Found guilty on ALL 34 counts!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
amusing that the usual suspects who applaud this political farce as "justice" are the very same who claim Trump and MAGA are "fascists"


I am a centrist and registered indy, so I don't have much skin in the game. However, I'm irked by the "law and order" repubs who are suddenly against law and order when it applies to their savior. Either believe in our justice system and all its flaws or reject it. Don't claim it works just when political opponents are tried and convicted but then do an about-face when the same happens to you.

Oh, and an appeal is not likely to overturn all 34 counts. Some of them yes, but not all.
First off how can you use God and Trump in the same breath? There is nothing Godly about Trump, he can’t even quote a bible verse or a chapter in the Bible. Anyone who believes one side is right all the time and the other side is wrong all the time has a small mind and is easily manipulated. I’m a democrat and I don’t believe everything the Democrats do or say is right or the gospel truth. We all have minds use them and don’t let them be used by your so called politicians. Second, Trump called all republicans gullible years ago when he was a Democrat supporting Bill Clinton. He was asked if he ran for President what party would he represent and he said Republicans because they would be dumb enough to vote for him. As I said before I’m a Democrat but no Democrat has 100% of my support when they do something wrong. If you’re going to reply to this please be smart enough to have an intelligent argument, not the old conspiracy theory that dems have it in for Trump. In other words think of a logical intelligent rebuttal.
So, in other words, you are surprised that a black man can accomplish something?

How racist is that?????

Further, all this will do, other than prove completely we are living in a Banana republic, is energize Trumps base.

If you have a basic understanding of seperations of Federal and State laws, you would see how truly biased this entire prosecution was, based on conjucture, not fact, and it dragged a Federal law into a State Court.

Wait until its appealed and overturned before you celebrate too much. Originally Posted by Devo
There is plenty of facts and evidence here in reality. Go back to MAGAland and cover your eyes and ears if it’s too much for you.
... So Trump was found "guilty" of all those charges - and yet
Walks Free?? ... I thought Trump was surely considoured a flight risk??

... No doubt this will be OVERTURNED om appeal.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
So, it wasn’t the Russians after all, it was Stormy Daniels!!!!!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... So Trump was found "guilty" of all those charges - and yet
Walks Free?? ... I thought Trump was surely considoured a flight risk??

... No doubt this will be OVERTURNED om appeal.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
On what grounds will this verdict be overturned on appeal?

Please be specific.

When u guys are done orgasming to this news, it will be appealed and overturned.... so whack ur wand all u want, in the end u will be left with nothing more than stained jeans .... Originally Posted by chizzy

But yea, it is going to get overturned, if not delayed until after the election.
Can't let the possibility of having our nation lead by a Convicted Felon who is going to do everything he can to pardon himself.

He should had been sent into the slammer after violating the first gag order. None the less doing it ten more time afterwards.

Those 12 jurors are the most patriotic American people in the country right now. God bless them.

God is in control.

Jesus Christ is God.

BAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
So god wanted Trump to lose the election? And he wanted Trump to be found guilty? And he wanted Trump to lose every single court case?

Seems like the GOP isn't being receptive to god's will.
I’m having a drink. What’s coming will be biblical. Originally Posted by bambino
matchingmole's Avatar
His Pecker let him down again
bambino's Avatar
We went from a Constitutional Republic to a Banana Republic. And Libtards here and around the country are rejoicing. Morons
And if brains were dynamite you could'nt blow your nose! biden will always be the stupid peoples president and you are living proff!!
winn dixie's Avatar
We went from a Constitutional Republic to a Banana Republic. And Libtards here and around the country are rejoicing. Morons Originally Posted by bambino
Ahhhhh the evidence was overwhelming.
The trial was conducted in a very professional manner. Truumpf didn't want to take the stand. Nobody is rejoicing. It's more saddening than anything else that folks still believe in this felon. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Being guilty of 34 counts with 11 court violations is not a hero or martyr. That's a criminal. With several more serious cases pending.
Trumpf is officially a convicted felon. Something that half America already knew.
ya, White House arrest starting in November when he wins the election!!!