Defective Service

A lot of different circumstances for this... But over all I would say yes. It's good character on her part if she does. First, she's holding herself accountable and also showing appreciation for your business in a way by giving you a discount or some other benefit.
What? The sub-par service or the discount/benefit? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Never would give sub par service, I wouldn't see someone if I doubted my performance, and there have been situations where it would seem I might have gotten a bad review but I know how to give a man his moneys worth. Instead of giving up and giving back some of my donation, I would work hard to assure he left with a smile. The only time I might give a bit of my donation back is if he had to pay for hotel park or something .
In my naive early days.I would sign up for an hour last 15 min. Girl would get up get dressed start texting or get on lap top and pretty much give you the bums rush out!!!!! no refund on unused time LMAO screen screen and screen now
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Shayla if you ever come to my area I am going to try hard to get an overnight with you!!! Your posts keep impressing me more and more!

No human being on this Earth ever born ever going to born can give top notch sevrice everyday to every client, just not possible. I have ladies that I have seen several times, some sessions are better than others, some are WOW!, some are so so. I am not buying the story that everyone gets the treatment.

I love what i do for a living, I am very good at it and I enjoy it immensely. But some days I just do not feel up to giving my peek performance, I am human. Do I give a refund, no. If I make a mistake, which I do - see the part of post where I mentioned I am human - I give a refund. IMHO I did not perform as I should have and it is best for my business as well as just the right thing to do. I have to be open minded enough to listen to the client's complaint and be honest enough with myself to see if yeah maybe the guy deserves a little something back.

My regular ladies have all done this with me. Gotten lazy in their performance and they feel they have me in the bag, and then I get questioned where have I been when I do not see them for a while. Their performance seems to pick up again. I do this as well. the new client, new money is wanted so I roll out the red carpet. The old client , he is not going anywhere I will delay on his issue. It is human and we ALL do it.

Question is are we honest enough and righteous enough to admit it, and do the right thing?
I was 15 mins late for my 90 min appt. Which I gave the refunds as equal as 30 min.. I took only an hour $ and still give an extra 15 min for the missing time....
Just feels good to do it that way..
burkalini's Avatar
I was 15 mins late for my 90 min appt. Which I gave the refunds as equal as 30 min.. I took only an hour $ and still give an extra 15 min for the missing time....
Just feels good to do it that way..
XOXO Originally Posted by Feisty Kat

Feels good to do it most ways. lol
I'm not one of those girls that has a "revolving door", so I'm lucky enough that I get to pick-and-choose who I get to spend time with. So for me, I've never gone into an appointment when I haven't been feeling as though I can give the gentleman my best attention.

I will say though that there are some occasions where people just won't click no matter how hard you try. I've met gentlemen who seem convinced from the beginning of things that they aren't going to have a good time & were just miserable to be with. I've learned to spot those types (at least for the most part) and now when faced with someone like that I don't even bother going through with things because it's awkward & unfun for both of us.

Generally if a gentleman finishes significantly early I'll offer him a discount on his next appointment as long as he returns within a reasonable amount of time (say, 30-60 days depending on how easy it is for him to get away).

I don't do refunds though if the service has already started.
If I am not up to my usually self I will let the person know because they deserve the best I can give.