Are there any bisexual transsexual females?

Clitlicker.... A man after my heart, belladonna ranks up there in my top 3 favorite porn stars.... I'm gonna go look for that link, feeling frisky!
I agree 90% with EW... my 10% reservation is that a TS could be a trail head down a path that leads to man on man encounters.

However, I agree 100% with the premise that a "gay" man would not be attracted to womanly features. If a gay man wants a cock, he will have no problem finding one attached to a "mans" body.

So, if your a guy that is secretly attracted to a TS's, don't worry. You are straight as an arrow and there is a 90% chance the you never bump nasties with a hairy guy

Trenchant observation as always, EW!

I hadn't thought about whether gay men see TS women or not. I guess it makes sense that if they are attracted to male body types, that they might not be attracted to XY females.

Do others on here agree with EW's interesting opinion that seeing TS women is a straight thing?

Do men who see TS women also typically play with genetic women?

Isn't sexuality fun and interesting??? Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
Aside from the penis, we are 100% feminine. Bi maybe, but why label it at all, just have fun! Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
I agree Krysti, less labels more playtime!
the pragmatist's Avatar
I'm puzzled. And with no intent whatsoever of perpetuating offensive stereotypes, I really don't understand the concept of "transexual female". Is that a female who would present herself as more "male" or "butch" (no offense intended!!!)?
spice-is-nice's Avatar
These terms associated with transsexual folks can be a little confusing, especially when one tries to describe sexual orientation of a trans person. There is argument whether transsexual or transgender is the correct term, or how they are defined. I'm not sure I fully understand the nuances, or even what the majority of the trans community thinks in this regard.

When I used the term transsexual female at the start of this thread, I meant a male-to-female transsexual. More specifically I was asking about male-to-female transsexual who still has a fully functional penis. Further I was inquiring if there are any such individuals who are bi-sexual, i.e., that they enjoy sexual relations with both men and women. I have not been with a man or a male-to-female transsexual, but it is something I am curious about, as is a female provider I know, who would very much like to set up such a 3some.

I do like anal play on me and on my partner, whether fingers, tongues, toys, or strap-ons, but I am not attracted to male body types (more's the pity perhaps). If I were to see someone either 1:1 or as part of a MFT 3some, she would need to be intelligent, low drama, safe, very feminine, and with a fully functional penis. I may be asking too much, but that's what I would need to seriously consider acting out these fantasies.
I'm puzzled. And with no intent whatsoever of perpetuating offensive stereotypes, I really don't understand the concept of "transexual female". Is that a female who would present herself as more "male" or "butch" (no offense intended!!!)? Originally Posted by the pragmatist
when speaking to or about a trans person, it is correct and respectful to address them as their portrayed gender, such as a male to female, is a born male becoming a woman, thus female transsexual or female transgender. And the same vice versa, a woman becoming a man, is a male transsexual or male transgender.

as for the difference between transgender and transsexual, transgender is a broader term used to encompass all trans people within their own specific classifications...

transsexual - a person whose mental state is different from their physical state at birth, and that ALSO takes permanent physical changes that they live with daily and as who they are

crossdresser - a male or female that dresses as the other sex for sexual pleasure only, theses individuals greatly vary from transsexuals due to the fact its for arousal only and just for that, also known as a transvestite

there are several other branches but those are the most determinant of the classifications, here is a link for anyone that would like to further their own education on this
Just from my experience, I have a hard time with anything other than using the word transgender. Cross-dresser and transsexual just feel like they have so many negative connotations, stereotypes, and jokes associated with them. At work it is strictly just "transgender" 'm2f' or 'f2m' depending...I think most of our clients prefer that. We do a decent amount of hormone replacement therapy, so maybe I just see a lot more folks dedicated to their transition? Or maybe a more medical feel with an actual diagnosis makes it more 'official'?

Interesting topic.
lizardking's Avatar
I agree 90% with EW... my 10% reservation is that a TS could be a trail head down a path that leads to man on man encounters. Originally Posted by DallasPlanoGuy

So, you're saying a tranny cock is a gateway cock? (Or should that be gay-teway cock?)

I'm sure it's a slippery slope, especially with all that lube.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
So, you're saying a tranny cock is a gateway cock? (Or should that be gay-teway cock?)

I'm sure it's a slippery slope, especially with all that lube. Originally Posted by lizardking
Smart ass!

One thing that I've noticed, personally, is men who like to dress up generally are heterosexual for the most part, or sometimes, heteroflexible . They might like to have dealings with a penis, smile, but that's not their general direction.

Of course, this is a huge generalization!

I do know that some female transexuals often have problems with erections. Possibly do to medications? I'm not sure.

But I'm with Spice, part of My fantasy is her having a hard dick. Period. (I'm so obviously biased with that desire, aren't I?)
Smart ass!

One thing that I've noticed, personally, is men who like to dress up generally are heterosexual for the most part, or sometimes, heteroflexible . They might like to have dealings with a penis, smile, but that's not their general direction.

Of course, this is a huge generalization!

I do know that some female transexuals often have problems with erections. Possibly do to medications? I'm not sure.

But I'm with Spice, part of My fantasy is her having a hard dick. Period. (I'm so obviously biased with that desire, aren't I?) Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
yes, it is due to the amount of hormones we take. Presently I am on a reduced dose, so I get fully erect, they also cause loss of sensitivity and loss of ejaculate. On my full dose I do still orgasm, but its not as fullfilling
Willen's Avatar
Lokk, talk is cheap. I've never been with a TS, so who am I to boast. But, if you think you are willing to play in a 3-sum, (and I mean PLAY in a 3-sum) what's the problem?

Look, it comes down to this. Just because we're will(en)/interested in doing "X"), doesn't say anything about our enjoyment of "Y" ("Y" being defined as something more vanilla.)

That having been said, be aware of potential costs. I had an SA provider, whom I seen repeatedly, including at the very outset of her hobby life, drop me when she read I'd been in an MFM scene (assumimg there was MM contact.)

Since then I've done stuff betond the 'norm' for our hobby world. After that, I've done, and completely enjoyed, scenes I'm sure almost no one on the board would object to.

"Vive la differance", say I. [I.e. Do your own thing, baby."]
Lokk, talk is cheap. I've never been with a TS, so who am I to boast. But, if you think you are willing to play in a 3-sum, (and I mean PLAY in a 3-sum) what's the problem?

Look, it comes down to this. Just because we're will(en)/interested in doing "X"), doesn't say anything about our enjoyment of "Y" ("Y" being defined as something more vanilla.)

That having been said, be aware of potential costs. I had an SA provider, whom I seen repeatedly, including at the very outset of her hobby life, drop me when she read I'd been in an MFM scene (assumimg there was MM contact.)

Since then I've done stuff betond the 'norm' for our hobby world. After that, I've done, and completely enjoyed, scenes I'm sure almost no one on the board would object to.

"Vive la differance", say I. [I.e. Do your own thing, baby."] Originally Posted by Willen
I think ANYONE with that kind of biased attitude is in the WRONG line of work honestly, I mean seriously, not only does that attitude loose u potential clients, it also shows how closed minded u are, what kind of "hobbyist" wants to be judged for their desires.....
DallasRain's Avatar
I still wanna do doubles with a TS!
lemmie know when your up here hun, i have several regulars that want me with another girl 0x0
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've not met any personally but i've come across the ads/sites of a few who would play with men & women.