This Dead Young Man Was Marked From Birth... Did He Have a Real Chance?

not the same thing at all.. I think you are so unemotionally involved you can't even begin to empathize with this guy.. Crosby is a well-known entertainer who seeded a Lesbian, ditched the kid, leaving him with 2 Dykes to raise him. does that not mean a thing to you? think a little bit.. what if that was you?

it is much worse BECAUSE his Mom and Dad are famous. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm really losing your total train of thought here.

Are you suggesting that the siring and raising of children should only be done by those that you or someone "deem" competent of giving a loving and "stable"(so not two Dykes by your own statements) environment.

The kid was raised by rich sycophants in my opinion and sadly never adjusted. So to your OP no real chance.

What's your suggestion to solving that?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Are you suggesting that the siring and raising of children should only be done by those that you or someone "deem" competent of giving a loving and "stable"(so not two Dykes by your own statements) environment. Originally Posted by eccielover
yup.. that's it.

just because you can extract semen out of an Aging Hippie, and blow it into the womb of a Dyke who hates Men, and create a child, does not mean it's okay. this kid never had a chance, like I said.
yup.. that's it.

just because you can extract semen out of an Aging Hippie, and blow it into the womb of a Dyke who hates Men, and create a child, does not mean it's okay. this kid never had a chance, like I said. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So again your suggestion to solving this dilemma?

You seem pretty concerned about it.

I don't recall that many spoke out against this "arrangement".. Crosby's Sire-identity was withheld for years, until he fessed up on 20/20 or some show, he and Etheridge and the Lesbian wife were one big grinning group, proud of their "accomplishment".

now dead at 21.. Opioids. poor guy must have been struggling for an identity.. I can't blame him. he couldn't even answer a simple question like, "who's your parents"?

he has a sister, allegedly conceived the same way.. I wonder what her life is like? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Crosby's sperm donation was rumored shortly after birth. IYRTA, Crosby says he was involved with the kid. You really think the kids didn't know? Gullible.

the Young Man in question was raised AWAY from his semen-offering Father, he grew up in the lap of 2 Lesbians, one of them his Mom. that is the antithesis of luxury to me, and the self-destruction started far after birth, upon which time his direction forward was already marred. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's one of the arguments for not placing kids for adoption to same sex marriages. I'm in some agreement.

totally disagree.. he had NO chance. your background is so far removed, you can't put yourself in his shoes. a drugged, fucked up Aging Hippie Dad, who led a life of drug abuse, a Dyke Mom whose career was largely over after one album of note, when she luckily landed the opening gig to the Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over" Tour, a Mom who lived with and shacked up with her Dyke lover while her son went from infancy through childhood. only someone whose definition of "chance" is making money, would share your POV.. and no, people don't do that all the time.. Crosby's semen donation to a Lesbian is damn near unprecedented. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I've read of lesbian couples who either adopted or had artificial insemination. Whether they were a "celebrity couple."

not the same thing at all.. I think you are so unemotionally involved you can't even begin to empathize with this guy.. Crosby is a well-known entertainer who seeded a Lesbian, ditched the kid, leaving him with 2 Dykes to raise him. does that not mean a thing to you? think a little bit.. what if that was you?

it is much worse BECAUSE his Mom and Dad are famous. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Maybe but let's remember that after David Crosby had his liver transplant he cleaned up.

nope.. stick to peanut butter, you don't understand anything deeper. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What's wrong? Couldn't remember the "I'm rubber you're glue" retort? You protest too much. I'm in agreement with some that this must hit too close to home to you for some reason.
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 04:29 PM
EL- relax - the DPST's have it covered - They will simply outlaw heterosexual sex under Medicare for All to save money on delivery rooms - and mandate that only artificial insemination as approved by the Central Government and Big Brother may create pregnancy.

(deliberate reference to the world of Comrade Xi).
Chung Tran's Avatar
So again your suggestion to solving this dilemma?

You seem pretty concerned about it. Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't have any suggestions. it's amusing that I'm the guy on "the right" on this issue, the rest of you think this seminal-Dyke conception is just fine.. it's the kid's fault he overdosed.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Crosby's sperm donation was rumored shortly after birth. IYRTA, Crosby says he was involved with the kid. You really think the kids didn't know? Gullible.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
of course they knew, Dumb Ass. where did I suggest they didn't? they knew immediately, that is my point, the kid was doomed from birth.
winn dixie's Avatar
chung please put down what youre drinking! take a walk then go to bed early! seems life is taking a toll on you.

btw? lol I thought you were ignoring me?

winn dixie's Avatar
of course they knew, Dumb Ass. where did I suggest they didn't? they knew immediately, that is my point, the kid was doomed from birth. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Please stop with the name calling and rudeness. no need for it! otherwise yous can join your buddies in BAND

I don't have any suggestions. it's amusing that I'm the guy on "the right" on this issue, the rest of you think this seminal-Dyke conception is just fine.. it's the kid's fault he overdosed. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No you are certainly not on the "right" of this issue.

You want to blame his "circumstances" on the issue.

Those of us actually on the "right" want personal responsibility to be discussed. He choose his path as an adult. Don't blame others.

If your goal is to someone denigrate and blame lifestyle choices of his "parents"(what did you call them - Dykes?) then you are not being "right" you are heading alt-right, which in my opinion is as bad as far left.
matchingmole's Avatar
David Crosby got hooked on damn near everything.....good chance it's genetic.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No you are certainly not on the "right" of this issue.

You want to blame his "circumstances" on the issue.

Those of us actually on the "right" want personal responsibility to be discussed. He choose his path. Don't blame others. Originally Posted by eccielover
so you expect a child born to a drug-infested, non-present Father, who leaves you in the hands of 2 Dykes, to simply move on.. got it.

I seem to be the only person who understands that the MOST damage done is BECAUSE his parents are famous. that kid faced ridicule before he could crawl.
so you expect a child born to a drug-infested, non-present Father, who leaves you in the hands of 2 Dykes, to simply move on.. got it.

I seem to be the only person who understands that the MOST damage done is BECAUSE his parents are famous. that kid faced ridicule before he could crawl. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Okay, yeah, I basically agreed he maybe didn't have a chance from birth based on the celebrity family.

I don't have an answer to that without draconian restrictions and infringement of the rights of US citizens.

I keep asking your solution and you don't seem to have one either.

So the point of the thread is the kid was just fucked from birth?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Okay, yeah, I basically agreed he maybe didn't have a chance from birth based on the celebrity family.

I don't have an answer to that without draconian restrictions and infringement of the rights of US citizens.

I keep asking your solution and you don't seem to have one either.

So the point of the thread is the kid was just fucked from birth? Originally Posted by eccielover
yeah, that was my point.. not every thread has to have "problem, discussion, solution". I haven't seen a God Damn thing solved on this Forum ever, surely not looking now.
so you expect a child born to a drug-infested, non-present Father, who leaves you in the hands of 2 Dykes, to simply move on.. got it.

I seem to be the only person who understands that the MOST damage done is BECAUSE his parents are famous. that kid faced ridicule before he could crawl. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Is it because his parents are famous, or because two are famous Dykes, & one is/was a famous drug abuser?

I'm confused because you started with the Dyke/art insem angle, and now you're ending with the "child of celebrities" angle.