joe bloe's Avatar
I actually watch Chris Mathews every night at 6. He gives a great perspective on how absolutly moronic the left can be. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Chris Matthews is a drunken buffoon and he has "unnatural" feelings for Obama. Matthews has said that he feels "a thrill running up his leg" when he hears Obama talk.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-13-2012, 01:05 AM
I actually watch Chris Mathews every night at 6. He gives a great perspective on how absolutly moronic the left can be. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Chris Mathews is a fucking closet clown, he got butt fucked by Clinton and loved it, now he wants the same from obaminable. Motherfucker couldn't find the truth if it bit him in his bung holed ass.... I truly believe he was, and is still jealous of Lewinsky....LMAO
I held my nose and voted for MSNBC not because I actually believed they are the most fair and balanced but only to show the right wing nuts how foolish they were by voting for FAUX. The only real difference between MSNBC and FAUX would be that one caters to far right wing extremists and the other caters to far left wing extremists.

Speaking of far right wing extremists, did anyone other than me recognize that Whirly thought he was being slick by giving 5 different options? He knew full well his fellow wing-nuts would all vote for FAUX. Thus, it would lend the outward appearance that FAUX would be the overwhelming choice of the masses! Some individuals call that trick "sleight of hand." I call it Whirly being an extremely biased partisan hack! LMAO

It really does not matter which station is doing the talking. They are all guilty of telling you exactly what they want you to hear. Nothing more, nothing less!

Missy is correct, the answer is "None"
joe bloe's Avatar
I held my nose and voted for MSNBC not because I actually believed they are the most fair and balanced but only to show the right wing nuts how foolish they were by voting for FAUX. The only real difference between MSNBC and FAUX would be that one caters to far right wing extremists and the other caters to far left wing extremists.

Speaking of far right wing extremists, did anyone other than me recognize that Whirly thought he was being slick by giving 5 different options? He knew full well his fellow wing-nuts would all vote for FAUX. Thus, it would lend the outward appearance that FAUX would be the overwhelming choice of the masses! Some individuals call that trick "sleight of hand." I call it Whirly being an extremely biased partisan hack! LMAO

It really does not matter which station is doing the talking. They are all guilty of telling you exactly what they want you to hear. Nothing more, nothing less!

Missy is correct, the answer is "None" Originally Posted by bigtex
In the cable news business, Fox News is the "overwhelming choice" of the masses and that's not based on outward appearance or sleight of hand. Fox humiliates CNN and MSNBC in ratings. Fox News' audience is larger than CNN and MSNBC combined. The top thirteen shows in cable news are all Fox News programs. The competition doesn't even show up until number fourteen (Rachel Madcow). Bill O'Reilly's 11:00 PM rerun show even beats all of the first run shows for CNN and MSNBC. Ted Turner must be suicidal, watching CNN being embarrased by Fox News year after year in a business he essentially invented.

The top thirteen cable news shows:

1) The O'Reilly Factor
2) Hannity
3) Special Report with Bret Baier
4) Fox Report with Shepherd Smith
5) The Five
6) On the Record with Greta van Susteren
7) Your World with Neil Cavuto
8) America's Newsroom
9) America Live
10) The O'Reilly Factor (11:00 Repeat)
11) Studio B
12) Happening Now
13) Fox and Friends

Fox News has been number one in cable new ratings for over ten years.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 09:22 AM
In the cable news business, Fox News is the "overwhelming choice" of the masses and that's not based on outward appearance or sleight of hand. Originally Posted by joe bloe
But in the news business, FOX garners barely a blip.

CBS NBC and ABC evening news (all part of the big bad liberal media) have over 20 million viewers combined. FOX is lucky to get 2.5 million.

On Sunday mornings, FOX News Sunday lags behind Meet The Press, Face The Nation, and This Week.

