I am a little shocked by some of your attitudes, especially Tex here. He comes out all of the time crying about the servicemen killed (because of Bush and never Obama) but when it is a failure that Obama should have rectified Tex wants to change channels. Tex you are a fraud and don't give a real shit about any service people. You just want to use your fake caring as leverage against your imagined sins of George Bush.
The fact is that men and women are dying that don't have to. They are dying because they are being denied care by the very people who promised them all those years ago that they would be taken care of. They lied. Obama did not start it but he has not fixed it or even publicly acknowledged it. Take today, he came out and said that he wants to "investigate" these allegations. INVESTIGATE??? We know this stuff is true and he wants to wait another 30 days? Is this the same tactic that he used at Benghazi? It sounds like it. Let's wait for a while and see if this goes away.
There should be heads mounted on the White House fence right now. Not just general Eric but his underlings at the hospitals in Phoenix and St. Louis for starters. They can claim they didn't know but they SHOULD have known. For that, they should be damned to hell. If any department head was aware then they have to go with a complete loss of benefits. If anyone died then they may face criminal charges besides civil penalties.
Yes, this is personal for me and anything that EVA or TEX has to say are just farts in the wind.