
Snowden is a whistleblower................. ......a whistleblower who Obama doesn't want back in this country....a whistleblower whom Obama wouldn't dare put on trial.

Obama let Snowden get away............FACT JACK !

The Hillary Clinton state department fucked up the Hong Kong extradition paperwork .....on purpose while Hong Kong was holding Snowden for extradition !
Snowden is a whistleblower................. ......a whistleblower who Obama doesn't want back in this country....a whistleblower whom Obama wouldn't dare put on trial.

Obama let Snowden get away............FACT JACK !

The Hillary Clinton state department fucked up the Hong Kong extradition paperwork .....on purpose while Hong Kong was holding Snowden for extradition ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh shit I gotta do this before JD and COG get to!!!

He is not a whistle blower. He followed none of the steps a WB would/should have. He ran off to Russia, which now seems to be the RWWs favorite Family Values country, and oxidation grave damage to the U.S. Not the libs or cons, but the country. That is and never was what whistle blowing was about. He is of the same ilk as Benedict Arnold and did more harm.. Originally Posted by Old-T
If Snowden isn't a Whistleblower then he would be a spy. Snowden admits to be trained as a spy for the CIA and NSA, but at the time he leaked this information was he in the capacity of a spy? Nothing leads me to believe he was. I would think a spy would have to be on a mission with a specific objective and be working for a Government. The information a spy would gather would be done in a covert manner without the spy's identity ever being discovered. Snowden freely disclosed his identity and his findings of NSA surveillance on American citizens. That's more like a whistleblower than a spy.

Spy for us or them?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Snowden revealed lies the government has been telling us. He uncovered government secrets that had no business being secret. He hasn't revealed secrets to our enemies. He did this because he believed the American needed to know what our government was doing. He was/is right. He is a patriot, and his story a profile in courage.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Snowden revealed lies the government has been telling us. He uncovered government secrets that had no business being secret. He hasn't revealed secrets to our enemies. He did this because he believed the American needed to know what our government was doing. He was/is right. He is a patriot, and his story a profile in courage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's a rogue. In previous administrations you'd have screamed for his execution.

Snowden isn't the problem. Assholes like YOU are!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Which previous administration would I give a pass to for lying, and demand retribution against a person who exposed their corruption? Come on, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014, name them.
DangedDragon's Avatar
See...It just isn't true. The pure-heart Snowden claims he is not a spy...

Times - Eric Snowden Denies Being Russian Spy

I think the bottom line is, he could have been a true whistle-blower by going to US newspapers first, making he allegations public, and then requesting a meeting with House of Representative members to discuss his discoveries in a public arena.

Choosing to run immediately to other countries makes him a fugitive...not a hero. Standing up for what he believed FROM THE USA, would have potentially made him a hero.
Hmmm . . . Snowden revealed lies the government has been telling us. He uncovered government secrets that had no business being secret. He hasn't revealed secrets to our enemies. He did this because he believed the American needed to know what our government was doing. He was/is right. He is a patriot, and his story a profile in courage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Iam a bit puzzled why so many people regard Snowden as a traitor, or someone out to harm the National Security of America. In essence what this guy really did was give the American citizen the heads up that the NSA was indeed looking into a part of our lives that we would ordinarily regard as private. In other words Snowden saw activity that was in violation of our Fourth Amendment rights. If the Government agency NSA came to a person's house and demanded to see their phone records, email accounts, Bank Account statements, access to their computer to see what kind of activity they engaged in online, all without a warrant, Probable Cause or the written consent of the citizen. I wonder how many people would go for that degree of invasion to our Fourth Amendment rights, that is what was essentially taking place. Now he did betray the NSA in a sense but that was only because of what he discovered.

Snowden revealed nothing to the public; the revelations were willingly published (and vetted) by the NYTs, the WAPO, the AP, NBC News and other reputable news organizations.

I am glad that the public knows about the invasive NSA programs....the "Snowden Secrets" have made us a better democracy....hopefully, his actions will rollback more of the data collection that is going on in our lives (from both the government and corporate America).

Snowden is a patriotic whistleblower; he deserves to return to this country and NOT face criminal prosecution.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Which is worse, our own government spying on private citizens, gathering personal information that is private, and being exposed for it or telling the terrorists what they already knew.
The Snowden interview was fascinating; I think it went along way towards rehabilitating Snowden...............

Did anyone watch the post interview internet follow up discussions at ?

My takeaway: Snowden would have preferred to stay in the US and get whistleblower status, but our espionage laws prevented that. The Snowden revelations have been a net positive for our democracy. He should get a presidential pardon/commutation.
boardman's Avatar
He says he tried to go through official channels before leaking information but met dead ends. Among the people he contacted, Snowden siad, was the NSA's general counsel office.
"I reported that there were real problems with the way the NSA was interpreting its legal authorities," Snowden said. "And the response, more or less, in bureaucratic language was, 'you should stop asking questions.'"
LexusLover's Avatar
"And the response, more or less, in bureaucratic language was, 'you should stop asking questions.'" Originally Posted by boardman
Is that like ... STFU?
LexusLover's Avatar
Sense, please?

You don't make any, LLIdiot! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't say it ... John Kerry did. (Please see quote).

Be careful. BigTits will jump all over you for criticizing his military hero.