Is there a provider you want to see that will not see you?

You said that you were fairly young. Could it be age? I don't personally see men under 30.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
nit, who the hell knows what some of these ladies are thinking regarding their mystery selection techniques. And, who the hell really cares? Also, the term "Arlington's finest" sorta kinda doesn't move up the food chain for me. You can't fish that pond so cut bait and get the hots for someone else. Leave your computer off for a week and I'll bet you will return with a whole new outlook.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Wpw. thank you for the responses. Lisa asked why I do not post reviews. Another asled my age and DFK mentioned 411. Here it goes. I am coming out of the closet. Only a few know this, my friend Kayla does as well as she is one of the very few I have seen. I am 40 years old and I have cancer. Things are not good for NWB,

First of, I am not a full service guy, so you do not have a 30 minute rate I usually pass. That is unless you are a massage person. The reason being is that Nitwit has stomach cancer. My penis works around my medicne. I am not in radiation yet but it is coming and things do not look well. I take meds around the clock so it is not a good idea for me to pretend to be an awesome lover. L2 is great under all circumstances, but sometimes that is all I can do. The cancer is in my pancreas among other places.. The funny part of this, if I had a girlfriend, in the morning I have the most terrific hard on. Not a pee hard on, but rather a before meds hard on.

I am not full service so my time is limited and if it is going to happen it will happen within 30. After that I am done and it is all talk. MSOG is a dream of the past. Plus, since I am not looking for L3, I really only need 30 minutes. I am not looking for passion and or love. If I do have the O the rest of the session is spemt talking or hanging out. I usually feel guilty staying the entire time. So hour only girls are not my thing. I recently spent time with Syiera as she is so pretty. I lasted allof 10 minutes and we spent 20 minutes talking while I laid on her lap. The entire time I felt guilty that I was wasting her time. She is so pretty, so I left early. No msog no bartering. I just left. I was happpy but reminded what this cancer is doing to me.

As for the no reviews lisa...It is hard for me to share that stuff. I have no SO but I have fantasies. As most of you are aware, I love feet. Not a fetish, I love feet. I have other fantasies but some of them make me shy. Here is the thing. I do not get BCD activities and I am not a member of the mens lounge. I miss the mens lounge, but I do not need BCD to know who the great girls are.

I help out as many guys as I can, but just no reviews. I like to think I am a member here without having to post reviews. I just choose not to do so and when I see a special lady here, I always preface our meeting with that news that I do not do reviews. Never have I run into a problem. I might someday go to a social and I never want a guy to say,"Hey your Nitwitboy!! You licked that girls feet for 30 minutes and she made you." (fill in the blanks)
SweetKendall's Avatar
I am sorry to hear this Nitwit boy

I wouldn't sweat this girl not wanting to see you, I am sure there are plenty of girls out there that would love to see you.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I've only had one that refused me and it wasn't based on race (or maybe it was), and it happened fairly recently. Admittedly, it felt worse than I thought it would. I used to be a favorite of at least a few ladies, but those days seem long ago. Don't know what has happened.

DFK Hunter's Avatar
Nitwitboy, if I see you at a social, your bar tab is on me.

As to the feeling that you are wasting a girls time, stop it. Allow the lady to pleasure you any way she can for the time you paid her. If that's 30 minutes of head rubs, so be it. I can't imagine a single provider on this board who would feel you wasted her time for such a session. Now go forth an have guilt free fun.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Thanks pal. No need though. We will do shots!!!

Nitwitboy, if I see you at a social, your bar tab is on me. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Thanks pal. No need though. We will do shots!!! Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
LOL! Well, the Hunterprize is a dry ship, so I'll keep count for ya.
Thank you for sharing that, I know it must be difficult. I hope that things improve.

NEVER feel like you are wasting there time. NO matter what they look like. It is your time to spend and YOU need to enjoy it no matter what BCD activity you are taking part in. If a woman can't understand that then find someone else.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Best of luck with your health situation, NitwitBoy. We're all pulling for you.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Good luck with your health situation... you will pull through it.

As far as the lady, you really do just need to forget her and find someone else great. You mentioned in your first post that you've moved on, but you haven't or you wouldn't have made this thread. There are a TON of great ladies in the area who will treat you like a king.... enjoy those ladies!
Well you only have one life, go out and enjoy, as the ladies said you should not feel like you are wasting our time. This is what we get paid for. Trust me I'm sure that the one provider you saw was happy you were not a jerk. And happy to spend time with you.

Well coming out was good, you never know what goodies you will bump into. Lots of good memories to be made, why waste them..ENJOY!

Oh as far the guys being umm how do I say this without being rude, well assholes, its your review, say what you want. Its your experience and you paid for it, not them, let them make all their judgments and dumb comments all they want. After-all all you gents have one thing in common, you all paid for some ones' time, it should not matter how it was spent.

Have fun on your next hobby adventure :-)
Best of luck with your health situation, NitwitBoy. We're all pulling for you. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is probably a first, but I'm gonna agree with TTH, on both accounts, too bad the Lady You want isn't willing to work with You, but keep Your head up, I hope You can find a Lady that is as least close to the one You are lookin for, And we are ALL pulling for You!!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
You know there is a lot of very fine lady's here and if one are two want to act that way let them before long they will be the one's nobody wants to see.
Like they all say your paying for they time not what goes on behind closed doors so if you pay for 30 min. stay the full time same as one hour.

I know some girls are one shot and not MSOG but if you one shot them then they need not rush you out the door until the time you payed for is up otherwise they are charging you for sex and not time.
Caitlyn's Avatar
Awww.. Mr. NitWit... ;( I have the second round!