Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It took mass murder in order for the United States to relax its immigrations policies regarding the Jews. Originally Posted by timpage
That is true - and we European Jewish people have repaid the country 10 times over with our accomplishments in law, medicine, finance, wealth creation, Nobel Prizes, and public service, far exceeding the immigration record of any other group. So please, don't use our successes to open the door to anyone but those with their own capital who are also young, healthy and hardworking. All immigration to the US should benefit the US. The time for suicidal altruism is passed. As ExNYer, the smartest poster on this board will tell you, the US is broke!!
No shit sherlock; tell us something new...................

But there is NO denying that when it comes to legislative action granting amnesty and welfare benefits, food stamps, healthcare and the is Democrats who are fucking over the working class and unskilled laborers in America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Giving Regan a pass?
Reagan always regretted signing the immigration bill, saying it was a mistake to give amnesty before getting border security............but NOT the Democrats !
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, nostones won one though he fails to note that it was the same rate Peanut Jimmy inherited from Unconditional Pardon Ford. But, "extremely Low" may be a little overstatement. Check BJ Bill's ending number, or Truman's, or Lyndon Bird's.

Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 01:43 PM PDT
Unemployment Rate by President and Party

With unemployment rising to 6.1% in August, it is worth asking the question Which political party has a better record on reducing unemployment? The answer, not surprisingly, is the Democratic Party. And it is not even close...

Unemployment Rate by President

Civilian Unemployment Rate, U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

period start end chng President Party
Jan 1949 Jan 1953 4.3 2.9 -1.4 Truman Democrat
Jan 1953 Jan 1957 2.9 4.2 +1.3 Eisenhower I Republican
Jan 1957 Jan 1961 4.2 6.6 +2.4 Eisenhower II Republican
Jan 1961 Jan 1965 6.6 4.9 -1.7 JFK/Johnson Democrat
Jan 1965 Jan 1969 4.9 3.4 -1.5 Johnson Democrat
Jan 1969 Jan 1973 3.4 4.9 +1.5 Nixon Republican
Jan 1973 Jan 1977 4.9 7.5 +2.6 Nixon/Ford Republican
Jan 1977 Jan 1981 7.5 7.5 0.0 Carter Democrat
Jan 1981 Jan 1985 7.5 7.3 -0.2 Reagan I Republican
Jan 1985 Jan 1989 7.3 5.4 -1.9 Reagan II Republican
Jan 1989 Jan 1993 5.4 7.3 +1.9 Bush, GHW Republican
Jan 1993 Jan 1997 7.3 5.3 -2.0 Clinton I Democrat
Jan 1997 Jan 2001 5.3 4.2 -1.1 Clinton II Democrat
Jan 2001 Jan 2005 4.2 5.2 +1.0 Bush, GW I Republican
Jan 2005 Aug 2008 5.2 6.1 +0.9 Bush, GW II Republican

Since 1928 there have been 13 president, 7 Republicans (Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr) and 6 Democrats (FDR, Truman, JFK, Johnson, Carter and Clinton).

Six of the seven Republican Presidents had unemployment increase while in office. Ronald Reagan is the only Republican President since 1928 to leave office with a lower unemployment rate.

All six Democratic Presidents had unemployment decrease or stay the same while in office. The worst Democratic performance was Jimmy Carter, who had the same unemployment rate when he left office as when he entered.
Viewing the President's 4 year term gives an even more pronounced effect.
Of the Republican President's 9 terms, unemployment has increased in 7 of the 9 terms.

Of the Democratic President's 10 terms, the unemployment rate never increased.

Here is the same list, sorted by decrease in the unemployment rate.

Civilian Unemployment Rate, U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

period start end chng President Party
Jan 1993 Jan 1997 7.3 5.3 -2.0 Clinton I Democrat
Jan 1985 Jan 1989 7.3 5.4 -1.9 Reagan II Republican
Jan 1961 Jan 1965 6.6 4.9 -1.7 JFK/Johnson Democrat
Jan 1965 Jan 1969 4.9 3.4 -1.5 Johnson Democrat
Jan 1949 Jan 1953 4.3 2.9 -1.4 Truman Democrat
Jan 1997 Jan 2001 5.3 4.2 -1.1 Clinton II Democrat
Jan 1981 Jan 1985 7.5 7.3 -0.2 Reagan I Republican
Jan 1977 Jan 1981 7.5 7.5 0.0 Carter Democrat
Jan 2005 Aug 2008 5.2 6.1 +0.9 Bush, GW II Republican
Jan 2001 Jan 2005 4.2 5.2 +1.0 Bush, GW I Republican
Jan 1953 Jan 1957 2.9 4.2 +1.3 Eisenhower I Republican
Jan 1969 Jan 1973 3.4 4.9 +1.5 Nixon Republican
Jan 1989 Jan 1993 5.4 7.3 +1.9 Bush, GHW Republican
Jan 1957 Jan 1961 4.2 6.6 +2.4 Eisenhower II Republican
Jan 1973 Jan 1977 4.9 7.5 +2.6 Nixon/Ford Republican

Hey there, Yiddish Barista, that's why the illegals are here. Get busy and bump your yard crew's rate. Got any other domestic help over there in Highland Park? An au pair or governess? Maybe you need to go to work for "The Hammer" on the side if that crowds your trust fund too much. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Deflection again by the left.............let's repeat the Democrat lies on prior immigration legislation.................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Repeat after me, Trendy...
That is true - and we European Jewish people have repaid the country 10 times over with our accomplishments in law, medicine, finance, wealth creation, Nobel Prizes, and public service, far exceeding the immigration record of any other group. So please, don't use our successes to open the door to anyone but those with their own capital who are also young, healthy and hardworking. All immigration to the US should benefit the US. The time for suicidal altruism is passed. As ExNYer, the smartest poster on this board will tell you, the US is broke!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
As usual, you miss the point. The current anti-immigration crowd advances or relies on exactly the same arguments today that were relied on 70 years ago to prevent the Jews from immigrating. The economy, anti-Semitism/racism/ethnicity arguments, etc. The argument that was advanced to further opposition to Jewish immigration was exactly the argument you state in your response.....that allowing Jews into the country wouldn't "benefit the US." Are you really so dense that you don't get that? Is it a lack of knowledge regarding historical facts or something?

Or, is it just your apparent supposition that the Jews are somehow better than the current group of folks seeking a better life in the US and were therefore somehow more deserving of being allowed to immigrate? Which leads me to the observation that your willingness to bring your ethnicity/religion and accusations of anti-semitism into any discussion at the drop of a hat is disturbing. You've accused me and multiple other posters here in the Sandbox of anti-Semitism without a shred of evidence.

I wonder what your reaction would be to a poster who tagged himself "Black Lawyer" and who played the race card as often as you play the anti-Semitism card?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
As usual, you miss the point. The current anti-immigration crowd advances or relies on exactly the same arguments today that were relied on 70 years ago to prevent the Jews from immigrating. The economy, anti-Semitism/racism/ethnicity arguments, etc. The argument that was advanced to further opposition to Jewish immigration was exactly the argument you state in your response.....that allowing Jews into the country wouldn't "benefit the US." Are you really so dense that you don't get that? Is it a lack of knowledge regarding historical facts or something?

Or, is it just your apparent supposition that the Jews are somehow better than the current group of folks seeking a better life in the US and were therefore somehow more deserving of being allowed to immigrate? Which leads me to the observation that your willingness to bring your ethnicity/religion and accusations of anti-semitism into any discussion at the drop of a hat is disturbing. You've accused me and multiple other posters here in the Sandbox of anti-Semitism without a shred of evidence.

I wonder what your reaction would be to a poster who tagged himself "Black Lawyer" and who played the race card as often as you play the anti-Semitism card? Originally Posted by timpage
By the way, many black people find that symbol to be racist.


Alternately, we should set up a system where people coming into this country seeking a better life give us something instead of take.
A recent survey pointed out the US Treasury will lose billions to the current crop of people who are going to receive amnesty.

If the "black lawyer" supported taking reparations in exchange for ending affirmative action, I would ignore him playing the race card.

I'm willing to believe you aren't racist if you let your daughter date black men, you live in a black neighborhood, your kids went to school with black and brown kids, and most of all, you felt no anger when a black or brown person was promoted over you due to affirmative action policies. In fact, I would give you extra points if you felt it was fair that you yourself paid the price for centuries of white racism by other whites you were not even related to.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well, nostones won one though he fails to note that it was the same rate Peanut Jimmy inherited from Unconditional Pardon Ford. But, "extremely Low" may be a little overstatement. Check BJ Bill's ending number, or Truman's, or Lyndon Bird's.

Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 01:43 PM PDT
Unemployment Rate by President and Party

With unemployment rising to 6.1% in August, it is worth asking the question Which political party has a better record on reducing unemployment? The answer, not surprisingly, is the Democratic Party. And it is not even close...

Unemployment Rate by President

Civilian Unemployment Rate, U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

period start end chng President Party
Jan 1949 Jan 1953 4.3 2.9 -1.4 Truman Democrat
Jan 1953 Jan 1957 2.9 4.2 +1.3 Eisenhower I Republican
Jan 1957 Jan 1961 4.2 6.6 +2.4 Eisenhower II Republican
Jan 1961 Jan 1965 6.6 4.9 -1.7 JFK/Johnson Democrat
Jan 1965 Jan 1969 4.9 3.4 -1.5 Johnson Democrat
Jan 1969 Jan 1973 3.4 4.9 +1.5 Nixon Republican
Jan 1973 Jan 1977 4.9 7.5 +2.6 Nixon/Ford Republican
Jan 1977 Jan 1981 7.5 7.5 0.0 Carter Democrat
Jan 1981 Jan 1985 7.5 7.3 -0.2 Reagan I Republican
Jan 1985 Jan 1989 7.3 5.4 -1.9 Reagan II Republican
Jan 1989 Jan 1993 5.4 7.3 +1.9 Bush, GHW Republican
Jan 1993 Jan 1997 7.3 5.3 -2.0 Clinton I Democrat
Jan 1997 Jan 2001 5.3 4.2 -1.1 Clinton II Democrat
Jan 2001 Jan 2005 4.2 5.2 +1.0 Bush, GW I Republican
Jan 2005 Aug 2008 5.2 6.1 +0.9 Bush, GW II Republican

Since 1928 there have been 13 president, 7 Republicans (Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr) and 6 Democrats (FDR, Truman, JFK, Johnson, Carter and Clinton).

Six of the seven Republican Presidents had unemployment increase while in office. Ronald Reagan is the only Republican President since 1928 to leave office with a lower unemployment rate.

All six Democratic Presidents had unemployment decrease or stay the same while in office. The worst Democratic performance was Jimmy Carter, who had the same unemployment rate when he left office as when he entered.
Viewing the President's 4 year term gives an even more pronounced effect.
Of the Republican President's 9 terms, unemployment has increased in 7 of the 9 terms.

Of the Democratic President's 10 terms, the unemployment rate never increased.

Here is the same list, sorted by decrease in the unemployment rate.

Civilian Unemployment Rate, U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

period start end chng President Party
Jan 1993 Jan 1997 7.3 5.3 -2.0 Clinton I Democrat
Jan 1985 Jan 1989 7.3 5.4 -1.9 Reagan II Republican
Jan 1961 Jan 1965 6.6 4.9 -1.7 JFK/Johnson Democrat
Jan 1965 Jan 1969 4.9 3.4 -1.5 Johnson Democrat
Jan 1949 Jan 1953 4.3 2.9 -1.4 Truman Democrat
Jan 1997 Jan 2001 5.3 4.2 -1.1 Clinton II Democrat
Jan 1981 Jan 1985 7.5 7.3 -0.2 Reagan I Republican
Jan 1977 Jan 1981 7.5 7.5 0.0 Carter Democrat
Jan 2005 Aug 2008 5.2 6.1 +0.9 Bush, GW II Republican
Jan 2001 Jan 2005 4.2 5.2 +1.0 Bush, GW I Republican
Jan 1953 Jan 1957 2.9 4.2 +1.3 Eisenhower I Republican
Jan 1969 Jan 1973 3.4 4.9 +1.5 Nixon Republican
Jan 1989 Jan 1993 5.4 7.3 +1.9 Bush, GHW Republican
Jan 1957 Jan 1961 4.2 6.6 +2.4 Eisenhower II Republican
Jan 1973 Jan 1977 4.9 7.5 +2.6 Nixon/Ford Republican

Hey there, Yiddish Barista, that's why the illegals are here. Get busy and bump your yard crew's rate. Got any other domestic help over there in Highland Park? An au pair or governess? Maybe you need to go to work for "The Hammer" on the side if that crowds your trust fund too much. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
OK - I'll play your game. What exactly did those Presidents do that helped out so much with unemployment? Also, why doesn't President Obama use that proven method, because no one has duplicated his record for accumulated deficits, and according to Keynesian theory, pumping up the economy is needed during recessions. (I've also heard the one about it would have been Armegedden without Obama - but I heard the same about the sequester.)
Please spare me the Bush depression and congressional obstructionism - they hated ole Bill but he either lucked out or worked miracles - why can't our esteemed President get the job done 4 years later?
By the way, many black people find that symbol to be racist.


Alternately, we should set up a system where people coming into this country seeking a better life give us something instead of take.
A recent survey pointed out the US Treasury will lose billions to the current crop of people who are going to receive amnesty.

If the "black lawyer" supported taking reparations in exchange for ending affirmative action, I would ignore him playing the race card.

I'm willing to believe you aren't racist if you let your daughter date black men, you live in a black neighborhood, your kids went to school with black and brown kids, and most of all, you felt no anger when a black or brown person was promoted over you due to affirmative action policies. In fact, I would give you extra points if you felt it was fair that you yourself paid the price for centuries of white racism by other whites you were not even related to. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

No response at all to you repeatedly pulling the "I'm Jewish and should be considered special" card, eh? Whatever.

And I could care less whether you thing I'm racist or not. Just fyi, both of my kids attended a Jewish preschool here in Dallas whose name you would recognize. And, I ain't jewish, neither is my wife....and neither of us are crying about it like you.

Fuck you for using your religion/ethnicity seeking special treatment around here. You and the rest of your conservative buddies would burn up any black man trying to do the same. Fucking hypocrites.
chefnerd's Avatar
Reagan always regretted signing the immigration bill, saying it was a mistake to give amnesty before getting border security............but NOT the Democrats ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You do realize the GOP was the MAJORITY party in the Senate then don't you?
Yep; the GOP bought and sold the Kennedy lies hook, line and sinker.....................

I am no fan of the GOP.

You do realize the GOP was the MAJORITY party in the Senate then don't you? Originally Posted by chefnerd
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No response at all to you repeatedly pulling the "I'm Jewish and should be considered special" card, eh? Whatever.

And I could care less whether you thing I'm racist or not. Just fyi, both of my kids attended a Jewish preschool here in Dallas whose name you would recognize. And, I ain't jewish, neither is my wife....and neither of us are crying about it like you.

Fuck you for using your religion/ethnicity seeking special treatment around here. You and the rest of your conservative buddies would burn up any black man trying to do the same. Fucking hypocrites. Originally Posted by timpage
Fuck you just for being you, Timmypageboy - go suck on Randy4Dicks, after your boss fires you to replace you with a black guy who is probably smarter than you, anyway.
chefnerd's Avatar
Thinking you need some really good bacon to help you chill out dude.
chefnerd's Avatar
Reagan always regretted signing the immigration bill, saying it was a mistake to give amnesty before getting border security............but NOT the Democrats ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
NOT QUITE. Yes, later on he did regret it, after he left office and was able to reflect on it. However, based on his signing statement, IMHO, doesn't quite sound like he regretted it at that time. If he did, he could have vetoed it instead of signing it.
Fuck you just for being you, Timmypageboy - go suck on Randy4Dicks, after your boss fires you to replace you with a black guy who is probably smarter than you, anyway. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yeah, no response from the anti-Semite card playing crowd? Well, good for you. By the way, I have my own boss. Fuck you.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah, no response from the anti-Semite card playing crowd? Well, good for you. By the way, I have my own boss. Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
Hey, that's great. I hope your best customer becomes enlightened enough to begin a rigorous minority contracting program, taking away so much business you can't pay your mortgage, your loans get called, and you go broke - asshole.
In lieu of that, I hope the EEOC cracks down on your discriminatory hiring and promotion policies - you liberals love government control, after all.
I hope OSHA fines you thousands of dollars and demands expensive changes so you don't blow up your workers.
I hope the IRS audits you and disallows your deductions, and assigns employee status to your "subcontractors".
You liberals like government so much, I hope it strangles you - faggot.
I hope some divorce lawyer fucks your wife after she boots you out of the house you paid for!!!
I hope the TACB keeps its eye on you.
I hope some gay guy working for you gets passed over for a promotion and he and his transgendered "wife" sue the shit out of you.
I hope your expansion plans are denied by the bank because of anti-redlining rules and the need to loan more to minorities and less to white males.
Liberals deserve the government they put on everyone else.

By the way, what's your employee health plan - Parkland??