So what's that you were saying about the overwhelming choice of the masses?
Viewers who pay for their TV overwhelmingly reject the liberal channels and programming in favor of Fox Cable News.
Isn't fox part of that English bloke's empire who is having a bit of trouble with wire taps??
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-13-2012, 10:26 AM
Viewers who pay for their TV overwhelmingly reject the liberal channels and programming in favor of Fox Cable News. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They only have one conservative choice. They have maNY liberal choices. I thought you guys were for competition? if there were other Choices for fox veiwers, fox would have less viewerd. Not sure why yall have so much trouble with that vslid point. Libetal leaning stations split up their viewers. They have more choice than the fox news viewers
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 10:59 AM
Viewers who pay for their TV overwhelmingly reject the liberal channels and programming in favor of Fox Cable News. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I guess it wouldn't surprise me if you were actually serious with that line of argument.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Each of the networks offer hard news and most of the time they present the story straight. Shep Smith on Fox probably is the best b/c he plays both right and left rather well. Brett Baier's show is absolute must see news commentary show. He has a panel every night for about 20 minutes to debate 2 or 3 of the days top stories. His panel covers a wide spectrum of views and everyone gets balanced time. To be honest, the panel was even better when Britt Hume hosted the show. His panel had 3 easily identifiable POVs-- Mara Liasson was the liberal; Mort Kondracke was the moderate and Fred Barnes was the conservative. As for election coverage, Fox kills the others. They have the best non-partisan election/voter analysis guy in the country-- Michael Barone. He knows precinct after precinct. He told everyone in 2004 that Bush would win Ohio based on where election results had not yet come in. My degree is in Poli-Sci, so I can spot a poser or hack. Barone is the real deal.
The IDIOTS who believe Fox "News" continue to lead the nation in the most unintelligent and uninformed viewers! Sources abound that prove the comparative and relative stupidity of Fox viewers.


"Eight years ago, just six months into the war in Iraq, the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland found that those who relied on the Republican network were “three times more likely than the next nearest network to hold all three misperceptions — about WMD in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was involved with 9/11, and foreign support for the U.S. position on the war in Iraq.”

As Ben Armbruster noted a while back, “An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll out [in 2009] found that Fox News viewers were overwhelmingly misinformed about health care reform proposals. A 2008 Pew study ranked Fox News last in the number of ‘high knowledge’ viewers and a 2007 Pew poll ranked Fox viewers as the least knowledgeable about national and international affairs.”

A far more detailed account of poll results:


The sad case is that those who watch Fox are so ignorant or bigoted that they either don't catch the lies or they prefer to go along with them.
But in the news business, FOX garners barely a blip.

CBS NBC and ABC evening news (all part of the big bad liberal media) have over 20 million viewers combined. FOX is lucky to get 2.5 million.

On Sunday mornings, FOX News Sunday lags behind Meet The Press, Face The Nation, and This Week.

So what's that you were saying about the overwhelming choice of the masses? Originally Posted by Doove
We'll see no answers from the Fox parrots. They have already proven they cannot distinguish between a Teapublican News Spin Agency and a real news network.
rodog44's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Each of the networks offer hard news and most of the time they present the story straight. Shep Smith on Fox probably is the best b/c he plays both right and left rather well. Brett Baier's show is absolute must see news commentary show. He has a panel every night for about 20 minutes to debate 2 or 3 of the days top stories. His panel covers a wide spectrum of views and everyone gets balanced time. To be honest, the panel was even better when Britt Hume hosted the show. His panel had 3 easily identifiable POVs-- Mara Liasson was the liberal; Mort Kondracke was the moderate and Fred Barnes was the conservative. As for election coverage, Fox kills the others. They have the best non-partisan election/voter analysis guy in the country-- Michael Barone. He knows precinct after precinct. He told everyone in 2004 that Bush would win Ohio based on where election results had not yet come in. My degree is in Poli-Sci, so I can spot a poser or hack. Barone is the real deal. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Even when main stream media covers a story fairly, they still deliver biased coverage because of the stories they don't cover. I think that's called deception by omission. That's why witnesses in a court of law have to swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth. If you leave out something that's relevant, it's the same thing as lying.

It's disgusting watching panel discussions on MSM. They'll typically have a panel of four people with three of them being left wingers and one lonely right winger; the host, will of course, be a left winger. Usually the left wing panelists pretend to be non-partisan while advocating every leftist view. The one conservative on the panel is always known for being conservative; they do everything but hang a sign around his neck. By doing panel discussions in this manner, they create the impression that liberalism is the consensus view and that the conservative must be some sort of crackpot. You will NEVER, NEVER see a MSM panel discussion with a majority of conservatives or even a 50/50 balance.

Main stream media lies and they've doing for decades.
The media giants like to claim their reporters to be "professionals"; but it is one of the few professions that doesn't have a code of ethics, doesn't censure it's own members, and doesn't have any accountability to fellow reporters!

Unlike Accounting, Medicine, Law, etc.

It isn't a profession; it's a hustle ! And the anchors at NBC, CBS, ABC are pimping.