I think that the key to this is not staying in one place too long.
Besides, there are those of us who do now wear high heels or stripper type clothing. We look as if we might belong where we are.
As far as men lining up to see us in an RV or camping area? For me, I have every intention of often getting a hotel room and being uber careful about who comes over to see me out in the wild, so to speak.
It's not a revolving door although sometimes, I wouldn't mind that.
It's a dream of mine to do this. And I've gotten some frowns as well as some moral support for giving it a try.
Now .. it's taking the first steps. I don't see how doing this with another lady will work very well. It seems, to me, that doing this would certainly be an adventure that one would have to do alone.
Here is some inspirational reading: