More Immigrants Poured in Under Reagan Than Now

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  • 07-28-2014, 10:07 PM
Burglary and crossing another countries Border without the proper documentation are both criminal acts stupid.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Size A titties and size double D's are both titties but neither remind me of the other. I don't say "Hey those double D's are the same as those itty bitty A's.
You Christless bastard.....

People crossing the border to work and improve their family lot is not the same thing as some Burglar breaking into my house. Holy Jesus, go back and read a chapter of the God Damn Bible before posting anymore racist nonsense.

Originally Posted by WTF
What do you know about God or Jesus? You trust the science... right?
Size A titties and size double D's are both titties but neither remind me of the other. I don't say "Hey those double D's are the same as those itty bitty A's. Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you lock your front door at night, isn't it to keep out intruders? Our Borders are suppose to be kept secure for the same reasons. We don't need illegals crossing our Borders. Why would they want to cross our Borders illegally anyway? There is legal procedures in place, at least suppose to be for immigrants to gain legal citizenship. So if I compare Burglary to Illegals crossing the border upsets you it's only because you really don't give a rats ass if people from another country comes here to offer cheap labor and they get around paying the taxes citizens ordinarily would. Also don't give me the bleeding heart bullshit that they come here for a better life, cause in many cases that's bullshit. They come here illegally offer cheap labor to jerk offs that happily employ them. They work their asses off make as much money as they can the only things they buy are beer and cigarettes and junk food then they go back to their native country. They make a few trips. They stay here a year or so, then go back. Then they return and play the game all over again. In other words they don't give a shit about becoming a legal citizen. They just want to play this flimsy system of ours for as long as they can. They are simply criminals and the idiots that know they are illegals but employ them anyway are criminals too.

Here's a clip that was recorded in the late 90's at a rally in L.A. This is how the illegal Mexicans feel about American citizens.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Numbers don't lie. ECCIE Idiots do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF is right. No one faults people crossing the border to better their lives. That is part of what makes America great. However, what WPF intentionally fails to understand is that many of those crossing the border are coming here to do harm. They are coming here to sell drugs, commit violence, or mooch off the system. That is why we have immigration laws, and should have closed borders. So we can deny entry to those who would harm our country, and permit those who will enrich our country. We do this through organized, legal immigration screening. Open borders attract criminals and leeches.

It would be nice if this administration would just obey the law, or work with Congress to change it BEFORE it becomes a crisis. Oops. Too late.
LexusLover's Avatar
Formerly great?

We do not have Muslims raining down rockets on our country on a daily basis!

Originally Posted by WTF
Would it make any difference to you? Or would you blame it on bush?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
BL you've stepped on your dick again. Those are apprehensions which means they didn't make it into the country to stay. They got caught. Under Reagan more illegals got caught than under Obama and you must have missed the debunking of the Obama numbers. Obama's people have been counting people stopped at the border and turned around. Every other president including Clinton and Carter never did that. Reduce Obama's number by about 90% to see the truth. Glad you were able to point out what a disaster Obama really is.

If you wear a supporter then you won't step on your dick so often, just sayin...

If you wear a supporter then you won't step on your dick so often, just sayin... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sounds like the voice of experience talking, just sayin...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tampon.....always as weak as EVA and twice as stupid. I guess even idiots are more so in Texas.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Formerly great?

We do not have Muslims raining down rockets on our country on a daily basis!

Originally Posted by WTF
Not yet - but our women have 1 or 2 babies, and their women have many more - it is just a matter of time at the rate we are going. They want to eventually destroy every non-Muslim, and any Muslim who disagrees with them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2014, 06:42 AM
What do you know about God or Jesus? You trust the science... right? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You trust in science when you get sick.....or do you go to church when you break your leg?

Tell me what you know about God or Jesus?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2014, 06:45 AM

It would be nice if this administration would just obey the law, or work with Congress to change it BEFORE it becomes a crisis. Oops. Too late. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yea congress is so willing to work with Obama!

WPF is right. No one faults people crossing the border to better their lives. That is part of what makes America great. However, what WPF intentionally fails to understand is that many of those crossing the border are coming here to do harm. They are coming here to sell drugs, we should legalize drugs commit violence, most of the violence stems from the drug trade or mooch off the system. The problem in this country is people born here mooching of it , not immigrants. That is why we have immigration laws, and should have closed borders. Gary Johnson disagrees... So we can deny entry to those who would harm our country, and permit those who will enrich our country. We do this through organized, legal immigration screening. Open borders attract criminals and leeches.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We have criminals and leeches from within our borders....your ignorance on this matter is astounding.
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  • WTF
  • 07-29-2014, 07:01 AM
Would it make any difference to you? Or would you blame it on bush? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let us examine how you have misconstrued my response to JL.

I challenged his premises that we are 'Former great". So do you agree with JL's assessment or mine? We are still top dog in the world. So there is no 'former great' as far as I'm concerned.

Next , if Mexico started raining down rockets on the United States....we would add Cancun as another US address. We would kick their ass to the Panama Canal. If Mexico was stupid enough to do something like would have been when Bush was on his nation building tour and had all our equipment in Iraq. I would have blamed it on him, had it been his fault.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let us examine how you have misconstrued my response to JL.

... if Mexico started raining down rockets on the United States.... Originally Posted by WTF
I suspect the U.S. has more casualties from what Mexico ALLOWS to be "rained down" on the U.S. than the rockets fired by Hamas into Israel.

You ready to "kick their asses"?

Or do you want to wimp out and LEGALIZE the "rockets" they DO FIRE?

Mexico won't even prevent the kids from coming into MEXICO to head North!

You ready to "kick their asses"?

And you say you have "geo" anything?

You're a joke, "Son-of-a-Leech"!

Note to the Barnes and Nobles tenant aka "geo-political" expert ...

....Do you think this Congress would authorize an invasion of Mexico?