Trumps timeline on Coronavirus

Chung Tran's Avatar
so you claim Trump should have banned travel from China immediately right? when they reported to the WHO on Dec 31st? the next week? he waited just under a month to see what this looked like. if he acted 2 weeks earlier the left would say he's overreacting. you say he should have done what? as soon as the Chinese reported to the WHO in Dec 31st, what next? immediate travel ban to China? what else? social distancing? curfews and mandatory non-essential business shutdown?

what would prez Chungster do??

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ban flights from China January 6.. Social distancing beginning January 20.

do that and businesses would have stayed alive.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2020, 08:10 PM
is there a reason for the high failure rate? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You might take a look at this, it probably answers that question,

I read elsewhere that in general only 35% of people who go on ventilators die, so Covid 19 must be some nasty stuff.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Jan 03: Trump informed of coronavirus
Jan 04: Golf
Jan 05: Golf
Jan 09: Rally
Jan 14: Rally
Jan 18: Golf
Jan 19: Golf
Jan 21: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China."
Jan 28: Rally
Jan 30: Rally
JAN 31: PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY DECLARED under the Public Health Service Act.
Feb 01: Golf
Feb 02: Golf
Feb 10: Rally
Feb 15: Golf
Feb 19: Rally
Feb 20: Rally
Feb 21: Rally
Feb 26: "And the 15 in a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero."
Feb 28: "Coronavirus. This is the 'new hoax'... You'll be fine."
Mar 02: "They're going to have vaccines very soon."
Mar 03: "Not only the vaccines, but the therapies... another word for cure."
Mar 04: "We're talking about very small numbers in the United States."
March 6: “Anybody… that needs a test gets a test. They’re... beautiful."
Mar 07: Golf
Mar 08: Golf
Mar 10: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen."
Mar 12: "It's gonna go away."
MAR 13: NATIONAL EMERGENCY DECLARED under National Emergencies Act and Stafford Act
Mar 13: "No, I don't take responsibility at all."
Mar 16: "We have a problem that a month ago nobody ever thought about."
Mar 17: "I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."

Reporter: "What do you say to millions of Americans who are scared?"
Trump: "I say you're a terrible reporter." Originally Posted by FrankZappa


I'm ok with Trump golfing or doing rallies. Obama did it too (except for the rallies, did expensive fund raising dinner dates.) so that's that.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
well. that really shows how much tds you have in you.

you couldn't be bothered to mention he declared health emergencies in January and march and shut down flights from china in January . Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
What was more important and you chucklenuts can’t grasp is that in order to get the looming pandemic under control.

It took TESTING ...TESTING..... Testing everyone not just folks with symptoms
No testing kits though. Trump couldn’t be bothered. Too busy dismantling the CDC. Saved $1Bn there but his incompetence will cost the country $$$$$$ trillions.
No wonder he went bankrupt 6 times.

Just like South Korea did...TESTING.. The first case in that country was disclosed on the same day as here. They tested 10000 per DAY and so far less than 200 deaths
And the US? Zippo. Nada ..tested zero....number of deaths 9,600 ytd and rising.

Even today in my home city in TEXAS I still can’t get tested.
So cut your defending of this clueless bozo

We don’t buy your bullshit. It’s YOU that’s clueless. Brainwashed and stupid.
Trump has BLOOD on his hands.
And all he does is brag how wonderful he is, on Facebook #1
Big fucking deal.. even Dr Fauci has said the US early response was a failure
Next week, the death toll will explode by all accounts
So what’s Dr Doolittle gonna fucking golf ?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
you guys keep deflecting.. the fact that Trump declared an emergency in late February, and stopped China flights late January, only proves how fucked up his response has been. he trolled Democratic Primaries with his rallies, exposing many to the virus.. why don't you respond to the cited quotes? you won't, because they make your King look like a Fool.

reconcile this, Trump Devotees.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Trump declared a health emergency in late January and a half to China travel which took effect on 2 February. The democrats were returning from vacation to vote on failed impeachment on 5 February. I thought you understood this Tran.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What was more important and you chucklenuts can’t grasp is that in order to get the looming pandemic under control.

It took TESTING ...TESTING..... Testing everyone not just folks with symptoms
No testing kits though. Trump couldn’t be bothered. Too busy dismantling the CDC. Saved $1Bn there but his incompetence will cost the country $$$$$$ trillions.
No wonder he went bankrupt 6 times.

