Professional Photographer - Houston

Adonis's Avatar

you NEVER own the photos. the photographer always owns them, but he/she will grant you license to USE them. that agreement may also stipulate that no one, including the photographer, can use them for any other promotional purposes. again, this should be an up front, mutual agreement. Originally Posted by john_deere
I actually dug up the Supreme Court decision that settled the copyright / ownership of photos and then found a nicely written synopsis from Kodak that I sent her in PM yesterday.
john_deere's Avatar
I actually dug up the Supreme Court decision that settled the copyright / ownership of photos and then found a nicely written synopsis from Kodak that I sent her in PM yesterday. Originally Posted by Adonis
yep. it's just basic copyright law. whether it's a song, a painting, or a photo, the creator is the owner for all time and purposes.


without a model release, he cannot legally use them in public advertising.

and without a license agreement, she has no claim on the images either.

they're essentially useless. at least in the real world, where people actually sign agreements. in the underworld, on the other hand...
DDBD Photography's Avatar
Happy new year bro john. How's life on your end. /end thread jack.

I am going to post a primer for showcase photoshoots and working with providers. Too many come along and think this is like working with models and its often the furthest thing from it. John_deere once its posted feel free to add to it if needed.
john_deere's Avatar
Happy new year bro john. How's life on your end. /end thread jack.

I am going to post a primer for showcase photoshoots and working with providers. Too many come along and think this is like working with models and its often the furthest thing from it. John_deere once its posted feel free to add to it if needed. Originally Posted by DDBD Photography
it's a great idea, especially coming from you.

with the rash of photard drama lately, i've been thinking of doing the same thing.
DDBD Photography's Avatar
it's a great idea, especially coming from you.

with the rash of photard drama lately, i've been thinking of doing the same thing. Originally Posted by john_deere
Thanks brother. I've been thinking about it for a while but have been too busy but this is just one more example of why we need it.