China News calls Piglosi a “criminal parasite”!!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ah. Ima dating myself. DaFuq I get it from was when I was first there. That was a few decades ago. Quite a few. Glad I'm able to give you something to really pounce on that is, at this time, correct. So, i'll have to recheck from the time I was there, which *might* be correct for the time as to who had the burden to prove.

Glad to make you correct for a change Originally Posted by Precious_b
...see all you fervent righties, it ain't gonna kill a person to admit a mistake

First thing I pulled up. Just a blog but knowing how crooked the English system can be from when I was there. Originally Posted by Precious_b

do you not think i saw those "opinion" pieces too? that's all they are. opinions. the official policy is "Innocent until proven guilty"

now if Nancy Pants or SuperTrump get charged in North Korea .. you might have something there ..

"Yes, there are countries in which those accused of crimes are guilty until proven innocent such as: North Korea, Myanmar, China and Japan. This is because these countries legislative system believe that the suspects are guilty until and unless they get any evidence against it."

Precious_b's Avatar
do you not think i saw those "opinion" pieces too? that's all they are. opinions. the official policy is "Innocent until proven guilty"

now if Nancy Pants or SuperTrump get charged in North Korea .. you might have something there ..

"Yes, there are countries in which those accused of crimes are guilty until proven innocent such as: North Korea, Myanmar, China and Japan. This is because these countries legislative system believe that the suspects are guilty until and unless they get any evidence against it."

BAAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, Gerry Conlon probably agrees with you on those opinion pieces, eh? He'd probably say they are from bleeding heart liberals.

More than enough has been written about presumption of guilt being exercised when it is suppose to be counter. And England was this way. *THAT* is what I remember. Just ask the bloke I referenced. And there is more than just "opinion" pieces that state such. And not just for England.

If it weren't so, than why ain't Hillary locked up yet?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh. It would be so easy for those conservatives if we had the English jurispurdence (sp) thing here: Guilty until proven Innocent. That'd nail Hillary for sure.

Forget it.
The amount of times donny was taken to court, he'd never have a chance to plead since he is assumed Guilty.

Sorry. Mea Culpa. Originally Posted by Precious_b
you are wrong. in the UK, like America, you are innocent until proven guilty.

"We've all heard the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty'. This is the assumption that underpins criminal proceedings in the UK. Under Article 6 (2) of the Human Rights Act 1988, it is the prosecution's job to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the person on trial is guilty of the offence they stand accused of."

wtf did you get that idea about the UK legal system? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
...see all you fervent righties, it ain't gonna kill a person to admit a mistake

First thing I pulled up. Just a blog but knowing how crooked the English system can be from when I was there. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I think you were prolly right about the british legal system. it was my understanding that it was crooked prior to 1980.

where do you think the 4th & 5th amendments in the u.s. constitution came from? from british abuses in the colonies.

its alot better now than it was in the past.
Precious_b's Avatar
I think you were prolly right about the british legal system. it was my understanding that it was crooked prior to 1980.

where do you think the 4th & 5th amendments in the u.s. constitution came from? from british abuses in the colonies.

its alot better now than it was in the past. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There ain't no question about it.
As the kid said, innocent until proved guilty.
*AND* no presumption of guilt until proved.
That didn't happen to alot of people there.
I only gave an example of one person.