This alone reeks of a game being played.

I have no dime in this, but it is just common sense. Why not hook him up with Kayla, is she not enough?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
...searchin' for some signs o'life...daa daa dda daa daa doo...

hell's bells, LK - I don't get it, either. Guess it's because we're all a bunch of insufferable PRICKS because we're not into YMMV, scheduling by dart board, or better living through chemistry. Or, we might even - after decades of practice - be able to tell time. WTF knows...but that is why all of the little "Look at meeeeee" threADs and "rebuttals" cut zero minus ice.

In the words of one local philosopher: "Ya cain't fix stoopid!"

So, what's a poor boy to do? Read for comprehension what ladies who post have to say, go to chat and flirt and be moderately outrageous and, in the words of Gertrude Stein, see if there is some THERE there when it comes to the ladies. Works for me. And, + a whole bunch to what pmdelites said - also, it's just as easy to be nice, courteous and respectful as it is to behave like a drunk in a bar who slams his cash down and says, "Set 'em up, barkeep - NOW!" Just because we're doing some P4P doesn't mean that a little advance work and cultivation won't pay the same dividends as it does in the real world.

I wonder how many of my fellow hobbyists realize how demeaning it is to a lady for any of us to go into a session and obviously objectify her. Granted, this ain't zactly match.com, but c'mon. OTOH, it's hard not to have a chip on one's shoulder if a guy has endured NCNS, cancellations, no return of signs of interest, etc. etc. etc. I have been very fortunate to only have been cancelled on a handful of times during my 3+ years on either aspd or ECCIE. In every case, with the exception of one, the provider did a make up session that was outstanding. The lone exception was with a provider who, at the time and still is, wildly popular and well thought of. She cancelled on me not once, but twice and I'm pretty sure both cases were to accommodate a regular. I like her a lot, think she runs a tight ship and wish her luck, but I'll never schedule with her because we're just not on the same wavelength, looking for different things, I guess. It's not a big deal because no one gets to bat 1.000.

The ladies here, if they have a mind to, provide a valuable service with regards to meeting clients' physical and other social needs. Some ladies do it better than others and some don't do it at all. Hell people, it's recreatonal sex with some nice conversaton thrown in - and unfortunately, there are quite a few ladies who think that they're starring in their own little movie (or reality show).
And you can't fix very strange...

Good luck guys,
Randy4Candy's Avatar
.....I can read it for you, but I can't understand it for you.....

thank god for The Real Johnny Ringo!
I've just been extremely confused at how many "why's it so slow threads in the past" when dozens of providers just blow off their clients (and the money they would have made.) Even girls that have come on the board and cried about no business have canceled or no-showed him. I'm lost. Why?

Remember that every single working stiff on the planet goes to work and does stuff they don't like for people they hate. That's just the way it is. You all get to luck out and choose your own hours and work for yourself and pick your clients, but you have GOT to take care of the clients you pick. A human can only be burned so many times before they get bitter and start treating every one around them badly.

(Please note that I'm not talking about any provider that puts her nose to the grind stone. This is purely directed at the flakes. (who usually don't post in discussions.)
Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA

AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Funny how the basic principles of customer service (and simple common courtesy) are lost on many.

Of course, every time an NCNS gets posted, there's always the bevy of WK's hanging around to defend said lady.

I just shake my head sometimes, but that's life.

Great post.

Will Boner's Avatar
And here's the REAL problem......all this does is reinforce why guys often have a plan B and plan C, and then they end up cancelling on them if plan A comes through. Then the cancelled girls get pissed (especially if it happens over and over) and then they feel no problem about cancelling or no-showing someone else the next time.
And here's the REAL problem......all this does is reinforce why guys often have a plan B and plan C, and then they end up cancelling on them if plan A comes through. Then the cancelled girls get pissed (especially if it happens over and over) and then they feel no problem about cancelling or no-showing someone else the next time. Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon

I my case, my plan B and C is to go spend the money on a new accessory for the bike, or some other item that will erase the memory of the NCNS and yield much longer enjoyment!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Hey LK, sorry to hear about your friend's bad luck. Maybe you should suggest some ladies that you know through reputation here and elsewhere that are not FLAKES. These are probably the same ladies who never answer reference requests. Between the two issues, I feel for the guys! Happy to improve the stats for all the gents this is happening to...'-). (Couldn't resist) LOL
Guest101610-2's Avatar
I LOVE being plan B. Plan A only works out a fraction of the time and it's almost always a new girl that they just HAVE to try. And when that falls through, BINGO!! (daffy duck song -> we're in the money... we're in the money... da da da da da da dada da da da.)

OK and listen none of us are perfect. I find emails and pm's that slipped through the cracks all the time. Probably why I say PLEASE text me so I know I get it. I think most of us actually tag on 20% or so in time for when we screw up. The next time you see one of us that screwed up, just pay attention a little and see if she makes it up to you. I bet you will be surprised. It's not that she lost track of time... just the opposite.