
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tastes grapefruit’s inner skin. Real bitter.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Somethings you can't mess up; navy bean soup, chili, lasagna, meat generally, but some things they never seem to get right. Pork adobo (is it supposed to taste like that?), jambalaya, lobster, or plain old sausages. Always over cooked.
goodman0422's Avatar
I caught COVID in Jan from a friend who had just gotten his booster. I drank lots of fluids and got some rest as I do for all colds. I had a couple days of body aches followed by a dry cough and a couple days of feeling tired. I had a runny nose and the dry cough lasted a couple weeks. That's it.

I took no meds other than otc cough medicine so I could sleep. I also have a grocery list of pre-existing conditions and I am not RNA altered.

I had a close family member w similar health (but decades younger) catch it at the same time. He came and visited on day 3, despite me telling him not to come over. He had just gotten his booster so he thought it offered some protection. We both had the same symptoms for the same duration.

I think you'll be fine as long as you don't let anyone talk you into getting on a ventilator.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Somethings you can't mess up; navy bean soup, chili, lasagna, meat generally, but some things they never seem to get right. Pork adobo (is it supposed to taste like that?), jambalaya, lobster, or plain old sausages. Always over cooked. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
cooks can't cook jambalaya and sausages properly???? I'm surprised they served lobsters. you know they're sea insects. lol.
I caught COVID in Jan from a friend who had just gotten his booster. I drank lots of fluids and got some rest as I do for all colds. I had a couple days of body aches followed by a dry cough and a couple days of feeling tired. I had a runny nose and the dry cough lasted a couple weeks. That's it.

I took no meds other than otc cough medicine so I could sleep. I also have a grocery list of pre-existing conditions and I am not RNA altered.

I had a close family member w similar health (but decades younger) catch it at the same time. He came and visited on day 3, despite me telling him not to come over. He had just gotten his booster so he thought it offered some protection. We both had the same symptoms for the same duration.

I think you'll be fine as long as you don't let anyone talk you into getting on a ventilator. Originally Posted by goodman0422
... Thanks for the advice there, mate! ...

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 07-11-2022, 09:12 AM
Paxlovid...still going, and going, and going. Do have a nasty taste in my mouth but after years of eating navy chow, I can handle it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Paxlovid is great if you qualify and start treatment early. It's supposed to be 85% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

A friend of mine whose beliefs about COVID veer towards texassapper's and Why_Yes_I_Do's, came down with COVID back in October, 2020 and had a hell of a time.

He got it again 3 weeks ago. He had plenty of prescription ivermectin on hand and intended to self treat. I told him he ought to check into Paxlovid but don't think I convinced him. He did say he'd call his general practitioner about treatment.

She prescribed the Paxlovid along with an antibiotic and a steroid. He's been singing the praises of Paxlovid ever since. He got onto some kind of a message group about the drug and says the reports of people who've taken it are overwhelmingly positive. The biggest complaint is the taste. Also he says it interferes with sleep, but he believes that's a small price to pay.

This is a good piece on the drug,
HedonistForever's Avatar
Paxlovid is great if you qualify and start treatment early. It's supposed to be 85% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

A friend of mine whose beliefs about COVID veer towards texassapper's and Why_Yes_I_Do's, came down with COVID back in October, 2020 and had a hell of a time.

He got it again 3 weeks ago. He had plenty of prescription ivermectin on hand and intended to self treat. I told him he ought to check into Paxlovid but don't think I convinced him. He did say he'd call his general practitioner about treatment.

She prescribed the Paxlovid along with an antibiotic and a steroid. He's been singing the praises of Paxlovid ever since. He got onto some kind of a message group about the drug and says the reports of people who've taken it are overwhelmingly positive. The biggest complaint is the taste. Also he says it interferes with sleep, but he believes that's a small price to pay.

This is a good piece on the drug, Originally Posted by Tiny

I heard yesterday that some Pharmacies, CVS was mentioned, would be able to prescribe Paxlovid without a doctors prescription. That didn't sound right to me. Did you hear anything like that?
  • Tiny
  • 07-11-2022, 11:36 AM
I heard yesterday that some Pharmacies, CVS was mentioned, would be able to prescribe Paxlovid without a doctors prescription. That didn't sound right to me. Did you hear anything like that? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Interesting Hedonist. I didn't know that. I was wondering why Barleycorn was asking the pharmacy for the medication without seeing a doctor, but now it makes sense. Here's something from the FDA,

The one kicker, which might make it more convenient to go to a health care provider to get a prescription, is you have to present health records to the pharmacist:

Patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are seeking to determine their eligibility for receiving Paxlovid at locations where prescribing by state-licensed pharmacists is available should bring the following information to ensure that the state-licensed pharmacist has sufficient information to determine their eligibility to receive Paxlovid:

Electronic or printed health records less than 12 months old, including the most recent reports of laboratory blood work for the state-licensed pharmacist to review for kidney or liver problems. State-licensed pharmacists could also receive this information through a consult with the patient’s health care provider.

A list of all medications they are taking, including over-the-counter medications so the state-licensed pharmacist can screen for drugs with potentially serious interactions with Paxlovid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whats different about paxlovid other than its in pill form?

any side effects?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
They want to see the current drug list for every patient as some things are contraindicated like cholesterol meds.

I have to abstain for five days after finishing the covid crap.

That stuff leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

A couple of odd things happened. Less than 12 hours after receiving the meds, my browser started throwing up ads for the same stuff.

Also, since you take it preemptively and there is no absolute guarantee, you could do just fine without the paxlovid but you would never know. Even with the paxlovid, you could still be hit hard. So whatever happens that is good, paxlovid gets the credit. If it is bad, then you were screwed from the beginning.
lustylad's Avatar
Also, since you take it preemptively and there is no absolute guarantee, you could do just fine without the paxlovid but you would never know. Even with the paxlovid, you could still be hit hard. So whatever happens that is good, paxlovid gets the credit. If it is bad, then you were screwed from the beginning. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That may be true, barley, but only on an occasional individual basis. For large groups of clinical test patients, the drug has been shown to significantly relieve covid symptoms versus those who were given a placebo. You were smart to take it. Hope you're feeling better.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wonder if you got the omicron variant.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I felt shitty for a day, then REAL shitty that night with chills and cold sweats. Probably a 102 temp. It kept me up all night until I chugged about a fifth of NyQuil at 8am and slept till damn near the next morning. The next couple days we’re groggy AF but I’ve had way worse colds than Covid. I’ll take that shit over kidney stones any day.

No vaccines here btw, just raw dogged Covid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
nyquill did the job!!!
VitaMan's Avatar medical advice ?