Just like South Korea did...TESTING.. The first case in that country was disclosed on the same day as here. They tested 10000 per DAY and so far less than 200 deaths
And the US? Zippo. Nada ..tested zero....number of deaths 9,600 ytd and rising.

Even today in my home city in TEXAS I still can’t get tested.
So cut your defending of this clueless bozo

We don’t buy your bullshit. It’s YOU that’s clueless. Brainwashed and stupid.
Trump has BLOOD on his hands.
And all he does is brag how wonderful he is, on Facebook #1
Big fucking deal.. even Dr Fauci has said the US early response was a failure
Next week, the death toll will explode by all accounts
So what’s Dr Doolittle gonna fucking golf ? Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
He didn't dismantle the CDC. That's a democrat lie to provide cover for the man really cut funding; Barack Obama.
FrankZappa's Avatar
All of the right wingers say that Trump prevented cases from shutting down flights from China. This is laughable at best. We now have 4 times as many cases as China. The second point about declaring a national emergency is even dumber considering he was laughing about the virus the whole time.

Trump supporters in the meantime were comparing the coronavirus to the flu and hanging out in large numbers. If you read Trump statements on it, he blamed the press for the virus, and said it was a democratic hoax. He then blamed the Chinese. I know that most Trump supporters only listen to Fox News and Breitbart that just preach 24 hours a day what a great job Trump is doing even when he is not.

It is real simple, look at the countries like S Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore and they took it very seriously. They tested the fuck out of everyone and quarantined people. Trump and the Republican party laughed about it and let this virus spread to every city in America. The Fox News conservative lie machine put out so much bad information that they let this spread around the whole country. They were telling people to go out to eat and spend money. Dan Patrick the Texas Lieutenant Governor even said that the old should sacrifice their lives for the economy. Devin Nunes was telling people to go out to eat and buy stuff a few weeks ago.

When the President parrots lies that he hears on Fox News and says that in rallies and on TV that this is like the flu or that people are recovering as fast as they are getting it, calls it a Democratic Hoax this is where the problem lies. I argued locally with all of my Republican friends that didn't and still don't believe that this is bad shit.

The golf course in my neighborhood is full of old retired men that are not practicing social distancing. They are out on the golf course and having big parties all over the subdivision.

Trump was so incompetent , he didn't even order masks or do anything until it was too late. His ineptitude will put us in a major recession if not depression.
FrankZappa's Avatar
He didn't dismantle the CDC. That's a democrat lie to provide cover for the man really cut funding; Barack Obama. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Obviously, you should try reading other news sources instead of Breitbart and Newsmax.

WASHINGTON -- Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus "came out of nowhere" and “blindsided the world.”

They've been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration's decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

“It would be nice if the office was still there,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Health, told Congress this week. “I wouldn't necessarily characterize it as a mistake (to eliminate the unit). I would say we worked very well with that office.”

The NSC directorate for global health and security and bio-defense survived the transition from President Barack Obama to Trump in 2017.

Trump's elimination of the office suggested, along with his proposed budget cuts for the CDC, that he did not see the threat of pandemics in the same way that many experts in the field did.

“One year later I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like COVID-19,” Beth Cameron, the first director of the unit, wrote in an op-ed Friday in The Washington Post.

She said the directorate was set up to be the “smoke alarm" and get ahead of emergencies and sound a warning at the earliest sign of fire — "all with the goal of avoiding a six-alarm fire."

It's impossible to assess the impact of the 2018 decision to disband the unit, she said. Cameron noted that biological experts remain at the White House, but she says it's clear that eliminating the office contributed to what she called a “sluggish domestic response.” She said that shortly before Trump took office, the unit was watching a rising number of cases in China of a deadly strain of the flu and a yellow fever outbreak in Angola.

“It's unclear whether the decision to disband the directorate, which was made in May 2018, after John Bolton became national security adviser, was a tactical move to downgrade the issue or whether it was part of the White House's interest in simplifying and shrinking the National Security Council staff," Cameron says.

The NSC during the Obama administration grew to about 250 professionals, according to Trump's current national security adviser, Robert O'Brien. The staff has been cut to about 110 or 115 staffers, he said.

When Trump was asked on Friday whether closing the NSC global health unit slowed the U.S. response, the president called it a “nasty” question because his administration had acted quickly and saved lives.

“I don't know anything about it,” Trump said.

Earlier, when asked about it, he said: “This is something that you can never really think is going to happen."

On Saturday, John Bolton, a former Trump national security adviser, dismissed claims that “streamlining NSC structures impaired our nation's bio defense are false.'' In a tweet, he said global health "remained a top NSC priority, and its expert team was critical to effectively handling the 2018-19 Africa Ebola crisis. The angry Left just can't stop attacking, even in a crisis.''

For many years, the national intelligence director's worldwide threat assessment has warned that a flu pandemic or other large-scale outbreak of a contagious disease could lead to massive rates of death and disability that would severely affect the world economy. Public health experts have been blowing whistles too.

Back in mid-2018, Fauci told Congress: “When you have a respiratory virus that can be spread by droplets and aerosol and ... there's a degree of morbidity associated with that, you can have a catastrophe. ... The one that we always talk about is the 1918 pandemic, which killed between 50 and 100 million people. ... Influenza first, or something like influenza, is the one that keeps me up at night.”

The White House says the NSC remains involved in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

A senior administration official said Friday that the NSC's global health
FrankZappa's Avatar

I'm ok with Trump golfing or doing rallies. Obama did it too (except for the rallies, did expensive fund raising dinner dates.) so that's that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LOL, Dilbert tell me of the lives that were saved because Trump banned flights from China. It didn't do any good, the pandemic was here and he let it spread through his and your lies about it. He declared a national emergency but didn't order test kits until recently. He went on for several months saying this was a hoax , he didn't order ventilators or hospital supplies when we had a jump of about 2 months on the virus reaching the U.S. , He wanted people to go back to work this week! The White House and Trump never took this serious because they don't listen to scientists or doctors . I am sure in the hell , not a doctor or a scientist but I could have told you that it was going to hit here hard by just listening to the experts and not believing politicians.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Trump declared a health emergency in late January and a half to China travel which took effect on 2 February. The democrats were returning from vacation to vote on failed impeachment on 5 February. I thought you understood this Tran. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
LOL, You cut and pasted an article that just showed the Trump administrations failing in being able to put together any policy. Cutting flights from China did little to contain the virus, we have millions of cases here but people aren't being tested. We has 337,000 confirmed cases but those are just from people showing symptons or from first responders. Trump and people like you spread lies about the virus, laughed about it and said it was the liberal media hyping this up, or that it was a Democratic Hoax.

I am not sure why you posted this article it just shows the ineptitude of the Trumpsters.
  • oeb11
  • 04-06-2020, 08:54 AM
is that a word? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Thanks - DF

It is - "retrospectoscope"

I missed my mis-spelling. Concept is valid.
  • oeb11
  • 04-06-2020, 08:58 AM
FZ is having another meltdown.

Perhaps we could used the Fascist DPST's' "meltdowns" - require they be hooked up to a heat sink to scavenge the heat they create and add it to the energy generation for the nation.

Could save tons of carbon fuels burned - something the Fascist DPST's supposedly advocate!!!

And - keep their foolish fingers away from the keyboard spreading fascist propaganda for a bit.
FrankZappa's Avatar
FZ is having another meltdown.

Perhaps we could used the Fascist DPST's' "meltdowns" - require they be hooked up to a heat sink to scavenge the heat they create and add it to the energy generation for the nation.

Could save tons of carbon fuels burned - something the Fascist DPST's supposedly advocate!!!

And - keep their foolish fingers away from the keyboard spreading fascist propaganda for a bit. Originally Posted by oeb11
Meltdown my ass. Tell me where I said something that is not true. Please, I am waiting.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Meltdown = Copy/Pasting a bunch of ridiculous, anti-President Trump propaganda.
HedonistForever's Avatar

That's astounding that 80% who go on ventilators die. Apparently the percentage was much higher in China. Originally Posted by Tiny

And if you are in your 70's ( me ) or 80's, fahgettaboutit unless of course that is how you want to end your life in an induced coma, in a hospital, hooked up to a machine that you will never come off of alive, no thanks.

And please, can we stop this "this is what happened in China crap"? We have no earthly idea how many people were infected and died in China, none. While we should not suspend all trade with China, we should start back manufacturing anything necessary to our national security and health. EVERYTHING.

The entire free world should take this time to rethink how we are empowering China to our detriment. Wake up leaders of America. Listen to Tom Cotton and take heed, the man knows what he is talking about.