Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive As Trump Faces Criminal Prosecution

As long as you know I’m referring to the likes of you.
lustylad's Avatar
According to prosecutors, Michel could wire the money from Low's account into Obama's campaign without being detected. They also believe he worked with others to persuade the Trump Administration to stop investigating Low. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Typical idiots from the right on this thread like others. There is not even an allegation that the money always actually wired. And even then it says without being detected which means no one in the Obama campaign would have even been aware. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1b1 - You neglected to use the quote button for the first paragraph above. So I fixed it for ya. You're welcome!

Trust me, the Obama campaign would have been very much aware of a $30 million contribution. What they may not have been been able to "detect" is that it was an illegal contribution from a foreign citizen (Low).
As long as you know I’m referring to the likes of you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Do tell and please include your classless insults...you're a self-anointed arrogant know-it-all with a colorful vocabulary.
I love your self righteous indignation.
Thanks for the compliment.
lustylad's Avatar
...you're a self-anointed arrogant know-it-all with a colorful vocabulary. Originally Posted by bb1961

I think we all knew he is self-appointed. Is he self-anointed too?

Well, it is Easter Week.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Only $30M? Trump scams his retarded cult out of a lot more than that all of the time and that's just domestically. Obama should feel embarrassed. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

you think this guy was the only one kissing Obama's ass with money?

Obama’s foreign donors


You should be more concerned about the founder of the Fugees. He is facing 11 criminal counts.

Did Obama receive this money, as your thread title says ? Or did it go to a campaign account ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

illegal money is illegal no matter which pocket Obama put it in

At best this is tabloid journalism with a fake headline.

At worst it is someone parroting it.

Why do people do that ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
Trumptards still butt hurt that a black muslim was a much better president than crybaby cheeto face.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumptards still butt hurt that a black muslim was a much better president than crybaby cheeto face. Originally Posted by royamcr

Obama was a great president. as a Manchurian candidate for the NWO
If you check the various web sites, you'll find more information. DiCaprio was only on the stand for an hour. Low told DiCaprio they were thinking about a 20-30 million dollar contribution. In the charging document, the amount was @$2,000,000

"As the 2012 presidential election approached, DiCaprio told prosecutors he and Low had a "casual conversation" about what party to support and who the actor was backing. Low revealed at that time he and others were set to give $20-30 million in support of the Democratic Party, a "significant sum," DiCaprio said.
The actor said he cut ties with Low around 2015, after his connection to the 1MDB scandal was under scrutiny by investigators.
According to charging documents, Michel and Loware accused of devising a scheme to secretly funnel approximately $2 million into efforts to reelect President Barack Obama in 2012.
It is illegal for foreign money to be used in presidential elections, and prosecutors allege the pair created shell companies and straw donors to distribute Low's wealth to the campaign and outside groups that supported Obama's reelection. The Obama campaign was "duped" and "deceived," prosecutors said, after Michel allegedly lied on disclosure forms, helping Low disguise the donations as legitimate contributions that had come from the U.S.
There is no evidence that any Obama-era officials or DiCaprio were aware of any aspect of the accused crimes."

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you check the various web sites, you'll find more information. DiCaprio was only on the stand for an hour. Low told DiCaprio they were thinking about a 20-30 million dollar contribution. In the charging document, the amount was @$2,000,000

"As the 2012 presidential election approached, DiCaprio told prosecutors he and Low had a "casual conversation" about what party to support and who the actor was backing. Low revealed at that time he and others were set to give $20-30 million in support of the Democratic Party, a "significant sum," DiCaprio said.
The actor said he cut ties with Low around 2015, after his connection to the 1MDB scandal was under scrutiny by investigators.
According to charging documents, Michel and Loware accused of devising a scheme to secretly funnel approximately $2 million into efforts to reelect President Barack Obama in 2012.
It is illegal for foreign money to be used in presidential elections, and prosecutors allege the pair created shell companies and straw donors to distribute Low's wealth to the campaign and outside groups that supported Obama's reelection. The Obama campaign was "duped" and "deceived," prosecutors said, after Michel allegedly lied on disclosure forms, helping Low disguise the donations as legitimate contributions that had come from the U.S.
There is no evidence that any Obama-era officials or DiCaprio were aware of any aspect of the accused crimes."

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/leonard...michels-trial/ Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

how many millions does it take to be an illegal donation munchy?


the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
1b1 - You neglected to use the quote button for the first paragraph above. So I fixed it for ya. You're welcome!

Trust me, the Obama campaign would have been very much aware of a $30 million contribution. What they may not have been been able to "detect" is that it was an illegal contribution from a foreign citizen (Low). Originally Posted by lustylad
I recall their fund raising apparatus had an app that would identify the source of a donation by country. It was found to be "turned off" for much of the 2008 campaign. I imagine that it was accidentally turned off for the 2012 campaign as well.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
remember al gore when he got caught with foreign campaign funds?

he basically blew it off by saying "there is no compelling authority over campaign funds". something like that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What illegal donation are you talking about?
None are proven.
Your post is stupid. Instead of addressing any points in the post, you babbled.

Now you have me curious. You let "munchy" live in your head. It's obvious you're scared shitless of him.
Since his handle is still active, why wouldn't I flatten you using his handle?
Moot point.
I'll search his posts to find out what you're so afraid of.
Since you keep bringing him up and attacking him as me, let's see what the mods say.

how many millions does it take to be an illegal donation munchy?


bahahaha Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid