... go through my list of clients.
Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
So you already have some form of a client database. Are u concerned about that list falling into the wrong hands, or being used as evidence of involvement in "the business?" Regardless, you have a list and that shows you're far and away a better businesswoman than most providers.
Yes, the reason for the contact might be perceived as desperation. It depends, especially on the length of time between visits. A client who gets a monthly email blast would think you're desperate. A client who hasn't seen you in 3 or 4 months, and who has agreed to receive messages from you, would be less inclined to think you're desperate.
I get texts from one provider pretty regularly. I like it that she's thinking of me. But i know she's not desperate. She's just trying to use her free time wisely by making me aware when she has free time. And i get a good rate that's not available to the general public. Everybody wins.
The danger in focusing too much on the specific example i gave is that we miss the bigger point, which has been well-articulated by other posters. Many providers need a resource where they can get general business counseling that's tailored to this business and their situation.
If you're mainly a traveling provider, i don't see how you can conduct business without some sort of client database sortable by city or town.