Why Punctuation Rules Can Matter

gptxman's Avatar
I didn't realize that this site doubles as the dating game. I would certainly look for brains and beauty, along with charm, before deciding on a date.
Give me a country gal who could care less where she inserts punctuation marks, but knows where to insert my manhood, and I am happy. Maybe I need to expand my provider base to include English professors. Maybe then I would get spanked first for improper punctuation when asking for an appointment, and another for improper enunciation while grunting out an orgasm. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
LMFAO... This is exactly the point I was trying to get over with my post above but I love the way you put it much better.

I'm here to fuck, not to go to school and I hope the girl I see is as well.
  • 2long
  • 08-04-2011, 12:33 PM
It actually helps me decide whether the person on the other end of the text, PM, post, or email is illiterate or not.

A $200/hour provider should/will communicate properly. A $120/hour girl is da 1 who txts me lik ths on th fon.
PODarkness's Avatar
All you people who are saying, "Who gives a shit?" are missing the obvious.

If you are here to gather information, or for entertainment, or to advertise, or to change the world, it all comes down to one thing. Communication. How well do you get your point across, and to how many? How well do you understand the subtle details of other peoples point of view?

If 10 people tell you they couldn't read your post, at least another 90 stopped reading, but didn't tell you. At that point you have to ask yourself why you took the time to write it. Why post if you don't care who reads it, or who gets it? There are only two answers. Either you are padding your post count, or you DO care. Nobody takes the time to post if they don't care who or how many read it.

Yes, some people are anal about it and rude about it and somehow at the same time, no better at it than you, but that's not the most important reason you are here. Communication of facts and ideas is.

I suck at spelling, and I type with fat fingers, so I have a spellchecker on at all times. It catches and corrects 95% of my errors. As a result, my spelling is getting worse every year, and my spellchecker is getting smarter. I'm the only one who notices.

If I ever had to write with a pen, it would be virtually unreadable, because along with poor spelling, my penmanship is worse than a doctor's. Thank God I don't write much more than my name on a regular basis, and thank God Steve Jobs is still kicking.

Understand? I hope so. That's why I wrote it.

+1 POD

You eloquently put my feelings into a form I wish I had originally. I obviously can't say it any better. (or as well!)

TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't think anybody objects to spelling, writing, punctuation, or capitalization that is "less than perfect." Perfection is not the standard in question. But basic literacy is the standard that is in question. If it's hard to read, I skip it. My time is too valuable. It's also a fair, but not perfect indicator of the providers level of educational attainment and intelligence (in that order).

As to whether we're looking for a gal who can fuck or who can think clearly and write, my answer to that question is that i presents a false dichotomy. I want both. And frankly, it's not that hard to find. There are gals at $200, $300, and up who have excellent BCD skills and who can communicate well in writing. Why the hell would I accept on who can't do both when one who can is readily available.

I like MSOG. I take a bit of time to recharge. So some moderately intelligent conversation during a back rub in part of the package. I just don't see why that is hard to understand.
cheatercheater's Avatar
POD and TTH, I understand fully what you are saying and agree to why YOU think that way. I just don't understand why some people here take it to extremes and call out the poster for their lack of writing skills. I have heard the bullshit statements of just trying to help the provider to be able to properly express, and sell, herself to a larger clientele base. Are these guys that naive to believe they can educate these women, or in many cases their posting managers, or do they expect me to believe they are truly that giving of themselves?

When I have time for an extended visit I too prefer someone I can talk intelligently with while not actively engaged in sexual activities. But understand the other side of the coin. If I just need to have a fast and furious romp, I don't check the providers posting history to see how well she presents herself through writing skills. I look at the obvious for a body type I like and reviews to see if she does what I like.

Guess we will have to agree to disagree on parts of this one. We all like the same thing in different ways.
pmdelites's Avatar
... Perfection is not the standard in question. But basic literacy is the standard that is in question. If it's hard to read, ... It's also a fair, but not perfect indicator of the providers level of educational attainment and intelligence (in that order).

As to whether we're looking for a gal who can fuck or who can think clearly and write, my answer to that question is that i presents a false dichotomy. I want both. And frankly, it's not that hard to find. There are gals at $200, $300, and up who have excellent BCD skills and who can communicate well in writing. Why the hell would I accept on who can't do both when one who can is readily available.

I like MSOG. I take a bit of time to recharge. So some moderately intelligent conversation during a back rub in part of the package. I just don't see why that is hard to understand. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
very good description of what you look for in some women [maybe all the ones you seek??]
that's very close to my view of the world as well. whether it's pre-consultation, consultation, or post-consultation time, i prefer an engaging conversation to fill in the time.


POD and TTH, I understand fully what you are saying and agree to why YOU think that way. ...

When I have time for an extended visit I too prefer someone I can talk intelligently with while not actively engaged in sexual activities. But understand the other side of the coin. If I just need to have a fast and furious romp, I don't check the providers posting history to see how well she presents herself through writing skills. I look at the obvious for a body type I like and reviews to see if she does what I like.

Guess we will have to agree to disagree on parts of this one. We all like the same thing in different ways. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
there are times when i'm on the same wavelength as cheatercheater - sometimes i just want to get in, get it on, and get out. usually, i head to an amp for that, but there are a few of my favs that i go to for this.

communication is the key - it doesnt have to be perfect, but it has to be coherent and understandable.
PODarkness's Avatar
I just don't understand why some people here take it to extremes and call out the poster for their lack of writing skills. I have heard the bullshit statements of just trying to help the provider to be able to properly express, and sell, herself to a larger clientele base. Are these guys that naive to believe they can educate these women, or in many cases their posting managers, or do they expect me to believe they are truly that giving of themselves? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
I can think of two reasons, neither is very good.

1) I'd guess that most of the "I pOSt diS wAy sO pEpul nO Im frOM tHe hOOd" crowd know more about grammar and sentence structure than they use. Since peer impression is why they type that way, a little pressure from their peers here might get them to rethink their chosen style. It doesn't seem to work, but it cost the posting critic nothing.

2) More likely, IT'S THE INTERNET. Most people act differently toward others when their actions are anonymous, and I don't mean in a good way. I'd guess that most of the punctuation Nazis would not dream of harshly correcting a person for poor grammar if they were in the same room with them. You can live out your fantasies on line, and some people have weird fantasies.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I just don't understand why some people here take it to extremes and call out the poster for their lack of writing skills. I have heard the bullshit statements of just trying to help the provider to be able to properly express, and sell, herself to a larger clientele base. Are these guys that naive to believe they can educate these women, or in many cases their posting managers, or do they expect me to believe they are truly that giving of themselves? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
I don't think anybody is expecting to radically change the education level of a provider. However, when I see a statement like "I doesn't matter how I write," that drives me nuts. Of course it matters. It always matters. The attitude expressed in such a statement is reprehensible or several reasons. First, it is contributing to the decline of our language. Second, if the person is talking about their own writing and believes what he or she says, they are likely holding themselves back through a misguided notion that good writing isn't important. It is important no matter what you do for a living. Finally, it is specifically important to women in this business because it makes them more attractive to a broader range of clients. I take issue with the statement so that perhaps they can open their eyes and take more care in how they write.

I don't expect perfect grammar. I don't expect perfect spelling. Frankly, I don't take enough time to write that way in this informal forum. But I do expect some kind of effort to communicate clearly with some attempt at normal punctuation and sentence structure. Text separated into manageable chunks, preferably through using conventional paragraphing conventions. Nobody need to have the MLA Style Book and the OED by their computer. But a little effort goes a long way. And it will be rewarded financially.
LazurusLong's Avatar
In this thing we call a "hobby", one of the biggest issues that come between a man with a handful of cash and his satisfaction as he spends it, is a lack of proper communication.

On both sides.

He may not be clear on what he wants and when he wants it or HOW he wants it.

She may not write coherent ads, she may use misleading ads with photos that hide things that will hit his off button when she gets undressed for example.

And then throw in the 3rd parties such as screeners/bookers and pimps and reviewers and it is a wonder the paying client has fun sometimes at all.

Proper communication is essential for the smooth flow of any business but even more critical in this one so those knuckleheads who think it doesn't matter need to take a deep breath and go take a spelling, grammar, and punctuation class.
pyramider's Avatar
For those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement...

"Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse."

Is everybody clear on that?
Originally Posted by budrn

This is the right forum for that example.