How do I donate to the Mod Staff?

  • pxmcc
  • 07-29-2024, 12:34 AM
i hate posting back to back, but oops anyway here goes..

shine gets the "away team" treatment from the mod staff, but i wonder if he doesn't sort of create many of his own problems. i used to get the "away team" treatment for a long time until i decided to stop being so adversarial/argumentative. i think if shine were to stop making fake handles and tried to remember that this isn't his personal website, he'd probably stop getting the "visiting team" treatment from the mod staff.

i used to get the same "visiting team" treatment til i decided to chill tf out.

i'd like to commend a new mod staffer for his restraint. when i got my last ban and it ended, i cussed him out for what seemed like a bs infraction. but instead of giving me another 6 months which he easily could have done, he let it go. that was Dr-epg. thank you sir!

shine should try chilling out and avoid starting a million new threads a day, and maybe his "away team" treatment by mod staff might improve. you gotta try to play well with others, like we all learned in preschool, right..
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 07-29-2024, 02:49 PM
i decided to stop being so adversarial/argumentative.ftfy,But I still cussed a mod!!

til i decided to chill tf out.
Ftfy,But I still cussed a mod!!!

i'd like to commend a new mod staffer for his restraint. when i got my last ban and it ended, i cussed him out for what seemed like a bs infraction.
Originally Posted by pxmcc
You treat mods poorly I can't imagine how you treat women that refuse to see you.
  • pxmcc
  • 07-29-2024, 04:17 PM
You treat mods poorly I can't imagine how you treat women that refuse to see you. Originally Posted by Busty
i try to follow the golden rule. i have an irish temper, but try to check myself.

too busy to worry about stuff like that.

i called myself out and gave props to Dr-epg. do you need from me 3 mea culpas and 2 rosaries as extra penance?
  • pxmcc
  • 07-30-2024, 05:32 AM
You treat mods poorly I can't imagine how you treat women that refuse to see you. Originally Posted by Busty
actually, the more i think about your comment, the funnier it gets.

why on God's green earth would i care about being put on a "Dns" list of someone who i'd never in a million years pay to hobby with? that's super droll to the power of ridiculously folmfao funny..

back on topic. i think shine could be a valued member of the hobby community and not have to bribe mods to avoid bans if he practiced a certain minimum modicum of emotional intelligence and decided to, you know, "smoke the peace pipe." (he never wins his battles with Cendell et al., btw, so what's the point, exactly..) whether he has it in him to do that, however, is still an open question..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Let's get back to how to get a mods attention.
Oh wait, thread drift works.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-30-2024, 10:58 AM
Seems like creative handles are a lost art now a days. That should attract attention from mods.
Bring back DH. Problem solved.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-04-2024, 10:49 PM
they don't get paid a nickel unless you include some free Mod Pussy and Admin Anal..

and is tipping them kind of like buying judges..

i hope shinepro saves some of his recent winnings. i know what it's like to go from really rich to broke af, lickety split. all in a week's work at the casino..